The Death Knell

Chapter 4888 Love and Family

Of course it was Harry who suddenly broke in. Now Harry also has shawl-long hair like his father, but the expression on his face is much gentler. He is even somewhat popular among female students because of his spirit. The girls thought the long-haired professor was very handsome when he was flying in the air on a broomstick.

Yes, no one talks about the story of the Boy Who Lived anymore, now everyone talks about the legend of Hermione, but this is exactly what Harry wants, and it makes him feel more relaxed that no one is paying attention.

Now he has both parents, a beautiful wife like Furong, rich money, and a happy life.

He has decided that he will spend his life peacefully, like most professors, working at Hogwarts until he is over a hundred years old, and then retire to enjoy life, just like seclusion.

After all, he was one of the parties involved in a series of events. Of course he knew that Principal Dumbledore was not dead, and he also knew that the principal ran away with the first-generation Dark Lord, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, because this It’s a solution that doesn’t require any more bloodshed.

All this was thanks to Professor Wilson, so even though Harry was now a professor at Hogwarts, he still respected this man very much. Even when his cousin got married, he dragged Malfoy to the wedding banquet.

That was his first trip to another universe system, and it was an eye-opener.

But now when he saw Professor Wilson, whom he respected, and his father hiding in the office playing with women's clothes, Harry was still shocked.

"You kid, you can't even make a sound when you walk, and you're still incarnate in school, right?" Su Mingdan put down the suspicious triangle in his hand calmly, and slowly rubbed his fingers: "Don't stand stupidly at the door. Close the door and come sit down.”

"Oh." Harry reacted, and he quickly closed the door behind him. After all, it would be bad if the students saw this. It was already the end of get out of class, and soon those little villains would be everywhere in the corridor. Running around.

Although Hogwarts school rules prohibit running in the corridors, especially in the Potions classroom, for Gryffindor troublemakers, rules are meant to be broken, and challenging school rules will only make them feel more Stimulate.

Now my status is really different. After becoming a professor, I realized how much I and Ron hated each other before.

"Okay, since you have seen it, I will give you your share." Su Ming started to take out something from his pocket again, the same share as the one for Severus: "Snacks, cigarettes and alcohol are for you. Yes, you take these clothes and socks home and give them to Fleur. Don’t say they were sent by me, just say they were bought by you, do you understand?”

"Ah, how is this possible?" Harry, after all, is younger and understands the value of these high-end fashions: "Professor, you have already given me too many favors. I am really embarrassed to ask for these again."

"Take what is given to you. I don't lack this. What you have to do now is to work hard, have children with your wife as soon as possible, and then live a good life."

No matter how polite Harry was, Su Ming stuffed a large bag of things into a paper bag and threw it into the big boy's arms:

"Put your things away. Hermione will be here soon. We will just talk about going out for dinner in the evening."

"Dinner party?" Harry put away his things. There was a Seamless Stretch Charm in his robe pocket, which could easily store more items: "Are all the professors from Hogwarts going? Can I see Dun? Principal Bullydo?"

"It is impossible for Dumbledore to appear in public." Severus interrupted his son, shook his head and said: "In front of the public, he is already dead. You should not mention it in the future, so as not to be overheard by interested people. I teach you The Occlumency given to you must be maintained at all times."

"I understand, father, I will definitely keep it secret." Harry took a deep breath, wiped his hands on his robe, and took out a towel to wipe his sweat: "By the way, I came here to ask You, tomorrow is the weekend, do we want to go home?"

Home, this word was once closely related to Harry, but it seemed to have nothing to do with it at all.

After all, although the Dursleys' house protected him, he couldn't feel the warmth of home at all. He couldn't tell whether it was a home or not.

The home he was talking about now was, of course, the place where his mother and Fleur lived. His father and he bought a piece of land in Liverpool and built a big house where the whole family lived together. This was Harry's home from Wes. Inspired by visiting a family, he felt that families should live together to be more cozy.

Of course, it doesn't have to be as cramped as Ron's family lives. If possible, it would be better to build a bigger house.

When the word home was mentioned, Severus also showed a smile on his face. He nodded and replied:

"Go back, our home is so nice, we must go back."

"Actually, you should tell Hermione and ask the Ministry of Magic to send someone to connect the Potions office and the fireplace at home to the floo network, so that you can go home every day." Su Ming crossed his legs and smiled. The way the two of them looked at this time, they really should be father and son, with exactly the same desire for love and family.

So he came up with an idea. Since professors have nothing to do at night anyway, how about catching students wandering at night? That's what Filch and his cat do.

Why don't you go home from here after get off work every day? Even if you have some work, go back to your home study to do it. Isn't it more comfortable than this office?

"Is it convenient to lay a new floo network in a place like Hogwarts?" Severus was persuaded by Deathstroke to board his ship, and now there is no reason to hesitate, because He knew Deathstroke always had a plan.

The concern lies in his identity as a former Death Eater, and many people still doubt his position. In addition, Hogwarts is the last bastion of the White Wizards. It is understandable that the only Floo Network entrance and exit is connected to the principal's office, but if a new way is opened, some people may have objections.

"I'll just tell Hermione later. Do you have the right not to use it? The result is that it will be expired." Su Ming waved his hand casually, it was not a big deal: "As for whether Professor McGonagall will agree, don't worry, she You won't refuse, because Dumbledore didn't compensate you when he left, right? Severus, he owes you, Professor McGonagall is a close confidant of Old Deng, and she is an insider."

Severus was sent by Old Deng to serve as a double agent next to Voldemort. That was working with his head in his waistband and taking great risks.

Even if Hermione killed Voldemort in the end without using Dumbledore's plan, this does not mean that the Potions Professor's previous actions were in vain. He had to work hard and must be paid.

Yes, he survived, rescued Lily, and picked up a son, but these were given to him by Deathstroke. What does they have to do with Dumbledore?

The undercover agent sent by Lao Deng, in the end, he patted his butt and went off with his lover without paying the undercover agent any salary. Isn't this a debt?

"Understood. This way, Harry and I can go home every day, and we don't have to risk our bodies and places by using Disapparation."

At this point, a certain father avoided talking about Dumbledore behind his back and brought up something else. He gave his son a sharp look, like when the kid put the wrong ingredients in Potions class. Same:

"How many times have I told you that Hogwarts is protected by a special magic spell. It is almost impossible to change your appearance. Although I don't know why you can do it, it is too dangerous. Maybe it will You will be stuck in the wall once, do you want me and your mother to be sad? Don't do this again!"

"Uh!" When Harry saw his father's angry expression, the psychological shadow of his school days resurfaced in his memory, and he immediately nodded repeatedly, looking like a quail with its neck scrunched up in winter.

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