The Death Knell

Chapter 4853 Direct tribute

Hoarfrost is actually a general term for a large category of natural phenomena, like endless cold wind or heavy snow that never stops.

Freezing fog, cold wind, cold rain, blizzards, hail, etc. are all phenomena that will appear together with hoarfrost. They will absorb the heat of a world until the world completely turns into a dead ice ball.

The final effect was one of calm, everything was shrouded in white frost and fell into deathly silence.

But the elves have coexisted with hoarfrost for hundreds of years, and their scholars have never stopped studying this phenomenon. It is impossible to get rid of hoarfrost. People cannot compete with nature, but using the power of nature, It is a relatively traditional and effective method.

Just like people will build dams to change the direction of rivers, using water to irrigate farmland or nourish villages.

Hoarfrost is not as easy to use as water, but through magic, it can be slightly changed. For example, it will snow less in a certain place, and it will snow more in another adjacent place.

To put it simply, it is a way to divert trouble to the east. The elves did this in the past. They tried their best to blow away the snow that should have fallen in the city with the cold wind and transfer it to the outside of the city, where it fell on the heads of the slaves.

Otherwise, the buildings in the city would have been submerged by snow long ago, and it is not as simple as the low temperature environment.

Now the roads in the city can be roughly seen, and the outlines of the houses under the snow can be seen, all thanks to the power of magic research.

But this is also the limit of the elves. The arrival of hoar frost is inevitable and irreversible. This is the septicemia of the universe, and mortals are just weaklings who have no way to save themselves.

But now they thought of a way, which was to use white frost to deal with the sudden attack of zombies, and use magic to bring the coldness of the entire planet to the capital.

With the completion of the magic ritual, the sky immediately changed color. It was originally just gray like a hazy weather, but now it was directly dark. When you look up, you can see thick dark clouds, huge white snowflakes accompanied by strong winds, An airtight curtain formed in front of the three people watching.

The snowflakes were almost connected into one piece in the air, as if someone was dumping cotton here from the sky. In just the blink of an eye, the streets and houses in the city were buried in the snow, and the zombies were also buried.

The Wild Hunt Legion was not affected. There was an ice storm floating around them, which seemed to be able to automatically drive away hail and freezing rain. The severe drop in temperature almost froze the zombies, but these knights got a chance.

They increased the speed of slashing, and it looked like they were shoveling snow with swords. However, every time they waved their weapons, black blood would emerge from under the white snow, and it would immediately turn into black ice.

"It's here, and it's another elf magic I've never seen before, hiss!" Xili sniffed. She was not frozen, but was caused by eating spicy hot pot: "Is this manipulating the wind on the planet? Just Like using a stick to guide the flow of water?"

The girl suddenly thought of something. She felt that water flow was similar to air flow. This seemed to be called fluid mechanics on the 40K Earth?

"I don't know, don't ask me." Su Ming was simmering his hairy belly in the pot while the kuaizi kept rising and falling: "I'm just going to watch the excitement of the new magic and let me analyze its principles, so forget it."

The adjutant who had changed her body was also eating. She just shook her head and said that she didn't know much about magic, so she had better eat shrimp. The police chief conjured a large prawn and put it into the hot pot. Now it is almost ready to be fished.

"But your zombie army has been caught with a shortcoming. They have no magic resistance. Under the absolute low temperature, the various body fluids in the body also become a shortcoming. They freeze into ice and wither and cannot move." Ciri was a little confused. Therefore, Deathstroke didn't seem to care about the situation on the battlefield, but she felt that the sea cucumber in her mouth no longer tasted good.

The zombies went to eat the defenseless elves and civilians. Ciri couldn't bear to watch that scene, but now that the zombies were restrained, she was worried that the elves would not die or finish.

Generally speaking, zombies are stronger than skeletons. They have flesh and blood bodies, which can not only improve defense but also provide strength.

But when all the water in the body is frozen, the zombies cannot move. They are worse than skeletons with only dry bones.

"Is it really better to be a mummy?" Su Ming glanced at the battlefield, but didn't care. He stretched out the hand that wasn't holding the tachyon and threw a small cloud of black smoke into the sky: "But don't be anxious. Ciri, the zombie siege is just the first step. Wait a moment and let the elves vent some emotions, and then the second step of my plan will begin."

Deathstroke was very calm. Geralt may have taught Ciri a lot of things, but they were all tactical things. Demon hunters did not study the real dark scheming.

It's very satisfying now for the Wild Hunters to kill frozen zombies, but this feeling of satisfaction will be upgraded in a while. After all, we are playing games. Of course, we want to give players a little sweetness, especially after facing hardships and successfully solving them. The sense of accomplishment will bring their self-confidence to a higher level.

Five minutes passed, and everyone had almost eaten half of their belly. At this time, strange changes suddenly occurred in the world.

The wind and snow suddenly stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky began to tremble. Rays of golden light shot out from the clouds, forcing the foggy white frost back, shining on the earth like sunshine.

But this is not the sun, and it is not used to provide warmth to the zombies. What slowly descends from the sky is a page of paper that breaks through the clouds and fog. To be more precise, it is a parchment scroll.

At this time, the elves still alive in the city raised their heads one after another. Facing something familiar and unfamiliar like light, they were also curious in their panic, because these people had not seen light similar to sunlight for who knows how long. It seems that they are only accompanied by hoarfrost in their lives, and the happy time of living in the forest has even been forgotten.

But today was different. The parchment slowly unfolded in the air, and an indescribable pressure fell on everyone's head, making people want to kneel down and worship.

The text in the scroll was square and square, and they couldn't understand it, but they could hear the standard Elvish language ringing in their minds, as if they were directly connected to their thoughts:

"The Elf clan of Ain El has passed the selection test, and now the national game officially begins! Five players will be randomly selected to enter the dream world to participate in the game and complete tasks. For each task completed, the entire clan will receive rewards; If you fail, you will collectively face punishment. Whether you change the current tragic fate or be completely wiped out by Bai Shuang depends on your performance! Ten minutes countdown and the game is about to begin."

The voice in his mind disappeared, but an hourglass appeared on the huge parchment between heaven and earth, and fine gravel began to slowly flow down, symbolizing the countdown of the game.

"What does this mean?" Xili scratched her head. The fish whiskers on her mouth fell off, leaving a trace of red oil at the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, it's a fun national luck game. Many time travelers start by playing this or role-playing. You eat slowly first. There will be a meal show later."

The evil-minded mercenary let out a sinister laugh. He lit another cigarette and observed the elves' reactions to this matter.

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