The Death Knell

Chapter 4880 Madam Minister

"Sure enough, it's still a magic potion. When you were a baby, I asked the adjutant to examine you. The result was that there are some genetic defects that will cause you to be unable to breathe. If you want to repair it, you will face great risks."

Deathstroke cut the steak on the plate, took out a small piece for Strangler to taste, and said to the young child at the same time:

"There was no good way at the time, so I put it on hold for the time being. Now that I have mastered new abilities, I thought I might be able to help you, so I came to see Howard. I didn't expect that you would have good news earlier. Already You don’t need my help anymore, haha.”

"It's just a coincidence, uncle. At first, my doctor just used the potion with a luck-based attitude. I didn't expect it to really work on me." Arnold waved his hand modestly and smiled. To his parents: "Thanks to my parents being rich, otherwise it would be a big problem just to find the ingredients for the magic potions used. I have better luck."

Lying in bed for decades has not turned him into a lunatic or paranoid. Now Arnold has a very mature mind and a rare sense of humor.

Unlike Tony's sense of humor that makes fun of others, Arnold's jokes are easier for ordinary people to accept, and he looks very much like Howard.

"Oh, kid, don't say that. Those sad days are over. Our family will get better and better in the future. When the time is right, you can also go and meet your brother. Tony is actually a bit naughty. He He has a good heart and you will definitely get along well."

Maria smiled and held her son's hand. While Howard was working for Deathstroke over the years, she was mainly responsible for taking care of Arnold, taking him with him wherever he went.

"Yes, I understand, Mom. I also want to see Tony very much. He is my brother, and the family should be together." An Ernuo nodded in affirmation, with expectation in his eyes: "I have always wanted to see Tony. I am paying attention to him and the Avengers, they are indeed a very interesting group of people. If he wants to study the technology of the Celestials, I may be able to help him. If two people work together, they will definitely be better than one person."

"Well, it won't hurt you to get in touch with some superheroes. It's always good to make more friends, but you have to know one thing." Howard nodded and patted his eldest son on the shoulder: "Being able to do things openly is There’s no need to do it with your face covered, I’ve seen superhero games since the 1930s, where you can do things with your mind that others would have to resort to violence, like Deathstroke.”

Howard didn't mind if his eldest son helped Tony. Of course, there was no need to say that Tony was adopted, as long as he knew that he had a brother.

"Then your expectations of me are too high, Dad." Ernuo made a French military salute as the locals did, and quickly shook his head with a smile: "I have just recovered my ability to walk, and you ask me to compare with my uncle. Isn't it too much?" A little anxious?"

"Okay, let's wait until you are better. Let's have dinner first, and then go back to London to play a few rounds in the mahjong parlor I invested in." When Howard treated his eldest son, he had actually lowered his standards because who is called the boss? I have been a patient since I was a child.

Even though Arnault has gradually recovered, Howard still values ​​his adopted son Tony more, otherwise, he would not quarrel with him.

"Your family is really happy, but I have to say something serious that is not so happy." Su Ming looked at the warm scene of the family and nodded with a smile, but still interrupted and talked about the current needs. Things to face: "I have some enemies who will attack the universe I have been to..."

There is not much foreshadowing, this family is all smart people, there is no need to talk about the ins and outs, just talk about the matter itself.

The world we are currently living in has been artificially divided into two. There is not much intersection between the Muggle world and the magical world. All the Stark family needs to do is cooperate with the lieutenant to use technological means to keep an eye on the current universe and encounter things they cannot understand. If something happens, or if you find a creature you don't understand, just contact her immediately.

And next, Su Ming will go to Hermione and ask her to be responsible for keeping tabs on the magic world. As for the first-generation Dark Lord and Old Deng who are living in seclusion, let her convey the news on their behalf.

So the meal process gradually turned into a meeting. Su Ming told some things and answered some questions. After the meal, he took the three of them to the Stark Mahjong House and played mahjong all night before basically agreeing on everything. Arrangement of details.

Of course, playing still consumes a lot of time, and when it comes to talking about serious things, it may only be one tenth, because this family does not like to talk very much, but prefers to think.


"Good morning, Madam Minister."

"Good morning, Mr. Weiss, but I've said it many times before. I'm still young, so don't use titles and honorifics. Just call me Hermione."

What happens on the ground in London in the morning is none of the wizards' business, at least for Hermione now.

Because she happened to meet Arthur Weiss when she came to the fountain in the hall of the British Ministry of Magic through Apparition, and she felt very awkward every time they met.

Mr. Weasley is Ron's father. Although his son is a Gryffindor and Hermione is a Ravenclaw, he is also a student of the same level.

In the past, when picking up people at the train station, our parents would often chat together and be considered acquaintances. More importantly, Mr. Weasley was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and before Dumbledore retired into seclusion, he handed over this secret team to Hermione.

But the embarrassing point may be this.

Obviously this is the Ministry of Magic, Hermione is the British Minister of Magic, and Arthur is a staff member working here, but when the two of them were talking, he acted as if he was a spy joint. Not only was his voice very weak, but he also spoke after speaking. He looked around nervously, as if looking for someone to spy on him.

As for what? People come and go here, wizards and witches all pass by here, hundreds of people pass by every minute, and there are more house elves. Whether you can find anyone eavesdropping with this thief-like behavior is another question. It really attracted the attention of the Aurors...

If it weren't Hermione, the Minister of Magic, or another witch, I'm afraid an Auror wouldn't have come to ask.

Hermione felt embarrassed because of this, because there was obviously nothing that required private communication, but Mr. Weasley had a guilty conscience, and she began to feel guilty as well, as if she was infected.

But seeing that he was also kind-hearted, she could only smile and nod in return, and then tried to leave quickly, heading towards her office.

A few days ago, Deathstroke asked her to attend a "class reunion" in another world. The time spent drinking tea, chatting and fighting monsters caused her work to be delayed a bit, which was very uncomfortable for the strict self-discipline Hermione.

The dragon farm in Ireland had to select the breeds that would be delivered to the United States next year today. There was also a meeting related to whether wizard civil servants could grow beards, and if so, how long they could grow them. She also needed to attend a meeting.

"No, Madam Minister, this is not acceptable. As the Minister of the Ministry of Magic, you should know that rules are rules. Otherwise, some people will think you have no dignity."

Arthur followed quickly. He rubbed the briefcase in his hand. The thing seemed to feel itchy and spit out several pieces of paper and a letter. He threw away the useless waste paper and delivered the letter. In Hermione's hands:

"Please take a look at this. Sirius recently discovered the news and asked me to bring you a message."

Hearing the name of Sirius, another member of the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione rubbed her temples and patted her beautiful mist-stained shawl: "I understand, come to my office to talk about it, but have you read the news? What did you mainly talk about?”

"He told me briefly, but the specific content should be in the letter..." Arthur hesitated, then looked around like a thief again, and after a while he whispered: "I I heard it’s news related to ancient magic, but we don’t know what ancient magic is specifically, and we may need to hold a meeting to discuss it.”

"Sigh...there are so many things." Walking into the office, Hermione took off her coat, revealing the robe underneath, and slapped the shotgun on her shoulder on the table: "In this way, I'll read the letter first. Please sit down first. If you want something to drink, feel free to drink. I need a moment..."

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