The Death Knell

Chapter 4884 Return to the old home

Leaving the principal's office and walking down the long spiral staircase, the torches on the stone walls shone unsteadily, and the dripping stone beast at the door remained unchanged.

"Professor McGonagall is actually a very nice person, but she is too serious. Many classmates were afraid of her when she was in school." Hermione walked in front with her hands behind her back, bouncing down the stairs, and seemed to be in a good mood: "But she I think being the principal is the best choice for the students."

"I think so too. Hogwarts is a school after all. Strict school rules may not be suitable for a very small number of geniuses, but they are more beneficial to most ordinary wizards."

Su Ming, who was behind the girl, nodded. The two of them walked out of the tower where the principal's office was located. They stood on a platform and waited for the automatically deforming stairs to turn around. They lowered their heads to light the cigarette in their mouths and blew out a puff of smoke:

"Anyway, it's definitely better than Hagrid being the principal."

"Hee hee! How could Hagrid be the principal? Professor, are you serious? You are making such a joke to satirize other people." Hermione gave him a gentle hammer, and then arranged her hair, because she might appear in many movies next. In front of acquaintances, he needs to tidy up: "His strange preference for magical creatures and his somewhat regrettable spell-casting ability basically determine that it is impossible for him to hold such a position."

A bell rang from above their heads, and along with a roar, the stairs in the distance disintegrated and rotated in the air, before reuniting in front of the two of them.

You can go down now. This staircase is not user-friendly at all. The timer thing is definitely not a smart home.

The two of them continued walking like this, chatting and laughing when they came to a section of the viaduct, which connected the principal's tower and the main castle. If you lowered your head and looked down from the edge of the bridge, you could see the calm water of the Black Lake, with the sun shining on it. With fish scale-like bright spots.

But Hermione looked up at the main castle in front of her, or at a tower above it, which was Ravenclaw Tower, where she used to live.

Although she lived in a single room because of the professor, it was a question of whether the total time she studied at Hogwarts was four years, but at the beginning she was just an ordinary Muggle girl, and the magical world was in her The front unfolds from here.

Now she still remembers the feeling of putting the dirty Sorting Hat on her head, and then she thought about the time when the professor lied to her parents in the ice cream shop and organized the other three houses in order to trick her into Ravenclaw. appearance.

Hermione found it amusing to think back on the past.

"What's wrong? Want to go back to the dormitory to take a look?" Deathstroke seemed to have seen through her mind, just like in the past: "Anyway, we are not in a hurry, so there is no problem in going to Ravenclaw Tower."

"Well, I want to go up and take a look, because I'm usually too busy. I don't know when the next time I'll go back to Hogwarts will be."

A wind with a fishy smell blew from the black lake. Hermione smoothed her hair around her ears. Her brown hair looked a little curly. Her eyes moved to the grass outside the tower, where there were two classes. The student was taking flying lessons, which aroused her interest. As she walked forward, she pointed out to the professor:

"Professor, did you see that? That's Harry. I didn't even know he started working at Hogwarts this year. He seems to be doing well."

"I thought he would be happy to go to France and become a rich man after winning the Top Ten Tournament and taking my 100,000 gold galleons." Su Ming also noticed the shore of the Black Lake in the distance, and asked the students to The place where they were running was being used as a broom practice ground: "You are obviously married to Fleur, but do you still prefer to be with your father?"

Yes, there is no Harry Potter now, there is only Harry Snape. It is indeed a good story that two father and son worked and taught at Hogwarts at the same time, but if you only call Professor Snape, you probably can’t tell the difference. Say who.

"He has had no parents since he was a child. I understand his desire for family affection." Hermione smiled and lay on the guardrail of the stone bridge, relaxing and looking into the distance: "But Professor, I have always had a question, is Severus really Is Harry's biological father?"

"They think it's okay. Lily and Severus both need this result. Harry also agrees with this. You, an outsider, don't worry so much." Su Ming glanced at the girl and stretched out his hand to tug her little ears: "Let's go. , go hang out in your old common room first. If you really want to chat with Harry and reminisce about old times, you can go to the office after class."

"Well, it's a pity that my friends are all far apart at the moment, and they don't work in school. Otherwise, we could still have a party."

Hermione was young, but her words were full of nostalgia, which made Su Ming hit her on the head again and said angrily:

"I asked you to be the president of the International Federation of Wizards and the British Minister of Magic, not so that you can devote all your time to work, but to recruit people to control the magical world. I will leave the specific tasks to the following people. People do it, don’t make yourself so tired.”

"I understand, but I wonder if Professor, you have a similar feeling?" Hermione quickly walked across the long bridge, pushed open the main door of the castle, turned left and went up the stairs in a familiar way: "It's when you see other people If you want to do something but can't do it well, wouldn't you want to push him away and do it yourself?"

The current situation in the Ministry of Magic is like this. There are some things that the people below can't do well. Hermione is so anxious that she can only take matters into her own hands. There is no other way.

"I have, but I won't push people away, I will only kill them." Su Ming answered her angrily and took a deep drag on the cigarette: "It's a waste of food to be alive, and it will also cause other people to be angry." Blood pressure, it is better to contribute more if you die."

Hermione, who rolled her eyes, knew it would be this answer, in the same dark style as always, but she knew it was another joke. The professor was not the kind of character who would be a killer's servant. Too lazy to care.

Hermione also went to Karma Taj for a period of training. Although the relative time flow rate of the two worlds was adjusted to make her seem to have never left in the eyes of people in the current universe, those days also allowed her to see the top What the magical power should look like.

But no matter how good Kama Taj is, the self-respecting wizard Professor is more like a mascot. The magic school on the top of the mountain has no need for him in daily operations, and he never cares about the progress of his subordinates' work, let alone killing them. his own student.

So Hermione just rolled her eyes and continued climbing the stairs in silence.

When she first came to Hogwarts, she followed everyone from the Great Hall to here. At that time, she had all kinds of thoughts in her mind. She felt like she had been deceived by the professor, and then she felt relieved after seeing this door. Her mental journey Very complex.

It's just that I don't know how Penelo-senpai, who opened the door by guessing the riddle at that time, is doing now? She eventually broke up with Percy Weiss, went abroad after graduation, and didn't hear from her for a while.

The door to the lounge of the Yard of Eagles is still the same, and the eagle ring on the door still remembers Hermione, but this does not prevent it from asking a question for the female minister to answer. Its question is - who is the greatest witch of the 20th century? .

With Hermione blushing in embarrassment, she said her name. The eagle ring on the door seemed to wink mischievously. It turned to open the door and said as it had done countless times in the past:

"Welcome, Ravenclaw."

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