The Death Knell

Chapter 4889 Chatting at the table

After the three of them discussed the Floo Network, they started talking about serious matters, the so-called ancient magic.

At this time, Harry suddenly mentioned that he had heard this word before, but not long ago, in Ollivander's wand shop.

Not long ago, he took this year's freshmen to Diagon Alley to buy things. He went to the store to chat with Ollivander. The old man accidentally knocked off an old account book while looking for his wand. After opening it, he looked at it. , while choosing wands for the new students, he talked about his family's history of 'wand making'.

The words are still the same, promoting their own wands and saying that the family has been making wands for many years. It is not the people who choose the wands, but the wands that choose the users.

As he talked, he also talked about Harry's wand, Voldemort's wand, Dumbledore's wand, etc., and then mentioned that hundreds of years ago, one of his family's ancestors made a wand for a special person.

The reason why I say he is a special person is because that person is a transfer student that has never been in Hogwarts before. He is in the fifth grade when he enters the school, and he can use a special kind of magical power. It is said that it is ancient magic. There seems to be some trouble. A big event is coming.

But what the final result of that person was, Harry didn't know, and no one knew.

According to Mr. Ollivander, all specific information was covered up by 'Bitch' Black, who was the Headmaster of Hogwarts at the time.

The reason why the Ollivander family knew about this was because of some gossip passed down secretly within their family. The reason why they paid attention was because that student was so special, especially since the whereabouts of that person were unknown just one year later. , there is no record of even graduating from Hogwarts.

The transfer student seemed to appear and disappear suddenly. There is no record of him in the school history of Hogwarts, and no one among his classmates has mentioned him since then.

It's like everyone has fallen into the trap of forgetting everything.

He told Harry this purely to recover a wand produced by his family. He thought that if Harry taught at Hogwarts, he might be able to find the whereabouts of the missing student. He had always been optimistic about Harry's Luck, after all, is the Boy Who Lived?

People from hundreds of years ago would have turned into a pile of bones even if they could be found, but well, the wand will never die...

"Professor Wilson, that's it. I suddenly thought of something. We can use the magic of 'flashback spell' to reproduce the spells used by a wand before. So if the missing student used ancient magic during his lifetime, Could it be that this wand remembers something?"

As Harry spoke, inspiration came to him, and he put forward his opinion with a smile on his face. If Professor Wilson wanted to find some ancient magic, it would be better to find the user of this ancient magic. If he could find the wand used by the other party, , there is a high probability that ancient magic can be recreated.

As for how to find it specifically, he didn't know, but he believed that there was nothing that Hermione couldn't do. After all, everyone said that she was the reincarnation of Ms. Ravenclaw and had unparalleled wisdom.

"Hey, that's good, Harry. It seems that without Ron causing trouble around you, your brain has improved a lot." Su Ming stretched out his hand to rub Harry's head, brushing his fingers from his lightning-shaped scar. After: "Your suggestion is good, and it is indeed a solution. I will consider it. By the way, what is Mr. Ron Weiss doing recently? I met his father Arthur not long ago, but I forgot to ask about it. .”

Harry has also grown up. He has become more mature and smarter than before. Su Ming was very pleased and wanted to ask how the child's friends were doing.

"Ron? He originally wanted to be an Auror, but he failed the exam; then he thought about working as a cleaner at the Ministry of Magic for a period of time, but he almost ruined it because he used the wrong cleaning agent. Some memory balls, things got too big, so he had to take the blame and resign; now he helps the twins in Diagon Alley at their prank shop, and he also takes on some part-time jobs like helping people carry out funerals..."

He knew very well about Ron's current situation. After all, they were good friends and the two of them communicated frequently.

"Did you really go dance holding the urn?" Su Ming smiled and clapped, but the expression on his face was that he couldn't laugh or cry: "I thought he was joking before, but didn't I expect that life has forced him to be like this?"

It's not that Su Ming has any prejudice against dealing with the dead. He has a good relationship with death, but the main reason is that in the mainstream of society, the funeral industry is regarded as an unlucky job.

"Alas, his family's financial situation has never been very good. Now the eldest son Bill has returned to work at Gringotts in the UK, and the couple has moved back to his parents' house together. As a result, there are nine people living in the Burrow. According to Ron said that every morning he had to ride a broomstick to go to the toilet."

Harry shuddered when he said this, and the expression on his face looked very unbearable, because he used to often stay at the Burrow, so he naturally knew what it was like, and it was even harder to imagine what he would do now that there were more people. But he continued:

"He said he wanted to save up money to move out and rent a house, or at least find a place with a private bathroom in a big city. But I said that when I had money and could lend it to him, he was determined not to let me help, otherwise we would break up the relationship. He also said that he would use his poor living conditions to force himself to unleash his potential..."

Harry, who was smiling bitterly, was interrupted by Severus before he finished speaking. The Potions Professor had been shaking his head and finally spit out the venom:

"He is wrong. I don't think that Mr. Ron Weiss, who is in his twenties, has any inherent potential. He has no other advantages except being loyal to you. I don't know if you have discovered this advantage." , which highly overlaps with the advantages of house elves.”

The implication is that Ron is worse than a house elf. At least those guys know how to listen to their master no matter how stupid they are.

The Potions Professor has always looked down on Ron, but this is not because he has any objections to the Wesley family. On the contrary, he thinks Percy and the twins are both good. The former is very polite, and the latter two are very good at Potions. of talent.

At least the 'involuntarily expelling sugar' that can make people fart constantly is not something that ordinary people can invent. Although sugar making is only a minor direction in potions, it does have something to it.

Compared with his brothers, and even his sister Ginny, Ron is far behind. It's like seeing a red barrel with a shorter piece on a circle of wooden boards. Severus No matter how I look at him, I don't like him.

"Hey, Severus, you can't say that. Ron still has some merits." Su Ming expressed his opinion. He stumbled under Harry's eager eyes for a while before he seemed to find it. He deliberately said, "His vomiting slug spell is very good."

"Ha." Severus laughed at this cold joke. It was obvious that he once again experienced Professor Wilson's American humor.

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