The Death Knell

Chapter 4906 Mixed Emotions

Deep in the ground, this is an unnaturally huge cavity, about the size of dozens of football fields. When you reach out, it is completely black.

The air is very turbid, and because it is deep enough, it is still a little hot here. It is not the comfortable underground cool area that Su Ming wants.

The goblins hollowed out this place thousands of years ago and assisted the wizards in sealing the emotions left behind by Yin Sidora's death here.

But hundreds of years ago, another bad goblin emerged from the descendants of the goblins who worked on the project. He believed that his family built the vault for the wizards, so the things in the vault should belong to him.

He wanted to gain the power of those emotions to strengthen himself. After gaining power, he planned to destroy mankind, a very simple wish.

Under normal circumstances, Su Ming would not distinguish between good and bad creatures. The real world is not that simple, but the goblin named Lan Locke is so simple and has no good qualities at all. From his appearance to his behavior, he is a complete idiot. A complete bad guy.

Yes, like most goblins, he is bald, has scars or wrinkles on his face, and his whole head looks like a broken egg, referred to as a bad guy.

"Fluorescence shines."

The witch flicked her wand, and the entire underground space was lit up. Unlike ordinary wizards' lighting spells, when Hermione used this magic, it felt like she had created a small sun suspended above her head.

As the huge and empty underground space lit up, the witch saw the surrounding environment clearly. If she hadn't known that this place was underground, she would have thought it was an ancient battlefield at first glance.

There were broken stones and ground everywhere, goblin bones in armor, and some dusty goblin equipment, which seemed to be magic shield machines used to dig holes.

In the war hundreds of years ago, the wizards obviously did not collect the corpses of the goblins when they left. The bones were lying everywhere, and the enchanted weapons they had used were thrown away like garbage next to their respective owners.

After a cursory glance, there were almost more than a hundred dead goblins nearby. I have to say that the fighting power of the Hogwarts professors is still very strong. It is really unbelievable that a dozen people can kill so many goblins. Easy, you must know that the affinity of goblins for magic is much higher than that of humans. As long as you are a goblin, you can basically cast spells from birth, and there is no need for a wand or a spell. That is their talent.

But then again, many wizards may not even be able to defeat house elves, let alone goblins.

"The skeletons of these creatures are all complete. They should have died from the killing curse."

Hermione casually pulled the bones with her toes and looked at the two black eyes on the orangutan-like skull staring at her:

"I don't know how long the peace between goblins and humans can be maintained now. Gringotts monopolizes the financial channels of the wizarding world. The financial power of the Ministry of Magic in various countries is like a joke. If I want to take back this right, it will inevitably happen. Conflict is their way of manipulating the magical world behind the scenes."

Leaving behind the skeleton, Hermione and the professor walked towards another cave ahead, about four to five hundred meters away, where the landscape had changed the most.

"You don't have to worry about this. When it comes to killing goblins, Grindelwald is an absolute master. He is a very elegant man. The most unsightly thing is ugly creatures like goblins. He must have had a plan." Su Ming smiled. He told his students his point of view: "And don't be afraid of war, because humans will win. There are humans in other multiverses, but there are no goblins. We have absolute numerical and technological advantages."

"I'm going to take a long-term plan...ah, I saw the traces of ancient magic." Hermione reached out and pointed forward, a circle of purple light spread from her hand, and the light ring once again marked the trajectory of all energy flows. .

It's like using colorful vermicelli covered with purple sweet potato puree, the color is very unique.

"It seems that the huge stone ball floating in the sky in front of you is the seal." Su Ming also followed these luminous veins and looked at the sky. I don't know how high the underground space is from the surface, but after drilling into this underground hole, there is a different world. .

There is a huge platform that is completely suspended in the air. Below the platform is billowing purple smoke. This is ancient magic marked by the rendering of the light ring.

About two hundred meters above the heads of the two people, there was a huge earth ball, which was slowly rotating like a planet. There were some long snake-like rings made of rocks surrounding it, which seemed to be spinning. Protect.

However, judging from the spell words that light up from time to time on the rock rings, they should be the true form of the seal.

From time to time, some black and red smoke will appear on the stone ball, which is the strong emotional energy visible to the naked eye. They want to break through the blockade of the ring, but are knocked back time and time again, just like a mouse coming into contact with the power grid. General.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and their erosion seems to have had some effect. The sealing ring appears incomplete, and I don't know how many years it can last.

Hermione is a witch. She is obviously more professional. Just by looking at it, she knows that it will be a matter of time before the seal is destroyed. If the energy here really breaks out, will it destroy the world? Everyone in Castle Gewoz is going to fly on a dirt plane.

She could feel the chaotic power, feel the emotions stirring her soul, as if a voice was calling her.

'Come here, use me...use become become stronger...'

"Ahem, just listen to it. It's the echo of Yin Sidora's remaining soul. Some people with more resentment before death will be like this. She integrated part of her thoughts into her stolen emotions." Su Ming pressed the student's little nose and interrupted her, who seemed to be in a trance: "It seems that stripping magic is indeed interesting. No wonder Tom likes it too. So what exactly is this earth ball? Is it a half-horcrux?"

"It may be a trap, professor." The witch got rid of the temptation, and the green light ring on her hand lit up at the same time: "The strange hands you killed before, you said they can change reality and stories, maybe it was on this stone There was tampering with the ball."

The stone ball is located high in the sky, and its diameter is estimated to be about one thousand meters. But if the professor's enemies are really as strong as his intelligence indicates, it would be easy to create such a large trap.

"That's right. It's always good to think more about it." Su Ming nodded happily. He looked around, found a big stone and sat down. The stone here was red, but when he sat on it, he felt that there was a spooky feeling under his butt. 's: "First slowly extract the energy through the seal. I'll let the cloak help you. Take your time. Anyway, the four paintings outside have been waiting for so long, so it won't be short of this."

He himself was watching from the sidelines so that he could react if anything happened.

"Okay, then let me get started. Which light ring should I use?" Hermione activated all ten light rings in one breath, which made her look like a nouveau riche. She seemed to understand this. , causing the face to turn red.

"First get rid of those negative emotions, regret, hatred, sadness, and depression." Su Ming raised his head and looked at it, took out a bottle of wine and drank it by himself: "Use an invisible ultraviolet light ring, and when these hard bones are chewed away, the remaining The positive emotions below are pure meat.”

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