The Death Knell

Chapter 4854 Optional Items

The zombie invasion is just the beginning, paving the way for the current step. Let’s give the elves an appetizer first, which is considered a warm-up activity. The next game is the main course.

When they have just found a way to solve the zombie crisis and are still immersed in the thrill of slashing, the next wave of crisis comes again. This can keep their spirits high and provide a better competitive state.

If it were a real national sports game, it would indeed be a competition, but Su Ming's game was a copycat version, just a game designed to kill the elves.

After devouring Seth, he also gained some insights into the design of the game's mission system. Unfortunately, there was no suitable means to achieve this effect in the past, but after being able to control quantum to a certain extent, he had all the cards in hand. .

Some people may not know much about the so-called National Games Game. In fact, it was inspired by some online novels that Su Ming read in his previous life. The big framework was directly transferred.

To put it simply, the story is that there was originally an ordinary world. One day, a strange phenomenon suddenly came from the sky. A voice asked people to participate in a competition, and then selected people from different countries to go to a different world. Play that game.

Completing tasks in another world, picking up treasure boxes, and discovering materials will be fed back hundreds of times to the player's country, and rewards such as lifespan, physical fitness, etc. will also be obtained.

And if you die in the game or fail the mission, it will bring disaster to the player's country, and everyone in the country will bear the consequences.

Whether it is to bring glory to the country or to kill one's own country depends entirely on the performance of the players in the game.

This is a typical cool article template. Under normal circumstances, the protagonist can use various plug-ins to kill everyone in the game, making the Chinese dynasty extremely powerful, while foreigners suffer various disasters as a foil.

It's a bit mindless, but it's boring when I'm working the night shift. The comics I like to read are often updated only once a month. If I go to the host's cloud game, I don't always have my favorite games.

Of course, you spend all your time reading online articles. At least you can save more mobile phone data than watching short videos, right?

Closer to home, Su Ming’s improved version of the game is actually just called a national sports game. It plays unlimited streams. There are not so many contestants and there is no civilized competition. He just wants to throw away the selected unlucky ones. Go to another world, assign some tasks to see them suffer misfortune, and then use this as an excuse to mistreat the elves.

Therefore, what he plays is more like the main god and the reincarnations. It is nothing more than the introduction of the "continuous sitting" mechanism, and his "main god" is a little bit evil...

In ordinary infinite flow, if the selected person dies, it doesn't even count as death, because the main god also has a resurrection mechanism.

But in Deathstroke's game, if the player who enters dies and has no chance of resurrection, then the El elves outside will also suffer the same fate.

But at the beginning, let’s give them a little sweetness, because life is like this, there are always ups and downs...

The hourglass in the sky was still counting down, and the tiny gravel fell silently. However, the elves seemed to hear a series of boulders falling on their hearts, and they were all stunned in the cold wind.

The Wild Hunt riders who were killing the zombies also seemed to have lost their motivation. The previous energy to dig out the enemies even if they were digging through the snow was gone. They were wearing heavy armor and masks. It was impossible to see their expressions, only their stiff figures.

But it doesn’t matter, when the countdown ends and the ‘lucky ones’ among them go in and play a few games, they will understand how to play.

"Okay, Xili, these people have been chasing you for so long and forced you to play hide-and-seek games. Now it's your turn to choose games for them." Su Ming raised the wine bottle in his hand and poured it for the two white-haired girls. Drinking wine, he said with a smile: "The contestants will be from the Red Cavalry team, not boring civilians. What show do you want to watch for dinner?"

The invisible cloak formed a small space, which was warm as spring and filled with the smell of hot pot. It was very different from the outside environment where the cold wind howled and snowflakes slapped the face.

There was food and drink, a warm place, and people to play with, so Su Ming was in a good mood.

"I don't quite understand what this is." Xili also held a wine glass in her hand. She didn't know whether it was because of the chili pepper or because she was excited to see the Wild Hunts dying. Her face was very red: "But since you asked, Then I want to know if there is a world where they are also hunted?"

What she was thinking about was relatively intuitive, which was to repay the other person with his own way. In the past, she was hunted down by the Wild Hunt, so now she had to let something else chase the Wild Hunt.

But this request is not simple, because the elves have never played games, and they are arrogant and always inexplicably confident in themselves. If ordinary things are released to chase them, they may even want to try to fight back, and then they will not be able to realize their dreams. The effect you want.

For example, if they are thrown to a farm to repair a generator, whether they can repair it is another matter. But when they see a farmer like Leatherface or Mike appear, they probably won't run away, but will choose to fight with knives, right?

But this didn't bother Deathstroke, he just had an idea after thinking about it for a while. All you need to do is create a guy that the elves can recognize and understand that they need to avoid when they see him.

"The novice level should be simpler. After the game starts, I will send the five players to the ancient city of Pompeii. First, let them race against magma and volcanic ash to give them some novice benefits."

Hearing what he said, Ciri seemed to understand something, so she smiled and nodded in agreement, raised her wine glass to touch the death knell, and licked her lips expectantly.

Time and space, coupled with the simplest story, are enough to become a game. Su Ming very generously used the ubiquitous darkness and quantum in space to create a planet in the current single universe.

This artificial planet is very crude, like a makeshift studio, with an atmosphere and land, but otherwise it is basically a wasteland.

Only Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius on the edge of the city, as well as the natural features visible to the naked eye, have been created. This is the venue for the first round of the game, and now we are waiting for the athletes to take their positions.

Although quantum has a wide range of uses, it also requires energy to drive it. When playing, save energy.

It's like going to a bar, just order wine and fruit plate, don't order tea and rice bowl, it's completely unnecessary.

There was not much time left for the hourglass to run out, and the Wild Hunt Knights on the street had already begun to withdraw. They rushed towards the square in front of the palace like a strong wind, and returned to the huge swirling portal just as they appeared.

"They don't believe in the National Games game." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and put the wine glass in his hand back on the flying carpet: "Do you think you don't have to participate in the game by hiding in a palace with magic defense? This is too underestimated of me. ”

"These people don't know that they are facing you, Sheriff." The deputy was still eating quickly, and most of the seafood she had collected before went into her mouth: "In their opinion, this should be God’s game, maybe they rushed back to the palace to pray, if they have faith.”

"It doesn't matter, their lives are like candles in the wind anyway, let the game begin!"

With a gentle snap of his fingers, Su Ming activated the Dark Quantum Concept, and everything began to operate according to the program.

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