The Death Knell

Chapter 4907 It’s natural

These emotions stolen from different creatures are all mixed together, and it is a little difficult to separate them individually, because their form at this time is very similar to 'chaos'.

Su Ming had seen the manifestation of the concept of 'chaos', which was also the same black and red smoke cloud. However, when Wanda used the power of chaos, the proportion of red in her magic was higher, and it seemed to be more energetic.

Seeing Hermione working on the side to draw energy, and Cloak helping while secretly eating, Su Ming was thinking silently with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Countless emotions are mixed together. If they all exist in a person's mind, they will indeed make people happy and sad, excited and lazy, satisfied and eager. All kinds of contradictions are mixed together, enough to make anyone confused. Become a madman, so is this how chaos comes?

"What should I do to let the energy come over?" Hermione raised the hand wearing the invisible light ring.

"You have just heard the sound, and the next step is to feel and think. If you want to attract and use the power of emotion, you must first resonate with it."

"I understand, let me try..."

After the smart witch closed her eyes and felt it, the huge stone ball in the sky soon began to move. It seemed that some of the energy in it responded to her and was trying to get out of the seal.

This process couldn't be too fast, it had to flow slowly and slowly. She immediately adjusted the resonance frequency and slowed down the siphoning speed.

These emotional energies are all negative, but it's not a big problem. Hermione just stores them in the lamp ring in different categories. It has nothing to do with herself. Fortunately, she didn't use the backup plan related to the symbiote before.

Although most time travelers pursue the power of returning to themselves, Su Ming feels that there is nothing wrong with using external objects sometimes.

The ten light rings given to Hermione were created using quantum concepts. Compared with the ones still used by the major light groups, those made by the little blue guardians are more advanced. In addition to having similar functions, they can It is said that they are two different things.

The biggest difference is that the energy capacity is larger, and the permission for emotional charging is opened by default.

Ordinary light rings cannot be charged with the wearer's emotions. The lanterns have to carry a small lantern with them, or go back to their hometown and use the main lantern to recharge the ring. This is how the guardians of the universe control the lanterns. s method.

To put it simply, the lantern ring is a gun, and the energy is a bullet. As long as the guardians hold these energy in their hands, if the rings in the hands of the lanterns have no energy, they are no better than fire sticks.

A fire stick sounds useless, but at least it can be used to make fire. What can an ordinary ring be used for? Even a tiger is too small.

Why is Hal Jordan the most legendary Green Lantern? It's not because his willpower is too strong, he can even manifest a new 'Deng Jie' to replace the original Green Lantern Ring, and use his willpower to charge it infinitely anytime and anywhere.

Just like all the Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light have a three-minute countdown when they come to Earth, and they will rush to the streets when they run out of energy, but there is an Ultraman who has no timer limit, so you can imagine how special it is.

As long as Hal doesn't admit defeat and doesn't fall unconscious, his willpower will allow him to maintain unlimited energy in his new light ring, and he can spend dozens of whole days fighting any enemy.

It's too long. After all, Hal is the foundation of human beings and still needs to eat and drink. These things cannot be embodied by the light ring.

The current scene is very interesting. Hermione uses the light ring to draw energy from the ball in the sky. It looks like a red thread connecting heaven and earth, while the cloak is suspended in mid-air, as if cleaning glass. Wipe it up and down, and after cleaning the thread, there will no longer be black and red smoke, but a magnificent color like a nebula.

It's pure emotion, maybe the cape functions as a cable organizer? Su Ming didn't quite understand. He, the Supreme Mage, was actually not that qualified.

But it seems that their current situation is good, and she doesn't show any uncomfortable expressions, so everything should be going well, so they just need to wait. After killing the strange hand, it seems to be safe here.

It may take a little longer, so prepare some melon seeds to eat with the strangulation first.


The symbiote didn't want to eat melon seeds, so it swam away with its tentacles close to the ground. It planned to pick up some bones on the way it came from. Even if they were goblin bones from hundreds of years ago, it would be good to bring them back and let the host help make soup. ah.


The time was just right. When Su Ming and his students arrived at Hogsmeade Village after finishing their busy work, they were the first to arrive at the Three Broomsticks Inn.

The shop owner, Ms. Rose Murtaugh, was very happy when she saw Professor Wilson. She asked you what you were doing after not coming here for so many years. She also gave you a free cup of butterbeer and cleaned the table away from the windows and doors. The two sat down.

Su Ming's answer was also very simple. He smiled and told the female boss that he was lost on the road of life. This obvious lie made the elder sister laugh and play with him.

Hermione, who was sitting next to her, still had a speechless expression on her face. She had obviously come to the Three Broomsticks often before, but the boss didn't seem to notice her and was just chatting with the professor. It was true.

After absorbing the underground emotions, she didn't feel any discomfort. Except for a slight cold feeling on her ten fingers, there were no other changes.

As for when she can really master ancient magic and use those legendary spells, she is not in a hurry. Anyway, she will slowly explore and one day she will be able to figure it out.

The four professors in the portrait were invited back to Hogwarts Castle just now, but are now being inspected by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. This is also an inevitable procedure.

Not everyone's portrait can be hung in the castle.

"Suck..." She stretched her neck and took a sip of butter foam from the edge of the large wooden cup. She looked at the professor beside her. The female boss had just left here. It would probably take some time for the other professors to come over. : "Professor, do you think I have become stronger again now?"

"That's for sure. In another world, as long as you have one light ring, you can transform from a mortal to a superhero. What's more, you have ten. Your teacher, I was only at this level when I debuted for a month. .”

Su Ming himself took a sip of wine. He hadn't tasted butter beer for a long time, and it turned out that the one made here was the most authentic:

"Anyway, the power you carry with you won't be lost. Don't just think about these things. We are here to have dinner with old friends. I will take you to Azeroth later. I want to think of something relaxing. "

Hermione, with silky hair, nodded, and she turned the cup on the table. The noisy atmosphere in the bar seemed to have infected her, making the smile on her face grow even more.

But before she could say anything, another playful voice came from behind. A figure sat directly opposite the death knell and said with a smile:

"I wonder where Azeroth is? If it's a tourist destination, we'd be a little interested."

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