The Death Knell

Chapter 4891 Information is everywhere

We sat down and talked about miscellaneous things for a while. The main thing was that Harry was talking about his feelings after becoming a professor. Looking at this familiar castle from a different perspective, he would find something different.

He now feels that Hogwarts is very fresh, and even his office is so interesting. Even if there are spiders crawling on the ceiling that has not been cleaned for many years, being with these things is a part of a wizard's life.

I feel great, my waist doesn’t hurt and my legs don’t hurt. I can climb eight flights of stairs without any difficulty. I even feel more energetic than when I was a student.

Su Ming was satisfied to see him so happy. After all, he had changed Harry's fate with no intention of harming him, but for a better result.

After a while, Hermione came back after arranging things. She also brought Neville, the current physical education professor, so the four of them started a new round of chatting, mostly about topics about Hogwarts.

Neville has become much more handsome when he grows up. Not only is he no longer as obese as he was when he was a child, but now he is also covered in tendons and is taller than Deathstroke himself.

You must know that Su Ming is actually not short. 187 centimeters is considered a standard height in the superhero circle. But the little fat man who was originally a fat man is now a devilish muscular man. Not to mention his height of two meters, his arms are bigger than Harry's thighs. A thick circle.

He was also very grateful to Professor Wilson because he lost his toad on the train on the first day of school and the professor helped him find it.

Later, when he went to school, he couldn't keep up with almost all the courses. Only physical education and herbal medicine were acceptable, and the two corresponding professors were also the best to him.

In fact, he was very tired when he started exercising, and he cried to his grandma, but grandma said that the professor was doing it for his own good and just asked him to be obedient.

He has persisted like this for more than ten years. Not only has he recovered from the amnesia he suffered when he was a child, but he also looks good. He is now so popular with witches that the witches who say they are close to him are about to break the fireplace in his hometown.

It's normal. Neville was born in the Longbottom family. He was a standard pure-blood noble. He had a big family and a great business, and he had no worries about food and drink. He himself is powerful and well-groomed. In addition, he and his grandmother are the only ones left in the family. The family relationship is relatively simple. This makes him the son-in-law that many pure-blood families want.

Su Ming said very humbly that this was not his fault. After all, he only taught Neville how to exercise, and he taught it to every student. Neville's ability to persevere and achieve today's results all depends on his own perseverance.

Especially for someone like him who had a problem with forgetfulness in the past, he actually didn't forget to get up and exercise every day, and he had to remember every event. The hard work and sweat he put in was unmatched by others.

Most of the time, Su Ming likes smart people, but someone with perseverance and perseverance like Neville is also good.

The four of them chatted and drank tea. When the time was up, they went to eat in the small hall on the side of the cafeteria. The food cooked by the house elves still tasted the same, but at least it was much better than the fish and potatoes in the Muggle world outside.

During the meal, Su Ming also asked Neville about ancient magic. His original intention was to recruit him to join the Order of the Phoenix and help Hermione in the future.

But I didn't expect that just by asking casually, Neville actually knew something.

There was a stubble on the strong man's chin. When he leaned on the chair with his arms folded, the muscles on his shoulders bulged out the cassock. Perhaps it was to show that his current memory was only short-lived. After recalling it for a moment, he said with certainty:

"I know about ancient magic. Grandma once told me a story..."

"Wait a minute, Neville, I know your grandma used to be an Auror, but why did she talk to you about this? After all, we haven't even heard of ancient magic before today."

Hermione was holding a knife and fork in her hand, with a steak in front of her. At this time, the steaming food had a sauce mixed with red wine slowly flowing on it. She was a little surprised to hear that Neville knew about ancient magic. .

"Ah, I thought it was a scary fairy tale." Neville shook his head mockingly. His grandmother had tried various methods to treat his amnesia in the past, including telling scary stories to scare him: "Then It was in second year, remember Ginny's diary incident? She was so frightened afterwards that she told Harry about it, and I just happened to hear it."

"Tom Riddle's diary, I remember." Hermione nodded. At that time, the professor lied to her that he was going to slay a dragon, but he ended up going from the bathroom to the secret room, and then used flash bombs and shotguns to kill a basilisk: "One of Voldemort's Horcruxes."

The diary was taken away by the professor and later destroyed in a meeting with the principal and others. It was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

"Yes, it's a Horcrux, but I didn't know what a Horcrux was back then. I just told my grandma what I barely remembered when I came home for the holidays. She immediately said that it was a Horcrux, and then said It gave rise to the origin of an evil magic, used to scare me."

When he said this, Neville raised his hand to scratch the top of his head, obviously embarrassed about his unsatisfactory state when he was young.

"You mean...the magic used to split the Horcrux is some kind of application of ancient magic?" Harry also understood, but he was obviously uncomfortable and raised his hand to cover his lightning. The scar felt like it was starting to sting and burn again.

"Yes, at least that's what my grandma said. I don't know if this story is true, but I can tell you."

The strong man grabbed the cup on the table and drank the sugar-free drink inside. He cleared his throat and began to tell the story that his grandma once told him but that he had forgotten but now remembered.

According to legend, more than a thousand years ago, less than 200 years after the founding of Hogwarts, there once appeared a girl named Yin Sidora Morgana. She came from a place not far away from Hogwarts. In a village not far away, families are poor and live miserable lives.

When she was young, a severe drought broke out in the area and even caused forest fires. By the time the professors at Hogwarts arrived, her house had been burned down and her brother had also died in the fire.

But she also saw a special person among the professors that day. His magic exuded a light that was different from others. Stepping out of the black lake blocked the spreading fire, and with a flick of the wand, the forest could reappear.

So as a Muggle, Yin Sidora was shocked, as if she had seen God and hope.

As a village on the verge of Hogwarts, although it is further away than Hogsmeade, it can also be regarded as a magical village. The Muggles living in it have seen a lot of magic in the past, but they have never seen such a powerful magic. curse.

The young Yin Sidora was very smart. She realized that she could also see the colorful bright lights dancing with magic. She might also have extraordinary potential and be able to use such power. As long as she has the power, probably, in the future Can you revive your brother?

So a few years later, she was proved to have magical talent and entered Hogwarts. She was soon noticed by Percival Rackham because she could see the light that other wizards could not see, and he took him under his wing. For the apprentice, it's like the relationship between Professor Wilson and Hermione.

This Professor Rackham was the one who saved the village at that time. He used ancient magic, which is said to come from the most original power of the world.

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