The Death Knell

Chapter 4893 Suspicious

There is no difficulty at all, that means there is a ghost.

But now is not the time to talk about this. After all, Harry and Neville don't need to know more. It would be better for them not to get involved in matters of this level.

The answer to why Su Ming felt something was wrong was very simple.

As we all know, Neville had amnesia when he was a child, and now he has recovered as his body and soul are stronger, but why can he immediately recall such a long story when Su Ming mentioned ancient magic?

Is it because you are curious about Voldemort's Horcruxes? Or... because he had a brain problem when he was a child and did not practice Occlumency, so his memory is most easily affected by outsiders?

Professor McGonagall found nothing, and Severus and Harry could only provide a general idea. These feedbacks were all normal, except when it came to Neville, things felt a bit manipulated. He expressed The whole thing is still fresh in my memory, which is inconsistent with the rules of human memory.

Su Ming himself has super memory because he was transformed by the Miracle Serum. Although Neville is a wizard, there is no difference in physical fitness between wizards and Muggles. They are all humans.

Research by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus found that forgetting begins immediately after learning, and the process of forgetting is not uniform.

Forgetting happens quickly at first, then gradually. He believed that 'retention and forgetting are functions of time', and based on his experimental results, he drew a curve describing the forgetting process, which is the famous Ebbinghaus memory forgetting curve.

He published his experimental report in 1885 and showed that after the human brain is input with information, that is, the learning process, it becomes the human's short-term memory. However, without timely and uninterrupted review, these memories will be lost. Things that have been passed will be forgotten; and only after timely review, these short-term memories will become a kind of long-term memory for people, thus keeping them in the brain for a long time.

Any learning process is normally accompanied by forgetting. As time goes by, if you don't review every day, more and more parts will be forgotten.

Is it possible that Neville's memory has become super strong now, and he happened to be particularly impressed by this story?

There is this possibility, but Su Ming's style is not to trust others, but to think of a backup plan if something goes wrong.

The monsters we encountered before were easy to deal with, but if that group of enemies sends out other ghosts, such as feet or heads, it might take a little more strength.

So when he made faces at Hermione and made fun of Sirius' ability to do things, it was actually just a joke, because it was normal for Harry's godfather to be in a state where he didn't investigate anything of value.

But Hermione is actually quite wary. You know, when Neville told him that his grandmother told him a story about ancient magic when he was a child, Hermione was the first to question why the old lady, as a retired Auror, would Tell your grandson that kind of ancient secret?

Putting aside that this story is a bit dark, you must know that Neville was just a forgetful boy in the second grade at the time. Even if the old lady told it, would he remember it?

So in response to the professor's gesture of spreading his hands, Hermione also spread her hands and responded with a joke. However, it could be seen from her eyes that Hermione already understood that there was something wrong with this matter.

It's hard to say who is the best student of the Supreme Mage between her and Mysterio, but in terms of ability to solve crimes and investigate, the little witch is most similar to the professor.

"What's wrong with you?" Neville looked at the interaction between the master and the apprentice with some curiosity. He wiped his mouth, and there were some traces of butter stuck there: "Did the user of ancient magic appear again? Someone? Are you extracting other people's emotions?"

As a Gryffindor, he has a strong curiosity about everything.

"Could it be that Yin Sidora was resurrected?" Harry's eyes widened, and he immediately thought of this, because his mother was resurrected.

"It's okay, it's no big deal." Su Ming took out a bottle of wine from his pocket and poured himself a glass: "So what if Yin Sidora is resurrected? We have even killed Voldemort, and we will still be afraid for a thousand years. Ancient people from before? You can just do whatever you need to do. You still have classes in the afternoon, right?"

"Well, after eating and taking a rest, it's time to teach the children." Harry nodded. He fully believed that Professor Wilson and Hermione could do this, because the little worry that originally appeared in his heart disappeared immediately. , showing the same heartless and silly smile from the past.

There was nothing wrong with Neville himself. It was most likely that his memory had been tampered with, so he naturally just nodded and continued to eat his lunch. He ate a lot, like a bear.

Under Hermione's deliberate manipulation, the next topic turned into pure nostalgia. They talked about the past when they were in school and their classmates.

Including Draco Malfoy, who is now Harry's good friend, these two people who did not deal with each other at first are now surprisingly close to each other, because Severus is Draco's godfather and Harry's biological father. The relationship between the two is now like that of brothers.

Harry said that Draco's favorite thing is dragons. Now that brother is working for Stark Industries and runs dozens of dragon farms around the world. I heard that he is very busy and seems to be getting married soon. , the subject is Astoria Greengrass.

Harry, with a silly smile on his face, had a good impression of the eldest lady, because although she came from a super pure-blood wealthy family known as one of the 'Holy Twelve Families', she herself was not an extreme pure-blood lunatic. , but he is a good person who is very friendly to Muggles.

She is very beautiful, more elegant and noble than Penelo, the former school belle of Hogwarts. Young people in the wizarding world call her 'little princess' or 'goddess of the night', which also makes Draco feel a lot more jealous. Love rivals.

Of course, in the eyes of most outsiders, the marriage between the two families was a high priority for the Malfoy family, but in fact Lucius made a right decision. He betrayed Voldemort and turned to Deathstroke, which later brought him a generous fortune. Return.

The most powerful and most powerful wizard in the wizarding world today is undoubtedly Miss Hermione Granger.

And behind this Minister Granger is the dual support of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, her magic-immune teacher, the powerful Lich Legion that was only glimpsed in the final battle, and Stark Industries spans The huge capital machine in the Muggle and wizarding worlds...

Pure-blood families with a little bit of ability know some secrets that ordinary wizards don't know, and these secret information and connections are the foundation of the family.

But just thinking about these secrets makes my calves cramp.

Because Hermione was not a pure-blood, she was a Muggle before, and in the eyes of the extremists, she was a Mudblood. This kind of thing certainly made the pure-blood families panic, fearing that she would start a 'revolution'.

So the best solution is to show goodwill and move closer to the pure-blood family that already exists in Hermione's camp, that is, the Malfoy family, in order to obtain some guarantees for the future, even if Hermione has no intention of dealing with them, and marriage You can also find peace of mind.

Where there are people, there are not only rivers and lakes, but also politics. It makes sense that chickens and dogs ascend to heaven when one person attains enlightenment. Sometimes, even if chickens and dogs do not intend to ascend to heaven, people who want to please the gods will send them to heaven.

So Draco got the beauty's attention in an inexplicable state. I'm afraid he now has the same silly smile on his face as Harry, right?

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