The Death Knell

Chapter 4863: Split the troops into multiple routes

After leaving the lighted cargo hold with his teammates, no matter which direction he went to the hulk, he was greeted by a wide, dark corridor. It was the kind of environment where the echo of footsteps kept ringing, making people feel like something was following behind them.

As time passed, the elves split up, and the audience soon seemed to be in a nervous mood. They may not know what a spaceship is, but this huge man-made object with an all-metal structure still gave them a sense of Indescribable feeling.

This may be a small technological shock.

The originally noisy streets are much quieter now. Maybe the fellows are worried about the players, or maybe it’s because they feel the cold outside. In short, their current situation is not as optimistic as before, because they are walking alone in the dark. For the players in the game, the environment around them is heart-wrenching.

At this time, the elves seemed to remember that there was a punishment mechanism in the National Games game. It can be seen from the previous rewards that the rewards and punishments are likely to be equal.

In other words, once these five people fail, the entire clan will face punishments that are opposite to the rewards, such as double the attack of hoarfrost, or deducting everyone's lifespan.

The elves were not too happy to be given a life span of three hundred days in vain, because this number was not worth mentioning compared to their long lives.

But if three hundred days were deducted for nothing, it would be difficult for them to accept it, because it would mean that something was taken away from them. No matter how many days were lost, it was a completely different matter.

However, no matter what they think or say, the views they want to express cannot be conveyed to the ears of the players. All they can do is watch the players step by step into deeper darkness... .

Among them, Elf No. 1 went to the forward bridge defense line. He was the first to make a discovery, and he lived up to his title of No. 1.

But what he found was not a good thing. Instead, he found a puddle of brown meat paste that exuded a foul smell at a corner of the metal corridor. There were also some torn pieces of clothing and mud scattered around the puddle. General traces of liquid splashed over a large area, even on the walls and ceiling.

This discovery made Elf No. 1 immediately alert. Although it was still unknown what kind of creature these were, if the deceased knew how to wear clothes, then there was a high probability that he was an intelligent creature.

He had never seen such a tragic scene. The body of this creature seemed to have been severely corroded by something. The remaining remains exuded an indescribable strange smell, as if someone had eaten shit and then drank alcohol. Vomited stomach acid...


At this moment, there was a faint voice behind him, and he immediately turned around. In the darkness, he seemed to see something flashing past the partition door of the corridor. He immediately clenched the stone in his hand.

After thinking about it, maybe because he felt that the stone could not provide a sense of security, he threw the stone away, picked up a strange stick next to the meat sauce, and looked around warily.

But the sound disappeared, as if it had never been there.


"What a pity. I thought I was going to make the right bet." Seeing this, far away in another world, the professor on the other end of the line slammed the table with his fist. It was clear that monsters had appeared just now, but he saw the elf picking up the After the rifle, the thing seemed to have retreated temporarily: "These indigenous people don't know how to use guns at all. They hold them like sticks in their hands. Are the monsters in the dark too timid? You should go!"

Before, he was a normal wilderness survival expert. With a professor title, he should be regarded as a cultural person. But now he behaves like a classic American red-necked rough guy, rolling up the sleeves of both arms and placing bets for himself. The target can die first, thus loudly reprimanding the monster for its incompetence.

Even though we know that people in old Gotham often have two faces, this Harley's classmate seems to be exposed a little too quickly. Is this letting go?

Or is it that his last treatment was not good at all?

The latter was more likely. Su Ming thought that another classmate of his who was a doctor might have defrauded him of his money, gave the professor a bunch of placebos, and then issued a false certificate to release him.

In this way, wouldn't the professor become a repeat customer? Arkham's source of funding is the Wayne Group's grant. Every time a patient comes in, a sum of money will be allocated, which is given according to the level of consumption required to treat the clown. Money......

So another classmate is trying to steal Wayne Group’s wool through the professor’s constant hospitalization?

It's very possible, because people in Gotham are so dark. Just listen to the relationship between classmates. If you really want to trust your classmates, you will die sooner or later.

But this has nothing to do with outsiders.

Because No. 1 picked up the weapon, the monster lurking in the dark may have been shot before, so it retreated temporarily. If there is no particularly good opportunity, if Elf No. 1 has been squatting in the corner and holding on, it will not die in a short time. of.

So everyone's attention turned to the remaining four people.

Among them, Elf No. 5 has found some garbage in the warehouse compartment and started a fire. Now he is staring at the position of the small door with vigilance. It seems to be safe for the time being.

Elf 3 chose to go up the stairs from the warehouse to a higher deck. He found the life-support cabin on the way without going to Duanyuan, and found some humanoid creatures with the same faces lying in it, but he could not operate technology. You can only watch the equipment and record your findings.

Number 2 went to the stern of the ship. He was still walking on the road. This place was about seven or eight kilometers away from the stern of the ship. Moreover, the monsters in the dark seemed not to be interested in him because he was the thinnest among the contestants and seemed to have less than 100 pounds of meat. Some kind of standard.

Finally, everyone's attention was focused on Elf 4, the one who had previously gone down through the warehouse stairs to the part of the spacecraft buried beneath the ground.

His footsteps kept echoing on the stairs. He couldn't remember how many stairs he had walked. He only knew that he had never seen such a tall building before.

This staircase is like leading to an abyss, going down and down, as if there is no end.

However, the agile elf quickly found another good way. He found an elevator with an open door, squeezed into the elevator shaft, and slid down along the steel cable.

This time it was much faster, almost as fast as a free fall.

He gently landed on the top of the abandoned car. At this time, half of the broken iron box was sunk in the soil. The elevator shaft door at the bottom was also crookedly open, as if someone was laughing. Grinning mouth.

The elf suddenly felt an ominous feeling for some reason. He swallowed, wiped the cold sweat on the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, then clenched the stone in his hand and headed out the door.

As he crawled on the ground, he found that the soil here seemed strange and had a fishy smell...

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