The Death Knell

Chapter 4892 Easy difficulty

There was no one else in the professor's small restaurant. Because Su Ming and his party arrived late today, they were the last ones to eat. Neville's voice was also a little louder, not worried about being heard.

His personality now is also different from before. He is confident to the naked eye. If it were him when he was a child, let alone speaking normally, he would stutter even if he was stared at.

Surrounded by the aroma, he continued to tell the story his grandma had told him.

After Yin Sidora enrolled in Hogwarts, she received careful instruction from Professor Rackham, not only in ordinary magic spells, but also in ancient magic that the professor and she could master.

Ancient magic was very powerful. Not only could it create things out of thin air and change the world, but it also had various other miraculous effects.

Unlike conventional spells, it doesn't even require a spell. All the caster needs to do is determine his or her own intention, and then communicate the power between heaven and earth, and it will be used by others.

This girl is a genius. She learns incredibly fast and shows very strong fighting ability. After graduation, she stayed at the school to teach as a teacher of the Defense Against Dark Arts class.

It's just that Professor Rackham didn't realize that his apprentice was secretly conducting a dark magic experiment. It all started with a good wish, but went astray.

Yin Sidora's brother died in the fire that year. She originally wanted to use the ancient magic she mastered to resurrect her brother, but it turned out that it belonged to the realm of the God of Death. Even if a mortal has the power, he cannot reach greatness. the other side.

So she chose to settle for the next best thing.

After her son's death, her father was trapped in pain and self-blame all day long. In addition to drinking to drown his sorrows, he shed tears every day. This was the case for many years.

She couldn't bear to see her father like this, so she invented a spell to draw out the sadness from her father's soul with the power of ancient magic...

But more than a thousand years ago, the spell 'forget everything' did not exist yet. His father's memory was still there, so the pain would continue to arise.

So she kept pumping and pumping, going home almost every day after work to escape her father's pain.

After those painful emotions leave the body, they will form something like black cotton wool, and they will be very disobedient and want to get into other people's bodies. For this reason, she got a lot of bottles and jars just to store these emotions. She was also very happy to see her father's smiling face every time he was 'treated'.

At that time, Professor Rackham discovered it once and felt that something was not right. He also advised her not to use ancient magic in this way, but the young girl did not listen at all. She thought that she had created a new field of magic.

Ancient magic is so mysterious that no one knows how to use it. If it is limited by their own imagination, how can it develop in the future?

After hearing this, Professor Rackham felt that it seemed reasonable, because he was already old and could not restrict the development of his apprentices because of his personal opinions.

So this little episode in life passed between the two of them, and everything was business as usual.

But as time went by, countless bottles and jars storing emotions filled up her small hometown, and there was nowhere to put the newly extracted emotions. At this time, Yin Sidora thought of a way, that is, to put her father's The pain is transferred to one's own body and sealed away.

She feels that her willpower is strong enough and she has mastered extremely sharp ancient magic. Isn't it easy to fight against some emotions?

As it turns out, she was half right.

After inhaling her father's painful emotions like a cigarette, these emotions not only did not cause any waves in her body, but strangely transformed into her power, making her stronger than before.

After discovering this, things began to undergo some uncontrollable changes.

She first absorbed all the painful emotions stored at home and found that she had become super strong. When all the professors at Hogwarts put together were inferior to her, she then began to secretly leave Hogwarts and go around to treat others. Heart disease'.

Someone's son died? Someone's wife died? Someone is dying themselves?

She would always appear there, using ancient magic to draw out the pain of these people and make them smile again. This experience made her feel more and more that she was doing the right thing.

But as time gradually passed, she discovered a problem, that is, she began to become 'hungry'.

If it didn't matter to her whether she took away the pain of others or whether she was doing good deeds or not, then a few months later, if she didn't 'eat' the painful emotions of more than a dozen people every day, she would become flustered , sweating profusely, short of breath, confused thinking, and general weakness.

To put it simply, it's like an addict's addiction, but it's thousands of times more painful than that.

Because there were too many painful emotions in her body, when these emotions broke out, even she, who had become the most powerful witch on earth at that time, could not resist it.

