The Death Knell

Chapter 4883 Back to school

For some reason, Hermione had a vague feeling that the professor seemed to have some objections to Sirius, as if he didn't like him very much.

But after thinking about it for a while, the two of them had nothing to do with each other, so they didn't think about it any more.

It's very convenient to go to Hogwarts from here. Just walk directly to the fireplace. Using special permissions, she sprinkled Floo powder on the firewood, and the flames turned into a faint green. She pulled the professor and got in.

It's just that she was a little happy to have an adventure with the professor again, so she forgot one thing.

Arthur was still guarding the door outside the office. Colleagues walked by from time to time. He saw confusion and ridicule in the eyes of those people. This made the middle-aged man who was not very tough at first feel on pins and needles. If he got close, Some of them could still hear him muttering in a low voice:

"What's taking so long? Isn't it over yet? Young people are so scary..."

Not to mention the misunderstanding and suffering on his side, Hermione and Su Ming have successfully arrived at the principal's office at Hogwarts. The place is still the same as before, with a pensieve placed against the corner and antique-level tables and cabinets filling the room. , the combination of furniture in different eras and styles forms a special aesthetic.

The walls were covered with oil paintings by past principals. Some people in these oil paintings were not present, and those who remained in the paintings naturally cast various different looks at the two people who suddenly arrived.

It's a pity that Fawkes, the Phoenix, is no longer there. After all, it was Dumbledore's personal pet, and he naturally took it with him after he resigned.

However, since the current principal is Professor McGonagall, there are many things she likes in the principal's office, such as a large number of transfiguration books and students' thesis assignments.

She was originally the vice principal, and it was normal for her to be promoted after Lao Deng left. Severus was also promoted to vice principal, but the focus of his life now is not work, but his wife and son.

Anyway, Professor McGonagall still led the class in person, so when Su Ming looked at her, this somewhat old witch was working behind a hill of parchments, with the sharp corner of her hat exposed.

She probably gave the students some paper assignments that were more than twelve inches long. The students always complained about it, but the children didn't know that the professor who needed to mark these assignments was even more tired. After all, the paper was a subjective question and there was no standard answer. Copied.

"Professor McGonagall?" Hermione called the witch behind the desk. Although the minister was a Ravenclaw and Professor McGonagall was the former head of Gryffindor, the professor who liked to turn into a cat was very interested in the clever Hermione. Min has always been nice.

After hearing the sound, the witch raised her head from the table, but after seeing the death knell, the first thing she said was:

"Mr. Wilson, you didn't submit a written resignation report to the school when you left. This caused us a lot of trouble in recruiting for the second school year. You did something wrong."

"Haha, Professor McGonagall is still the same, so serious. You didn't mention this when we last met at Kamal Taj."

Su Ming, who had not yet lit the cigarette in his mouth, smiled and waved his hands, indicating that it was all in the past. But after seeing the serious look behind the witch's glasses, he still sighed:

"Okay, you're right, it's my fault. I will ask Stark Industries to sponsor Hogwarts ten times more in the future, so that the school can completely break away from the control of the pure-blood family board of directors. Okay. What?"

After hearing this answer, Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, a smile appeared on her serious face, she stood up and waved to Hermione:

"Come here, Hermione, let me see if you've lost any weight lately."

The female minister blushed, but she still walked over and hugged the professor. Even though she was called the Minister of Magic, Professor McGonagall still treated her as before, making her feel very warm. She lay in his arms and said:

"I'm fine, Professor, I'm not a kid anymore."

"I know, but becoming the Minister of Magic and the President of the International Federation of Wizards at the age of seventeen is a heavy burden for a genius like you. You should take good care of yourself and return to Hogwarts if necessary. The professors always have your back.”

"Well, thank you, but I am already in my twenties this year, but my appearance stopped at the age of seventeen through some potions." Hermione was a little moved, but she quickly left the other person's arms and got down to business: "Professor Wilson came with me today for that matter."

Professor McGonagall is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so she naturally knows what this is talking about.

"Understood, the legend of ancient magic." The principal nodded, but then shook his head, the smile on his face disappeared, and returned to a serious state without expression: "But I have tried my best to investigate, Hogwarts we There is no such thing as far as we know. Are you sure that the information Mr. Black heard from the goblin is really reliable? Isn't it some kind of prank before his death?"

There are no good things about goblins. Even though Professor McGonagall is known for being fair and just, she doesn't have a good impression of goblins.

She has not participated in the bloody battle between wizards and goblins thousands of years ago, but she has learned a lot from history books and is very wary of those greedy and cruel guys with powerful magical abilities.

Although goblins seem to have a lower social status than wizards nowadays, they are natural casters and can use magic directly without spells or wands. This means that maybe a goblin vendor selling balloons on the street may be better than a goblin vendor. Hogwarts graduates with formal education are stronger.

Why a dying goblin was met by Sirius and why he was told such secrets are all suspicious. This may be a trap for the goblins.

"Actually, Professor, we haven't gone to see Sirius yet." Hermione scratched her cheek with her fingers, saying a little embarrassedly, and then looked at Su Ming: "Professor Wilson told me that we are all in the same situation. At the stage when we don’t know, nothing can be discussed if we get together for a meeting, it’s just a waste of time.”

"I don't even know when physical education professors had such a strict concept of time." Professor McGonagall glanced at Deathstroke speechlessly and chose to skip this topic: "But you should have your own ideas, talk about it, and plan to start from Where to start the investigation? If you want to go to the restricted area of ​​the library, I will write you a note."

Yes, the Minister of Magic does not have any privileges in Hogwarts, especially the books in the restricted area. Not only are students not suitable to read them, but even adult wizards should not read them.

You must know that Voldemort learned the magic of splitting Horcruxes from there.

"I secretly read the books in the restricted area when I was in school, and I have a photographic memory. There is no information we are looking for there." Hermione stuck out her tongue and gritted her teeth as Professor McGonagall seemed to want to see through her soul. He said with his eyes: "The investigation is still focused on my professor. How about you see what he thinks?"

Su Ming was much more resistant to Mag's gaze, because he knew that she was such a strict woman, so naturally he would not feel offended in any way.

Seeing Professor McGonagall looking over, he just touched the stubble on his chin and said:

"If possible, can Professor McGonagall give us a note to allow us to move freely? In addition to looking for clues about ancient magic, I also want to see the current situation of my old colleagues and get together with friends."

After hearing what her friend said, the principal's face was expressionless. After pacing, she leaned back on the table and continued to correct homework. Her voice was not so serious:

"You can go wherever you want with Miss Minister, because as I said just now, Professor Wilson, you did not submit a written resignation application, and neither the school nor the board of directors approved your resignation, so now you still You are the physical education professor of the school, and the door of Hogwarts is always open to you. Welcome back, Mr. Wilson."

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