The Death Knell

Chapter 4856 Warriors and Fools

"Why are those buildings sideways? Are they still rolling sideways in mid-air?"

At this time, Xili raised a question. She was obviously in a good mood when she saw an elf falling from the building, but she was more concerned about the escape routes of the remaining people.

The snow is still falling, the city is still cold, but the elves have no more zombies to kill.

"You're talking about the 'roller area' I designed. How do you think it is? It's pretty good, right?" Su Ming smiled and adjusted the camera to show the things that he must pass on the way out of the city. They are suspended buildings. They are turning slowly, like the shafts in a sausage grilling machine, except they are not as smooth. Jumping on them requires not only skills, but also waiting for the right moment.

This is a design he learned from a variety show in his previous life. What was that show called? Boys and girls rushing forward? Or Happy Charge? Or some big breakthrough?

Anyway, it's almost the same, just parkour and cross-country, but the people who used to play these games were either in swimming pools or ocean balls, and below the elves were bubbling red magma.

Yes, magma does not spread slowly on land at all. It may not be able to catch up with floods, but before cooling and solidifying, they can also be regarded as liquids. At this time, they have spread to the streets, adding a bit of warmth to the game.


This was the sound of No. 3 who had just fallen into the lava from a high altitude. Under the gaze of his teammates, he screamed and drew a ball of flames, just so quickly.

The temperature of the magma was so high that the moment he fell in, he was cremated on the spot.

The remaining four people stopped running for a while because they paid attention to him, and are now surrounded by rising magma.

Now they not only have to face the cruel roller area, the big turntable area, the swinging sandbag area, and a series of strange buildings, but they also have to face many difficulties such as high temperature, toxic gases, meteorites, volcanic ash, etc.

"Come on, little brother of the elves." Su Ming also cheered them up with a wicked smile. At the same time, he did not forget to put a piece of hair in his mouth to chew, and his voice became lakey: "If you are teaching novices, I will be very disappointed if the team is wiped out."

The hot pot dinner has just begun, and the hard dishes haven't been cooked yet. They can't just end it like this, it will ruin the fun.

Sometimes death is not the most painful thing, life is worse than death. If they want to disappoint Su Ming, they may have their souls extracted after accepting the death package and be imprisoned in the Blood-Seeking Ice City for eternity. torture.

Ciri didn't comment on this, but when the elf was free-falling just now, she subconsciously opened her eyes wide and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. She must be quite satisfied.

Rather than letting Deathstroke destroy them all at once, it would be nice to have some fun with them as a sideshow during dinner.

"We can't save him!" No. 1 took No. 2's hand and ran towards the other side of the rooftop: "Our compatriots are dead. This is all true. This world is real! We must live. !”

Obviously after the authenticity of the magma was verified, they were willing to believe that this game was serious, so after the remaining four players came to their senses, they all used their best strength and rushed towards the roller area. go.

This kind of level design may be very simple for the Flash. A mere few dozen kilometers of parkour and off-roading should be completed in a few seconds. You can also go home, take a shower, and return to the finish line. superior.

But for the elves, there are some difficulties, especially when the surrounding environment starts to become more and more complex, and their breathing will be choked to tears.

The Ain El elves are considered an extraordinary race. Not only do they have a very long lifespan, but they are far superior to humans in terms of strength, agility, endurance, memory, etc.

But they are not as extraordinary as they are divorced from reality. Compared with real first-line superheroes or villains, their individual qualities are still far behind. They don't have to compare with Superman, and they can't even compare with a mere Cyborg.

"Follow me! We have to survive!"

Someone will stand up at the critical moment. The elf named No. 4 shouted slogans and jumped onto the rotating building hundreds of meters above the magma in the hot wind. His body was very stretched in the air, and it was the elf full of tears and The snotty face looks a bit funny.

And this is where the fun lies. Watching this kind of show, isn't it just to see the contestants working hard and in embarrassment?

With his first success, the remaining three elves also jumped over, and they began to run wildly in the roller area, heading towards the large turntable area composed of rooftop rooftops in the next level. Those buildings were spinning faster, and you could even hear the whistling wind being carried by them.

The enhanced version of Pompeii has been covered in magma. If they don't hurry up or find the 'Easter Egg' left by the death knell, then these people will be in trouble.

Even though Su Ming hoped that they could pass the first level and get the 'reward' he gave them, he was a fair person and would not help them cheat.

Just think about the punishment for a while, choose five more people and throw them in, there will always be someone who can pass, right?

"If this continues, the probability that they will pass the first level is only 2% according to my calculations." The adjutant didn't know where the calculation came from, and he didn't know how she could be so boring when peeling shrimps to eat. Something: "What they need now is not shouting slogans, but luck."

Elves are also made of flesh and blood, and their bodies have limits. Looking at their red faces, you can tell that these people will soon die from the high temperature.

But maybe for them, this is still a good way to die, because in the original world, there was hoarfrost everywhere, and dying by the fire was simply too luxurious.

"Hey, you, they really found an easter egg." As soon as the adjutant finished speaking, Su Ming laughed, looking at the unlucky egg elf who was electrocuted so much that all his bones glowed: "For this person, he They have bad luck, but for the tribe, they have good luck."

The huge paraglider was not well hidden, and the high-voltage electricity running on it would automatically disconnect after electrocuting a person. The brave No. 4 elf just now had now turned into a charred roast chicken during the escape.

But he gave his teammates a chance to survive. This paraglider was enough for the remaining three people to ride together. If the speed was too slow, two people could be left behind. Anyway, as long as one person escaped the scope of the volcanic eruption, Su Ming will let them pass.

Obviously the elf contestants also realized this. They had no time to grieve for the brave man. The remaining three picked up the paraglider that had become safe, and started running together on the side of the rotating building. Then, in the updraft brought by the high temperature of the magma, Take off smoothly.

They may have seen such things as paragliders. After all, they have followed Xili to many worlds. As long as they don't get hit by falling volcanic rocks, don't faint from inhaling poisonous gas, and don't go into shock due to high temperature dehydration, then they This first level should have been passed.

"It's okay. Now they should all understand that this game is very serious. Let's give them some work in the next level."

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