The Death Knell

Chapter 4959 The so-called superhero

While Deathstroke and his team were shopping in the city and observing, more than ten kilometers away, two black figures appeared outside a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York. They were both wearing tights, one was tall and the other was short.

But it was obvious that the dwarf was the leader in the team, and judging from her voice, she was still a very young girl.

She stuck to the corner and looked out with the heat-sensing device, then withdrew with satisfaction and told her companions about her plan.

"Very good, there are only three people and a bunch of drugs in the warehouse. The plan is like this. I will break in from the front door and gouge out the eyes of the person near the door first, so he will scream to attract the attention of his accomplices. At this time, you Rush in from the back door and kick the gatekeeper in the balls. Big Daddy once told me that the villain's testicles are the best friends of superheroes. You should say hello to them when you get the chance. In this way, the remaining person He will be scared to death, and then I will cut off his head, are you ready?"

She described her plan excitedly, her tone full of anticipation, as if she couldn't wait to go out and kill people.

However, the girl's teammate had already walked away silently. As he walked back, he took out his cell phone and fiddled with it.

This made the little dwarf very angry. She took out a shuriken and threw it over, stabbing it in front of the boy's feet with a 'dou' sound, and asked angrily:

"Paul! Where the hell are you going?"

"Go home, I'm not going to play anymore, this is crazy."

The boy in blue tights said this, his voice trembling.

"Why? There are only three of them!"

The girl who tilted her head felt baffled that her new partner was so anxious to go home. Could it be that he had a favorite TV show?

However, the boy who couldn't stand the pressure and fear screamed suppressedly. He took off his hood, revealing his twisted facial features:

"No! We will die! They have guns, we both have to die, Super Killer Girl!"

"Huh? Just them? You are insulting me. I can beat thirty rubbish like them by myself, and I only use cold weapons." The little girl smiled crookedly, and she tightened the black hair on her face. Eyepatch, this is the same style as Zuo Luo: "This is your novice training. I have the whole story. Isn't it just killing people? What are you afraid of?"

There was no one else in the dark warehouse area. It was dark and windy today, which was a good time to kill someone.

Big Daddy once said that punishing evil means promoting good. As long as all the bad guys are killed, the world will become a better place. Mindy, who was seven years old at the time, believed this and she has always done so. This year she Already twelve years old, his killing skills have improved greatly.

This statement made the boy collapse a little. He raised his head and cried to the night sky, wiping his tears with his arms and murmuring:

"You don't understand. I'm not interested in this kind of thing at all. You just showed up suddenly and ordered me to do things. But I never wanted to be the new generation of Kick-Ass! I don't want to kill, and I don't want to be killed!"

His words made Super Kill Girl even more difficult to understand. She scratched her purple wig and felt her scalp was a little itchy. She asked curiously:

"What? How could anyone not want to be a superhero?"

"I'm serious. I stopped reading those comics and movies a long time ago. Now I prefer The Hobbit or Harry Potter. I'm a fan of fantasy, and no matter what, it's all fantasy, not reality. understand?"

The second-generation Kick-Ass is obviously even more broken down, because Killer Girl doesn't make sense at all. She only uses her own knowledge to apply it to others.

She thinks being a superhero is great and killing people is fun, so she assumes others think the same way.

But how can normal people be like this? !


"Oh, then why didn't you say it before?" Seeing that her newly recruited partner couldn't do it, Mindy sighed. She also realized that if she had to rush the duck, it would mean letting Paul die. This was not what she wanted to see. Arrived.

In her opinion, good people do not deserve to die.

"Because you were hitting me in the face at that time, even though it was with a tennis ball, but I couldn't say anything at all!" The boy walked towards the way he came, crying aggrievedly. The girl didn't give him a chance to choose.

Today during the day, he was playing mobile games and drinking Coke in a corner of the campus. Then Mindy came over, grabbed a tennis ball and smashed it in his face, and then suddenly decided to let him be the second Kick-Ass King. , partnered with her.

The girl kidnapped him in a van and took him to a safe house in an unknown sewer. She also took care of herself and got him a uniform and issued him with a swinging stick as a weapon.

Then the two of them watched a video of Bruce Lee together. This was regarded as the completion of fighting training. Then they dragged him out to patrol the streets together, and said they would kill a few people as a novice training.

Yes, Mindy is very cute and beautiful. All the boys in the class like the way she talks dirty words, and Paul is no exception. As a target of school bullying, he doesn't even have the courage to talk to such a popular girl.

He was very happy to be alone with Mindy, even if he was beaten by her...

But the current situation is too extreme. The way he wants to get along with the goddess is to play video games with the goddess, then go to a fast food restaurant to eat ice cream or something, pretend to be a superhero and take some photos?

As a result, he discovered that Mindy's knowledge of the ice cream rounder is that it can be used to dig out other people's eyeballs and brains! Wearing a uniform is not just for taking pictures, but to actually fight criminals!

The key is, she still smiled when she talked about how to kill people, she really enjoyed it...

The campus goddess is real, but unfortunately her hidden true identity is a super dark and bloodthirsty goddess. After the boy realized this, he was now simply scared to death.

"Don't give up, Paul. Think about the bullies who bullied you in school. Don't you want to take revenge? I can train you, or let you practice with them first?"

Superkiller seemed to be aware of her problem. She was a little embarrassed and came up with a backup plan. If it was a little difficult to deal with professional criminals with guns at the beginning, it would be easier for a few bullies in the eighth grade in the school. Bar?

She chose Paul to take over Kick-Ass's class because he was the target of campus bullying. Even the stray dogs in the school could bully him. Such a boy should have anger in his heart, right? This is what makes you a superhero.

"No, Mindy, I decided to report those bad guys to the teacher about bullying me. This is much more reliable than cutting off their legs." The boy wiped his tears and shook his head slightly. He just wanted to escape now.

The night wind dried his face, and he didn't want to get wet with his own or other people's blood again.

"But revenge is the tradition of superheroes..." The little girl's thin shoulders slumped. She was very disappointed, and the loneliness came to her again.

However, the boy stopped answering her words. He walked towards the distance, but he asked her politely: "I called my mother to pick me up. Where do you want to go? She can take you to New York City." Anywhere in."

If you have any problems, just go to your mother. The boy thought, only his mother is good.

Superkiller turned around and left, and the two went in opposite directions in the darkness. She would continue the mission alone, and only heard her farewell:

"Go to M! Loser!"

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