The Death Knell

Chapter 4958 The Missing Skull

When the lightsaber was released, the mirror in front of him cracked like a waterfall, and a strong spatial disturbance came, sucking in both the flying carpet and the passengers like a toilet.

They could only feel a blur in front of their eyes, and everyone found themselves above a bustling city. It was night, but busy traffic could be seen everywhere.

"This is... New York?" Wade stood up from the flying carpet, put up a pergola and looked at the distant coastline. Sure enough, he saw the statue of the goddess holding a torch: "I didn't expect there was something like this in the cube... ....."

As he spoke, he turned around to look, but where was the mirror-like wall behind everyone? It's just a night view from another direction.

"Adjutant? Are you here?"

Su Ming didn't panic after taking off his mask. He tapped his ears first and tried to contact the adjutant.


There was still no reply, but this way he knew that he was still in the enemy's territory.

He nodded and patted his cloak to indicate that he would find a place to land. There is a human city here. You can go down first to see what kind of universe this is.

It is not yet known who the mysterious enemy that needs to be faced this time is, but judging from the skills the other party has shown before, it is normal to have their own private universe.

Deathstroke never thinks that what he can do cannot be done by others, because the universe is vast and capable people can appear anywhere.

Regardless of whether the world we currently live in is enclosed in a cubic box or not, it seems to be developing well.

The magic floating cloak followed the order and sent everyone to an alley. Su Ming asked Strangler to change into a suit, and motioned for the others to hide in the invisible barrier held up by Jaina and follow them.

As for Deadpool, who was strongly opposed to being near him, he had no choice but to let him stay with her and stay away from the girls.

Su Ming's goal is the bus station, which is the easiest place to pick up newspapers in the city. Many office workers like to buy a newspaper while waiting for the bus, and read about it. If there is no content that interests them, they just throw it on the platform. .

"Oh my God, man, you're picking up other people's discarded newspapers, can't we just buy one ourselves? Or give me ten seconds and I'll poke these people's eyes out?"

There were many people at the bus stop at night. Deathstroke's well-dressed but trash-picking behavior attracted a lot of attention. The discriminatory looks in these playful looks made Deadpool feel a little embarrassed. He wanted to kill all these people. Lose.

"No need, my stupid Ou Doudou, since I dare to do such a thing, I don't care what others think." Su Ming took out a newspaper from the trash can and shook it in his hand: "Anyway , since you can have free newspapers, why should you spend money?"

"You don't have much money for a newspaper. You are so rich and you still want to be stingy about it. Grandet has never done it before." Wade sighed, but he still sat next to his cousin on the bench at the bus stop. sat down.

But my cousin is right, you can also read free newspapers, but it would be better if you can grab a mobile phone.

Let’s take a look at the news on the front page first. Well, it should be today’s newspaper. It hasn’t stink yet, which means the news is still fresh.

"Fabio Mendoza escaped during the prison transfer last night. All six police officers responsible for the escort were killed. The scene was horrific..."

Su Ming crossed his legs and felt the wind that carried the smell of car exhaust in the city at night. He read the newspaper under the neon lights of the roadside and admired the photos of the victims. There were very few restrictions on journalism in this world. :

"According to sources, Mendoza, nicknamed 'Mano,' was serving ten life sentences for the murders of one hundred and twenty people and was a member of the famed 'Hounds Gang,' whom the district attorney described as 'shrewd.'" A cunning pervert, a natural-born murderer who only appears once in five hundred years. His existence is a threat to all good citizens..."

Deadpool probed his head, glanced at the photos in the newspaper, and blinked a few times: "Oh, look, there is a madman. Although I don't know what world this is, but I picked up a newspaper and it said something about a madman. I guess cousin you must like it very much."

For no other reason than that the earth looks very dark, very much in Slade's mood.

"The name Fabio has some impression on me. I must have heard of it before, but he should be a nobody worth mentioning." Su Ming shook his head. He had no interest in this person and wanted to investigate the current universe. Condition.

"That's right, a little person with no popularity will never attract anyone's attention, life or death. It's really sad."

Rubbing his hands on his buttocks, Deadpool turned his eyes in the direction of no one and started talking to himself again:

"You guys should have noticed that we are now in a new world, and it is a world under the control of mysterious black hands. The people here... seem to have bad intentions. Have you noticed? Their salty eyes, It seems that he has been looking at me for rape. Boys really need to protect themselves when they go out."

He still cares about the looks of those people. He has been to countless bus stops. If Adu's taxi is not convenient, he will always choose public transportation such as buses or subways, but he has never looked at the faces of other passengers waiting for the bus. I've seen that expression before.

Generally speaking, people are numb and indifferent. If you were waiting for the bus and saw a rag picker digging through the bottles in the trash can, would you laugh at him?

No, most people will just turn a blind eye, look away, continue to invest time on their mobile phones, and go to the Internet to watch more interesting things.

But the people here are different. From the moment the two brothers arrived at this platform, to now when the two of them sat down and read a headline, those people were still staring at the two of them, and some were even swallowing secretly.

What disease is this? Dawn of the Dead? Deadpool feels bad anyway, he's still not as dark as his cousin.

"Ignore it, Wade, come and take a look at this second edition."

Taking out a cigarette to smoke, Su Ming handed him the newspaper in his hand, turned to the second page, and pointed with his finger:

"The skull of San Piezo was stolen from a mafia family in Italy last week. Legend has it that it has made its way to New York, USA, and now it seems to be the hottest treasure hunt topic in town. It shows that people in this world prefer money. , not your brains or flesh, you can rest assured that they are just a little bit naked."

"Okay, but who is San Piezo?" Deadpool looked at his cousin's face, then turned to look in the direction where the girls were hiding: "I only have an education level of outgoing elementary school. Which one of you has any knowledge of history or theology?" Better?"

"No need to ask them, because even I have never heard of San Piezo. This may be a specialty product, but when it comes to skulls, I am a little interested. Let's go look for it and see if it is the one we think of."

He stood up with a smile and asked his cousin to put the newspaper away. Deathstroke wanted to make a guest appearance as a treasure hunter.

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