Things then began to take a turn for the worse. In order to fight against the pain in her own body, she secretly began to use ancient magic to extract joy, happiness, relief and other emotions from other people's bodies. When the victim resisted, she gradually lost her bottom line and would Drain all the emotions from the other person.

She lost control. Maybe there was no such thing as a Dark Lord at that time, but what she did has become a terrifying legend in that backward era.

Whether wizards or Muggles, goblins or house elves, even magical animals could not escape being killed. At that time, every creature was scared to death, because the mysterious murderer would randomly appear anywhere in the UK at night, attacking anyone or When a group of creatures attacks, the victim is often found as a unconscious walking zombie, an empty shell.

During the day, Yin Sidora was a professor at Hogwarts. She was gentle, considerate and kind. She even participated in the investigation team that hunted down the murderer. She was a good young man no matter what.

But at night, she is the murderer!

There was no progress in the work of breaking the eucalyptus for a long time, but the desire in Yin Sidora's body was endless, and it grew so fast that she finally went completely crazy.

When a professor in the school passed by her hometown village, he wanted to go to Yin Sidora's house to say hello to his colleague's father. However, when he entered the house, he found that the old man had become an empty shell for a long time, and the room was messy and clothed. Full of dust.

No one who can work at Hogwarts is an idiot. The professor immediately understood that this father had been an empty shell for maybe a month. Yin Sidora obviously went home every day, but when he came to school to work But this matter was not mentioned at all, so there was only one possibility.

That is, she did everything.

What followed was an investigation and a battle of wits, and things soon developed into a battle between good and evil. Dozens of Hogwarts professors formed a group to besiege Yin Sidora, and she killed many of them.

Including the then principal, Ms. Fitzgerald, and Yin Sidora's very good teacher, Professor Rackham, were all killed in this battle.

Countless emotions make Yin Sidora extremely powerful. Even in battle, she can continuously absorb the opponent's emotions through ancient magic, as if she has endless power, and she will get stronger as she fights.

In the end, the magic teacher, Asan from India, attacked from behind and killed the terrifying witch with a killing curse.

But this matter is not the end. The series of dark spells she invented have been passed down, especially the 'Ancient Peeling Technique' curse that abstracts people's emotions and souls. It was also recorded in the "Ancient Dark Spell" by Ah San. "The Encyclopedia of Magic", stored in the restricted book section of Hogwarts.

No one knows why he did this. Maybe it was to warn future generations not to invent spells with similar effects; or maybe he couldn't bear to see the powerful magic spell lost, so he left it in his thoughts.

But in the restricted book area of ​​Hogwarts, this spell had no name, and no explanation of its effects. It just existed alone in the book. I don't know how many years have passed, but it has been peaceful.

It wasn't until nine hundred years later that a young student named Tom Riddle wanted to pursue immortality and strength, so as a genius, he accidentally saw this spell in this book, and after experimenting, he discovered its true effect .

Although Voldemort did not have the talent to use ancient magic, he found an alternative way, which was to kill others as sacrifices, use the souls of the dead to provide energy, and activate the spell left by Yin Sidora to split his own soul. Then transfer this divided soul to other containers.

Horcruxes come from this.

After Voldemort's incident, the book containing the Stripping Curse was destroyed by Dumbledore, which is why subsequent young wizards did not know it existed.

"This is the story my grandma told me. It really scared me when I was a child. I kept thinking about what it would be like to be an empty shell that lost its mind. I was afraid that I would also become an idiot. But fortunately, at that time I'm forgetful and forgot this story after a few days. If you hadn't just mentioned ancient magic today, Professor, I might not have been able to remember it, haha. Anyway, if you want to find ancient magic, just look for something related to this witch You can definitely find some clues about the matter."

Neville finished telling the story and saw that the three people at the table were silent. He could only continue to speak to bring everyone's thoughts back to reality.

Su Ming didn't say anything, just looked at Hermione and spread her hands, her meaning was very simple.

Sirius also said that he didn't have any clues. As soon as he arrived at Hogwarts, he asked Severus, Harry, and Neville. These three people either had ideas or information. It couldn't be smoother. .

Sirius didn't ask them at all, he just turned into a big dog and walked around the castle secretly. Is this his investigation? What the hell can this find out?

Now I can find a lot of clues just by asking. Su Ming has never fought such a rich battle. This game is not difficult at all.

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