The Death Knell

Chapter 4894 Going straight to Huanglong

Mr. Harry Snape worked as a homeless man for two years after graduation. While building a new home, he also used that time to enjoy family relationships at home. He only came to work at Hogwarts this year, and he still basically has no business. Flying Lesson Professor, so he has more free time to inquire about gossip from old friends.

But when talking about old friends, he mostly mentioned former Gryffindor classmates, and the topic always accidentally turned to Quidditch, which showed that he really liked that game.

"Okay, the meal is almost finished. Hermione and I are going to go to the school for a walk. You two don't need to accompany us. You can go to class when it's time."

After eating and wiping his mouth, Su Ming stood up. There was never any need to clean up after eating at Hogwarts. There were house elves who would do these things.

He was going to send Harry and the others away first, and then talk to Hermione about those potential enemies, including the strange people he had encountered in the Star Wars world before, and the methods that various imaginary enemies might use.

"Okay, Professor, let's see you tonight." Harry stood up with a smile, patted his robe, and asked again: "The professor's party at the Three Broomsticks tonight has not changed, right?"

In the past, Professor Wilson liked to take Hermione alone, which seemed normal to Harry. He might have something to say between master and apprentice.

You can have curiosity, but don't inquire into other people's privacy. That's not what a gentleman should do.

"It hasn't changed. If you have time in the afternoon, just ride on the broom and help me inform the other professors." Su Ming also smiled and nodded. He estimated that one afternoon would be enough to solve the problem by himself: "In addition, if If anyone wants to eat something that’s not available in the tavern, just tell your father and he knows how to contact my people to do it.”

"Yes! I will convey it to you, so Neville and I will take our leave first."

Harry, who loved riding a broom, didn't mind being a guest owl as a messenger owl. He pulled Neville and the two left after saying goodbye. On the way, Neville was still asking about the professor's party. He also came to the school to teach. I have never participated in such a private event, so I am a bit nervous.

"They're gone. Professor, is there anything you haven't told me yet?"

Watching the two of them disappear outside the cafeteria door, the expression on Hermione's little face changed. Her big eyes stared at Deathstroke's nose, as if she could see something there.

There were some things that Su Ming hadn't had time to tell her before. After all, she was originally asked to help, so there was no reason to hide anything.

But some of his conjectures and plans cannot be spoken out, but must be kept confidential, so the strangulating black tentacles put on the girl's wrist, and then began to transmit thoughts with the help of neural networks.

This method of communication was faster and more subtle. In just one second, Hermione understood all the ins and outs and fell into thinking.

Her brown hair glows golden in the sun, and her small nose is also very cute. When she is thinking, she will still show that little squirrel-like expression, biting her lower lip unconsciously with her front teeth.

"So that's it. This is what you didn't finish saying to me in the office this morning, and it's also the purpose of your coming here this time."

The witch nodded slowly. She took out the shotgun from her small bag, put it on her shoulder in a Terminator-like posture, and took a deep breath:

"Shall we get started then? What's your next plan?"

"Well, it's best to get it done in the afternoon. I have to have dinner with Professor Flitwick and the others in the evening. I don't want some gutter rats to delay everyone's time together." Su Ming put his arm around the student's shoulders and led her away. Canteen, walking towards the spiral staircase of the main castle: "Just right, I had a good lunch, I need some exercise after the meal."

There was a weak wind blowing in the corridor, disturbing the hem of Hermione's robe. She held her wand in her other hand and remained vigilant as she moved forward.

Through silent communication before, she already knew the professor's preliminary plan. It was very simple to say that no matter what happened to Neville's memory, it could be seen that someone wanted Deathstroke to investigate Yin from thousands of years ago. Sidora, then that route must be full of traps.

In addition, Sirius suddenly learned about ancient magic, so the whole thing might be a trap.

Therefore, if you want to track down the possible troublemakers behind it, you cannot follow the opponent's ideas. Instead, you must jump out of the framework of this incident and directly find the opponent's hiding place. After destroying or expelling the node creatures in it, we can talk about other things. things.

How to achieve this goal? If a high-level life from another world really enters this universe, how to find it?

In fact, we still need to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. When we met a strange hand in another world, the other party said that he wanted to show Su Ming a 'clear path' and also said that his path was wrong. So if they think about it the other way around, if they want to To further advance the plan, we must find a way to prove that they are right.

How to prove this? To put it simply, it means to make enough changes to the current world to have a big enough impact and change the story that Deathstroke has already changed, so as to achieve your goal.

So this means that the other party must have activated the ability to modify reality.

According to the situation during the last encounter, Su Ming's dark quantum could not accurately sense the other party's image, but could only sense the existence of something. Therefore, now he only needs to find someone who can give people a similar feeling in the current Hermione's world. The place is good.

It feels like when playing an RTS game, the entire mini-map is lit up, but wherever there is a piece of fog of war, there is a problem.

No clues or information were necessary anymore. Su Ming directly launched his own concept to attack Huanglong.

I have to say that the other party is really good at picking places. No matter whether the world is called "Harry Potter" or "Hermione Granger", it is undeniable that Hogwarts plays an important role in the stories that have already happened. , occupies the largest proportion of the scenes, and everything happens on this main stage.

Therefore, after just activating the quantum concept a little, Su Ming set his sights on the castle, the most suitable place for hiding people.

Of course, it's not a secret room, because after Slytherin's secret room was discovered, it was no longer a secret room, it was just an ordinary basement full of pipes.

There are many rooms in Hogwarts that can truly keep secrets, but that one is the most useful.

So Su Ming took Hermione to the eighth floor of the castle at an extremely fast speed, in front of the tapestry of "Troll Beats the Silly Barnabas" that he had seen countless times...

"Start planning, follow the plan I transmitted to you before." The suit on his body squirmed into black and yellow armor, and a lightsaber popped out from the center of Su Ming's palm. The golden light illuminated a small area nearby, and even the people in the painting The troll was dumbfounded. It had obviously seen the death knell, but it had never seen this kind of weapon.

He said this to Hermione, because the Room of Requirement cannot sense his own thoughts. Only by letting the witch think can it show the corresponding space.

The enemy should be hiding inside. Can this room be regarded as a pocket space? In short, it's almost like catching a turtle in a urn. How dare they play with dimensions and space in front of the Supreme Mage?

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