The Death Knell

Chapter 4855 Rush forward happily

The athlete candidates were all huddled in the palace, and Su Ming could feel their emotions through the darkness.

A little nervous, a little panicked, a little yearning, and of course more of a suspicion.

The darkness can touch their outlines, their faces, and even some elves have learned Batman's classic expression without any guidance, which is the "doubt" with the two corners of the mouth curved downward.

Also, if something suddenly appeared in the sky and said it could reward or punish them, anyone who encountered it would be suspicious, not to mention that they had no experience surfing the Internet.

But it doesn't matter, Deathstroke will take action.

The hourglass in the sky shed the last grain of sand, neither early nor late. The next second, the huge scroll seemed to turn into a monitor, showing a completely different scene from this place.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a huge volcano. Black smoke was rising from the crater, like a huge chimney. Through the screen, you could feel it causing the earth to tremble.

The camera turned and moved to a city, where there were complex buildings and skyscrapers standing there...

"Wait a minute, Sheriff, there seems to be something wrong." The deputy who was eating squid tilted her head. After seeing the city, she couldn't help but said: "I have some ideas about the architectural forms in the history of the earth. Research, based on the archaeological discoveries of the Pompeii ruins, it seems that there shouldn’t be skyscrapers?”

The Pompeii that was created is not to mention the New York of today's 40K Earth. Even the New York of the future may not be as developed. There are tens of thousands of skyscrapers with hundreds of floors alone. It looks like a complete forest of reinforced concrete. .

"Ah, of course, this is the PLUS+ version of Pompeii that I created. It looks like this." Su Ming had a smirk on his face, poured himself another glass of wine and said, "Originally, Pompeii in history was too weak. , they are all small bungalows, and there may be cow and horse excrement on the road, so if I let the elves run on the streets of the town, what’s the point of watching them?”

"So you upgraded Pompeii and planned to let the contestants parkour on the roof, right?" The deputy understood. Since the chief wanted to see people parkour, so be it.

There is about fifteen or six meters between each skyscraper. The buildings are high and low, and there are window sills and pipes on the outer walls that can be climbed. It can be seen at a glance that they are deliberately designed there.

Although for ordinary people, the distance between this building is a bit far and it may not be possible to jump over it, but the elves must have lived in trees in the past, right? Maybe they are good at jumping and climbing? Let's see if they can temporarily return to their ancestors.

"That's right, as long as you jump over about seventy or eighty buildings, you can almost avoid the erupting magma. If you continue running outside the city, after running more than thirty kilometers cross-country, you will most likely be able to avoid the volcanic ash. "

Su Ming raised his hand to use cosmic energy to project a small map to explain his design, while explaining the destination of the game to the two girls, just to make these elves who used to like to chase other people's butts, today they were naturally Disaster chase.

Whether he can survive is another matter. Anyway, rewards and punishments are decided by Su Minglai. At worst, he may open a little back door.

While the three were talking, the huge screen in the sky was divided into five, showing different faces of elves. These were the players in the first game. Their faces were full of horror at this time, as if they didn't know that they were originally vampires. How to hide in the palace and arrive at a strange place in an instant.

But time waits for no one, and they were placed on different rooftops in Super Pompeii. They could only barely see each other, but at this time, the volcano was shaking more and more intensely, like thunder. A roar like a roar came from the ground, as if a giant beast wanted to break out of the ground.

At this time, a voice came from the sky:

"The game begins. The first level is to escape from Pompeii. The city under the contestants' feet will face a volcanic eruption. This is a natural disaster that cannot be prevented by human power. So the lucky ones, you have the ability to survive and add glory to your racial family. ?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the volcano over there began to erupt, and the sky was instantly dyed blood red. A large number of flaming stones flew into the sky along with thick smoke.

The performance of the elf contestants varied. Some reacted quickly and were immediately ready to jump to the rooftop of the building next door. Others stood stupidly on the roof of their own building, looking down at the street and their eyes widened in fear of the height.

But when the burning stones began to fall like fire rain, everyone's survival instinct still took effect, and they immediately began to jump to the top of another building one by one, just as Deathstroke had imagined.

It was not the Wild Hunt that was teleported into the game field, but the bodies of the Red Cavalry. Su Ming was too lazy to remember their names, so he would call them No. 1 to No. 5 for the time being.

The elves have good strength and physical flexibility, and they are even better at jumping up and down after taking off their armor. Watching them jump and glide between tall buildings, and climb up and down, Su Ming showed the same expression as when he visited Monkey Mountain. smile.

It's a bit interesting, especially since they can twist and avoid falling burning stones while flying in the air. This monkey is no ordinary monkey, it should be a trained monkey in the circus.

However, unlike his sense of pleasure, the elves in the city are extremely nervous. They may not believe in the rewards and punishments of this game, but they can also see that whether they fall from a building or are overtaken by lava and volcanic ash, That's one word - death.

The previous zombie siege made them afraid to make noisy comments, but super soldiers all have super hearing. Su Ming could hear that in many buildings, there were many elves whispering while paying attention to the progress of the game on the screen. Cheer up, compatriots.

In fact, this is just a novice level. Su Ming did not design the game to be difficult, so as long as they are not mentally ill and their luck is not too bad, the selected players should be able to pass the level.

Because the players could see each other, they chose to gather in one place first. It seemed that they had something in mind.

Indeed, there are loopholes in this game design that can be exploited. Su Ming deliberately left some paths for them. For example, there are very inconspicuous pipes next to some high-rise buildings that can slide directly from the rooftop to the ground, just like in the fire brigade. Same as slider.

In addition, there are hang gliders placed on the rooftops of several buildings. If they can recognize them and learn to drive in Hawaii, they can pass the first level smoothly.

There are many similar 'little bugs', but Su Ming won't tell them that he installed tickling powder on the pipes and electrified the joystick of the hang glider. He would rather see the elves find these little easter eggs themselves and go to them. Feel the fun of the game with your body and mind.

Just as he was thinking about it, an elf named No. 3 failed the game. When he was about to grab the edge of the next building, a burning stone fell from the sky.

In order to avoid this meteorite-like thing, he accidentally let go, and his whole body fell downwards with a look of horror on his face. The red sky became farther and farther in his sight...


! "

Such exclamations were heard in many houses in the capital city of Tilnaria. Obviously, in addition to the contestants, the audience was also very involved. This is the benefit of the national sports game.

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