The Death Knell

Chapter 4879 Happy Life

Su Ming didn't want to explain this ability to suddenly materialize matter. He smiled and changed into a gift box so that Howard could look at it again.

"How is it? Do you see anything?" Deathstroke put the pistol prepared as a gift into the box and asked him with a smile: "Guess what my ability is? But there is no prize for guessing it right."

The firelight of the fireplace is very warm, and outside the window you can see Big Ben, the London Eye, and the Thames River not far away. At this time, it looks like it has been peaceful for a long time. Howard is quite good at choosing places. With this floor height and location, Just in time to enjoy the scenery.

Unfortunately, Su Ming is not very interested in the scenery that ordinary people like. He would rather see the scenery of London two hundred years ago, which is what it looked like when British gentlemen lined up to empty buckets of dung into the river every day.

"Haha, let me guess. First of all, your ability is definitely not magic." Howard ruled out one option first. He grabbed a cigar from the small round table, cut off the end and played with it in his hand: " Because Master Ancient One said that your magic talent is simply negative and you are a super squib."

He seemed to find this matter very funny. Although he didn't know much about magic, the fact that the Supreme Mage, known as the most powerful spellcaster on earth, was actually a squib still made him feel quite contrasted.

Yes, because he wanted to do business in this world, Howard also had some knowledge about the magical world, at least he knew what a squib meant.

"There's no need to repeat this kind of thing all the time. Anyway, even without magic, no mage on earth can beat me. Just tell me whether I'm the strongest or not."

The Supreme Mage, who showed no shame at all, patted the gift box on the table and asked Howard to continue.

"If it's not magic, then it's science." Howard smiled and took out a lighter to burn the cigar, as if he were a big boss: "According to my experience, it is unrealistic to be able to shape matter out of thin air, or you have to use energy to Transform into matter, or use microscopic particles to form new matter. You are probably the second type, am I right?"

The conversion of matter into energy is very common, such as burning coal, such as nuclear energy, and most current human activities are related to this.

The conversion of energy into matter is much rarer, but Howard is not an ordinary person. He has seen, for example, the Celestial Alien species that can quickly grow in size by absorbing energy, such as the Skrulls' planet transformation technology.

However, he felt that Deathstroke would not play such low-end things, so he was more inclined to the latter possibility, that is, Deathstroke's new ability is to combine various micro-particles around him to form a new electronic arrangement, atoms Structure, molecular formula, thus condensed into new elements or compounds.

This is another explanation for creation out of thin air.

"It's really yours, Howard, you just saw it twice and you roughly guessed my new ability." Su Ming nodded, picked up the wine glass again and toasted with his old friend: "The new ability is indeed using quantum to do something. Okay, okay, I know you are a physicist and you get excited when you mention quantum, but my level of scientific knowledge is like illiterate compared to yours. When this thing comes into my hands, I will be able to use it, but I may not be able to use it. If you know how it works, don’t ask me.”

Indeed, Mustache was a little excited when he heard about quantum physics, but after hearing Deathstroke's explanation, he could only give up in frustration, because he did know that Deathstroke had no interest in physics and was a pragmatist.

Just like when some people buy a car, they want to take it apart to see why the car runs and what changes they can make. But some people buy a car and go home, as long as it can drive and run, and they don't know how to study the principles of the vehicle.

"Oh, what a pity. If I had this ability, I would definitely be able to make some inventions that benefit more people, instead of just using them to do gift box magic like you."

"Everything in the world has already been marked with its potential price. You only see that quantum is useful, but you don't see its price." Shaking his head funny, Su Ming looked at the hair on Howard's head: "For example, quantum If you overuse your ability, you will become a bald man with no emotions at all. Do you still think it is good?"

"Well, forget it..." Howard quickly raised his hand and pressed his hairline. He obviously also felt that the price was a bit too strange: "I think it is more important to have feelings. If you lose it, What's the difference between it and a bionic human?"

"That's right. Without further ado, call your eldest son and wife over. Let's have a meal together and play a few rounds after the meal. It's been a long time since we played mahjong together."

Su Ming smiled and motioned to Howard to call someone and order a meal. He was not familiar with the Muggle world in this world, and only Howard knew which restaurant was delicious.


So about ten hours later, a group of four people sat in a hotel in Paris.

There is no other way. Rather than choosing the general among the many unpalatable British restaurants, it is better to simply jump out of the category of British food and go directly to eat French cuisine.

Anyway, if Deathstroke is there, it will be easy to go anywhere.

Under the gorgeous crystal chandelier, various classic French dishes such as foie gras, baked snails, steaks braised in red wine, roasted suckling pig, etc. were served on the table. Su Ming still followed the custom of China and chatted with everyone while eating.

Arno inherited Maria's EQ and Howard's IQ, and was a perfect scientist. Although strictly speaking, he was weak and bedridden since he was a child. He was also taken to an alien planet to live, and he never went to school for a day. No primary school education.

But he is still a genius, and Su Ming feels that he is even smarter than Tony. He has conducted research in any scientific and technological direction and has produced corresponding results.

The key is that this child is extremely humble and polite, just like the opposite of Tony. He will not pick his nose in front of others, let alone look up at people with his head down.

When we meet, we will also ask Uncle Wilson how he is. Although he looks older than Su Ming, it is a bit strange to call him that, but this is proof of his courtesy.

Su Ming liked him very much and gave him a gift on the spot. He also said that he had not paid attention to him for so many years. It seemed that his condition had improved a lot.

"Actually, it wasn't long before I regained the ability to walk." Arnold smiled sheepishly, and explained: "When my father went to work in Contracia, I always lay indoors and looked at the star torch; that is, in After arriving in the current world, with the help of various magic potions, my health improved."

The period of being paralyzed in bed did not affect his thinking ability. He had enough time to learn knowledge on his own and conduct various experiments in his mind, which gave him the accumulation of knowledge he has today.

Now that he has regained his mobility, as long as he has enough time, he will be able to transform the theory in his mind into practical technology.

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