The Death Knell

Chapter 4862 Prize-winning guessing

As I said before, Calendar Man is a serial killer, and he kills people based on the day.

Generally speaking, he prefers to kill on Friday, because the next day is Saturday, and people can rest at home without working. This way, the most people can see the news of his murder.

Of course, sometimes the plan doesn't go well, or he feels that he is not taken seriously enough, so he will choose to kill a few more on Saturday to add fuel to the fire.

His signature technique was to draw circles on the calendar at the victim's home. If the deceased did not have a calendar at home, he would draw a calendar on the deceased and then draw circles.

Speaking of which, his motives are also very simple, the kind that all the people in Old Gotham are good at. He kills people randomly just to play games with Batman. He doesn't steal money or sex, he just plays.

As a frequent visitor to Arkham, he may be one of the rare cure cases, because he really stopped killing people after the last time he came out. After retiring, he went to work for Channel 52 and can now be said to be a neutral character.

He does a good job. When he sees news about murder scenes, he can often give a very professional opinion as a murderer. He also studied psychology and forensics on his own, and runs his own Facebook celebrity account.

As one of the most notorious serial killers in the United States, who has killed thousands of people in Gotham for decades, he has a group of very fanatical female fans. These women love murderers, which also makes his signature calendar very valuable.

There are many murderers who have died or been imprisoned, but he is the only one who can be released from prison, live a free life, and become a public figure and star.

The reason is also very simple. Batman believes that he has reformed and deserves a chance to live a new life.

Don't tell Batman that those killed by Calendar Man have no chance, or launch any moral condemnation. Batman is a mental patient, he doesn't care about those things.

"The calendar signed by the Calendar Man, I want it too." Su Ming tilted his head, but still gave up in Xili's suspicious eyes. He couldn't be the boss of a gambling game and have to end it himself. Then there would be no guarantee of fairness. .

So he waved his hand and said that he could just say it casually. Anyway, if Xili won the prize, he would use his weapons to exchange calendars with her.

"I guess the person who goes underground dies first." The deputy calculated the scenes from various horror movies, and she knew the background of the planet: "Chief, if I win the prize calendar, I will give it to you. Here you go, I haven’t given you a gift yet.”

"Ah, if you put it like that, I won't help you cheat." Su Ming saw through her scheming and smiled and winked at her. After all, the adjutant had only become a human being for a short time, and she was still a little lacking in this aspect. : "I propose this bet today. The key is to be fair, fair, fair. You won't open a back door just because you want to give me a gift."

The adjutant rolled her eyes and went to fish for the crabs in the hot pot. She knew that she still had a lot to learn.

"Then I'll choose the person who goes to the bridge." The ambush bug chose one at random, and he put his finger into his mouth and bit it: "As a colleague of the calendar person, I am not interested in his signed calendar. If If you win the prize, I’ll give it to you too, the death knell.”

"Haha, thank you. Let's keep watching. There will be results soon, because the monsters I arranged like to pick on single people..."

Deathstroke smiled and nodded to the ambush bug, expressing his approval. Time doesn't mean much to him, so an ordinary calendar is not necessary, but the serial murderer's signature calendar has some collectible value. At least he can go to Batman to exchange for something else. thing.

"I choose the one who goes to the bridge." The professor whispered at this time. He also wanted to participate in the contest. When he found that everyone was looking at him with contempt, the bald man blushed again: "Although I think they split up to explore this The choice is correct, but if there are enemies, people will definitely die. I only said that they did the right thing, but I did not say that they would not die."

"Professor, are you teaching at Gotham University?" Su Ming took a deep breath. He finally discovered what this professor's specialty was, which was his shamelessness after seeing the benefits, which was a bit dark.

"That's right, but how did you know about Deathstroke?" The professor was still very surprised and generously announced his family name: "Speaking of which, we have some contact. I am Harleen Quinzel's classmate, but I graduated Later, I stayed at the school to teach, and my research direction is the impact of disasters on traumatized psychology, and the theory of people’s psychological change curve in the process of wilderness survival.”

"Ha, hello, I'm really an acquaintance." Su Ming shook her head speechlessly, and unexpectedly met Harley's classmate again. She was really talented in that class: "So, you are one of the few in that class. A normal person, the class reunion that Harry mentioned last time was not hosted by you, was it?"

The two actually started chatting remotely in the live broadcast room.

"It's not me. I was imprisoned in Arkham during the last party." The bald professor scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and the few hairs were blown aside by the wind brought by his arms, leaving him scratching his head. Scalp: "I have a little problem with medication, but viewers, please rest assured that this is the 37th time I have been successfully discharged from Arkham. My classmate who is a doctor said that I have fully recovered."

As he spoke, he smiled and made an OK gesture, as if he thought this was humorous.

"Uh... ok, let's do the show first." Su Ming changed the subject and returned the right to speak to the ambush bug, while he focused on the hot pot business: "Bug, the elf contestants are moving inside the spacecraft. Please explain their situation, if I read it correctly, something flashed from the corner of the camera just now, right?"

"That's right, as the chief designer of this level, Deathstroke is very unique in the design of the map. Except for the vast warehouse, everything is dark, so the elves are not allowed to move forward in the dark. But just now, from the camera The figure that flashed by seemed even more mysterious under the atmosphere. Audience friends, here is the Ambush Bug of Channel 52 broadcasting live for you in another world. Now the prize-winning guessing activity has come to an end, please call the screen immediately The hotline number below is 000-00000052, participate in the guessing game, and the big prizes are waiting for you!”

That is to say, the elves have been living in a world shrouded in white frost. They have not seen the sun for a long time, so they all have dark vision. Otherwise, the darkness alone would be enough to kill them.

But obviously the ambush bug doesn't care about whether people will die. He is more concerned about the channel's ratings, so he is more passionate when he speaks the advertisement.

I don’t know if the audience has seen it, but the monster that flashed across the screen just now has a long tail, a very bony exoskeleton, and a long, smooth head that looks like an oversized gourd melon. ...

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