The Death Knell

Chapter 4982 First Contact

There are more than thirty screens, each with 32x speed playback. Batman is watching surveillance videos from all over the world, especially those in the Hall of Justice.

It's a pity that the Earth's Hall of Justice has become a building with more symbolic meaning than practical significance. Superheroes will not go there except for holding press conferences or promoting their new books or documentaries. .

And this wasted a lot of Batman's time to find the disappearance of each super second generation, and also allowed him to see a lot of unpleasant things.

Especially when he saw Damian and Luther's transgender son kissing on the roof of Wayne Tower in acid rain, he could hardly maintain his facial expression. Even Diana could see his face. Twitching.

But she didn't ask, she just rummaged around in the Bat Cave, because she had also been to the Bat Cave on Earth 0. Although it had been transformed into a nightclub, the location of many things had not changed.

For example, Batman's dark cell and his cold storage.

Going down a hidden staircase on the central platform, you arrived at the door of the Bat Cold Storage. After entering the password, Alex, she successfully entered the cold storage.

Here she saw a hundred frozen Claw Assassins. They looked like they were dead, but these painless warriors had amber gold in their bodies, and they were usually cryogenically preserved.

It seemed that Damian didn't care about these guys, so he made them survivors of the catastrophe. It seemed that the corpse-like creatures would not be captured.

Unfortunately, the Claw Assassins are useless. They only listen to the orders of the Court of Owls. When they wake up, their first reaction is to kill Batman. That is the last mission they accept before being captured.

So it's better to freeze them all first, talk to Batman about this, and see if they can be used. Even if they are thrown into an alien battlefield, they will still be of some value.

Next, she walked around the cold storage again, and finally found only a few cans of canned fruit before closing the door and leaving. Then she went to the prison in the underground river on the bottom floor to take a look, and only after making sure that it was empty, she returned again.

At this time, Deadpool also came back, and he brought back wine, so the two opened the canned fruit and started drinking.

To be more precise, everyone drank from their own drink. Diana didn't want to see Deadpool's appearance after lifting his mask. It was too off-putting.

I don’t know what Wade found upstairs. Anyway, he is very happy now. When he lifts his mask and drinks, you can see that his face is cracking with laughter, literally cracking with laughter.

Because of skin cancer, his face often cracks, peels off, rots, and puss. He gets used to it.

"I understand that my cousin is still unwilling to eat at the same table with me, but it doesn't matter. This does not hinder my relationship with him. I am also very good to my friends." He babbled in his can He rummaged and fished out a piece of peach with two fingers: "It will definitely take a while for Batman to watch the surveillance. Let's first..."


Just as he was speaking, Wonder Woman suddenly shouted, threw away the bottle and can, and pulled out her sword and shield.

As in the past, she always stood in front of her teammates. After all, this is the meaning of a warrior's existence.


A loud noise was accompanied by violent vibrations. A black figure whose identity could not be clearly seen was intercepted by her at the critical moment, but the huge force still threw her away and hit her heavily in the distance. After a large human-shaped hole was drilled into the rock wall, the woman fell into the underground river below.

Only then did Batman and Deadpool react. Although they both had the ultimate human reaction speed, they were still a beat slower than the demigods. Fortunately, after the other side knocked Diana away, they themselves stopped due to the reaction force. It came down so that the two of them could see what it looked like.

It is a huge eyeball, floating in mid-air, with a long tail trailing behind it. It looks like an optic nerve has been pulled out and is dripping with unknown liquid.

After turning left and right, its eyes locked on Batman, and it was about to launch the next attack...

"Cut! Director, pause here."

Deadpool made a pause gesture, and everything around him suddenly stopped. He wiped the sugar water from his mouth, took off his hood, and faced no one in the direction, holding the glowing plot continuity gem and the merger. The non-existent director is reasonable:

"I think this script is unreasonable. I am the protagonist of the movie, right? Then why does my sister-in-law react faster than me and she was knocked away? It's so miserable. This is so unpleasant. Shouldn't it be me? The first one to discover an enemy invasion and stand up to protect his teammates? The one who kills this eyeball so easily."

"..." Since there is no director, there is no answer at all.

But Deadpool seemed to have heard something. He sighed with a look of contempt:

"You said that my gem can only be used in the Marvel universe, but you have to know that it is a plot continuity gem. It is almost the universal wishing machine given to me by Stan Lee. Long before I left Marvel for the first time, I ordered it to be usable in other worlds, so it can be used, which makes sense, don’t you see that time has been suspended by me now?”


"No, no, no, you don't understand. The veterans in the live broadcast room are also viewers. If you ask them, they think it's very reasonable. Forget it, what reason can I tell a stubborn person like you? Ahem, listen. , if you keep pushing Lai Lai, be careful I can climb over the wall at night and kill your whole family!"

Wade shook his head repeatedly, pulled out the samurai sword from behind, and licked the blade with his tongue:

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my knife is smeared with poison. When the time comes, it will turn upside down in the stomachs of your wife and children. Or do you prefer that I use something else to stir it up?"


"That's right. It's a good comrade to correct your mistakes after you know them. So listen to me. This time, let's start again... Hey, my stomach hurts suddenly. It's not good. I'm afraid I'm poisoned. I have to go. Shit, you bastard..."

Because he was poisoned, he still lost control of the gem's ability, and time began to flow again. The only difference was that Deadpool also fell to the ground and squirmed toward the bathroom like maggots.

Sure enough, there are some things that he can't change. He doesn't have the ability, understand? Even if you don't want to lose face, it still won't work.

So the eyeballs still rushed towards Batman, but at this moment a figure flew out from under the platform. It was Diana who was covered in dirt and returned to the battlefield. Although she was knocked away due to her hasty response, she was not actually injured. , so the fight can continue.

The eyeball hit the shield again, but this time it was the monster who suffered the loss, because in the second of Diana's delay, Batman had already taken out the key item from his belt and used it.

That is the Bat-flash grenade. As an honorary graduate of the Assassin's League, Batman always carries smoke grenades and flash grenades with him. This is a must-have for both assassins and ninjas.

What this flying eyeball is, he can't understand for the time being, but he knows that the opponent has no eyelids, so no matter how fast it is, can it still be faster than light?

The tactic was successful. After a flash of white light, the huge eyeballs began to roll around on the platform.

"Host, execution protocol codename Tower of London, maximum power." This is the Batcave. He can do many things without using his hands. As some voice commands are issued, the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex standing beside him opens suddenly. A photon cannon stuck out of his mouth and fired a charged shot at his eyeballs.

The more intense light completely caused several people to lose their vision.

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