The Death Knell

Chapter 4983 Waiting with peace of mind

Why do dinosaurs have energy cannons in their mouths, why can Batman control the Batcave on Earth 16, and why can he stare at bright lights without blinking?

Diana didn't ask these questions because she knew that even if she did, the answer would only be that sentence, and she was too lazy to listen.

When the vision was restored, there was only some dried mucus left where the huge eyeball had fallen. The beam evaporated the enemy after hitting it, but the body fluids dried and solidified on the floor.

Since the Alfred of this world has passed away, I'm afraid no one has cleaned up this place.

Deadpool, who was not far away, was still squirming. He held his stomach and struggled to get up, looking around for the toilet, but obviously, it seemed to be a bit futile.

You must know that this is the Batcave, and there is no toilet even in the black cell on the ground floor. When the Joker was imprisoned here in the past, Batman had to ensure that he could keep an eye on his every move. How could he have the privacy of a bathroom? The presence?

If you want convenience, just face the flowing water of the underground river and solve it yourself.

Wade has super self-healing ability and immortality. Poison cannot kill him, but it is normal to have stomach upset after eating unclean things. He now needs to go for 'emergency detoxification'.

"Help! Batman! Where is your bathroom? I'm going to cause trouble here!"

The Dark Knight did not answer him, but pointed to the bottom of the platform and asked him to go to the underground river to solve the problem. That used to be the bats' toilet. There used to be so many small animals living here, and their excrement was directly swept away in the river.

As for the lower reaches of this river, there is Gotham's underground water layer. If everyone in the city drinks from it, it is not a big problem. Anyway, groundwater must be purified by water plants before use, and Gotham's own chemical pollution is comparable to the waste produced by some organisms. Much dirtier.

Deadpool gritted his teeth and jumped off the edge of the platform. You could hear the sound of him falling into the water, followed a moment later by the joyful howl of release.

"What the hell is this?"

Wonder Woman changed the topic. She really couldn't comment on Deadpool's behavior, and she didn't know why he suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. She could only take the initiative to talk to Batman about serious matters.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a friendly creature." Batman activated the overall defense system of Wayne Mansion, which is an energy barrier plus physical solidification. Metal doors fell in the entrance and exit passages, each door made of promethium metal and N Alloys of metals: "This is just the beginning."

She didn't know again, Diana rubbed her face, and she suddenly didn't know what to say.

The dark Batcave was quiet except for the sound of firecrackers coming from below the platform. It was this disgusting sound that completely ruined the atmosphere.


"If you're right, I guess Batman's side has already been attacked."

Seeing Minty twisting involuntarily on the barber chair, the Stitch Monster serum making her look very painful, Su Ming just let Strangler microscopically stabilize her genetic sequence from collapse while continuing to chat with the orangutan.

"Maybe, but Deadpool didn't come to you for help, which means Batman can still deal with the first wave of threats." The orangutan scratched the black hair on his head with the paw holding the pipe, and he smoked the pipe: "The aliens who invaded the earth I've seen a lot of alien scum or extra-dimensional creatures, and generally speaking, the first wave of people who log in are scouts."

"But the problem now is that, including my own experience, all the enemies I have seen seem to be scouts."

Deathstroke smoked the cigarette in his hand. Although this action did not match Batman's appearance, he still puffed out smoke rings skillfully:

"Whether it's arms or legs, eyeballs or large intestines, they currently don't have any stronger concepts except that they can transmit messages, can reach sub-light speed, are very powerful, and can overwrite three-dimensional reality in a small area. Super capability, our real enemy is still lurking behind the curtain."

"Is this what you are waiting for?" Bobo raised his eyebrows, even though his eyebrows and the black hair on his face were one and the same: "I probably understand, but what will this girl become after being taught by you? It’s hard to say.”

"She doesn't need to be taught by me. Her dead father has already given her basic courses. To be honest, her level of anti-hero is a little higher than that of my cousin."

When he said this, Deathstroke stretched out his fingers to show a distance of about five centimeters. He said it was a little higher, but it looked like it was more than a little.

In what ways is it reflected? The main reason is that girls have no concept of death at all.

Deadpool usually seems heartless and full of pornographic things. After all, killing without blinking is just the basis of a mercenary, but he actually cares about life and death.

For example, his daughter's mother, the black woman with whom he had an affair, he really wanted to save her.

And he doesn't want his friends to die. Once someone dies, he will be very sad and go to their graves again and again to mourn, even if that person is Wolverine.

But Super Kill Girl doesn't. Not only does she feel nothing when her enemies die, but even when her relatives and friends die, she still won't be greatly affected.

In her opinion, death is just a natural state. Everyone will die. Death represents the end of the story and is not worth mentioning again.

This is what Big Daddy taught her, and the girl has learned it well, so even though she does miss her dead father now, that's the end of it, and she is not sad.

Her emotions are always very 'positive', because Big Daddy has been cultivating her 'fun'. This girl does not have the brain circuit to accept sadness. The only emotion she can feel for any cruel things is hapiness.

She will find it funny when she kills others, tortures villains, kicks away the neighbor's dog, or accidentally kills a classmate by a dog.

Although she doesn't smile as often as Harley does, showing all her emotions on her face, the girl's smile represents another kind of madness like cognitive errors.

Therefore, Su Ming's plan is to start from the aspect of interest cultivation, so that she can get fun from changing the world. This is different from Hermione's course. Super Killer does not need to lay the foundation. She can get started after she completes the mutation. The internship started directly.

What Deathstroke needs to do at that time is to disguise himself as Batman and manipulate the girl's behavior until he turns the world in another direction to see if the enemy he is waiting for can't help it...

"Higher than Deadpool's anti-hero level?" The orangutan blinked. He looked at the girl's face and took a deep breath: "Are you sure this won't create a super villain? You know, madmen are always dangerous. of."

"Don't be afraid, no matter how crazy you are, can you be more crazy than Batman?"

Saying this, Su Ming deliberately turned down the corners of his mouth, showing a classic expression of doubt, and then performed several classic bat postures:

"As long as I'm here, you can rest assured. By the way, Batman has never been in the habit of caring about people's meals. You probably haven't eaten yet, right? Do you want something to eat? How about peaches?"

"If possible, I still don't want to eat the food that is stereotypically preferred by monkeys. Give me bread or other human staple food."

The orangutan's eyes turned into the shape of dead fish. Deathstroke was good at everything but loved to tell bad jokes and started to have trouble with the 'monkey dog' again.

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