The Death Knell

Chapter 4984: Exploded on the spot

Painful, very painful.

Not only on the physical level, but also on the mental level. There was only darkness in front of Mindy's eyes, and from this darkness came the murmurs of countless people without emotion.

It's like at midnight, thousands of people suddenly live in the room next to your house. These people are talking in low voices, so that you can't hear what they are saying clearly, but when the voices gather together, it becomes Loud enough noise. if a swarm of giant flies were constantly circling in her mind. She wanted to get rid of it, but she couldn't do it. Her body was out of control.

She had some doubts about whether she was going to die. She was sane but unable to contact her body. It seemed that some vegetative people who had woken up had described similar experiences.

But when she thought about it again, remembering that Batman was still by her side, this worry faded away like the tide. She believed in the dark hero.

After gaining faith, the pain became easier to bear. Gradually, she began to feel the touch of her fingertips, and then the muscles on her face began to move.

Then she smiled.

For others, being tortured may be difficult, but Big Daddy said that feeling pain is also a kind of fun, and she should not lose her fun.

It is normal for a superhero to experience pain, just like Batman also has super strong willpower.

So she smiled, and even though only her fingers and face could move, and it hurt like she'd been run over by a truck, she could see this as a unique experience and enjoy it.

If others are not superheroes, they will not be hit by villains with guns, but I am different. Being hit by others with guns does not give me one more life experience than others? Isn't it worth being happy?

No matter what you do, there must be something that others have not experienced. The greatest joy in life is what you have and others don’t.

"It seems to have been successful." At this time, her hearing began to gradually return to normal. The noisy noises had gone away, and the sounds in reality were in her ears. She could hear who Batman seemed to be talking to: "Super Kill The woman’s physical fitness is pretty good now, so it seems like injecting the super soldier serum first is the right move.”

Minty wanted to nod, but unfortunately she couldn't control her cervical spine for the time being. She also knew that her malnourished appearance in the past might not be able to withstand such a strong transformation, but now she actually feels fine.

"Her body is a bit overdrawn and dehydrated due to rapid sweating." A slightly sharp and funny voice came, answering Batman's question: "But it doesn't matter. When she wakes up completely, she will be fine after drinking some wine." .”

After hearing this voice, Mindy was a little excited. Is it the clown?

If Batman and the Joker came to this world at the same time, then one of the two major male protagonists of DC would be waiting for him. What a blessing would that be?

Unfortunately, she soon felt this furry hand opening her eyelids for inspection. It didn't look like a clown's hand, but more like the paw of an animal.

So she understood that the one who came was probably Beast Boy, a boy with green hair and a comedian. Although he was a member of the Titans team, his popularity could only be regarded as a third-tier hero now, but he was quite interesting.

As for why Beast Boy appears with Batman...because he is Batman, it makes sense to appear with anyone.

So she began to calm down, continue to feel her body, and try to get rid of her weak state as soon as possible. The night was so long, and if she wanted to go out on the street to try out her new superpower, she had to hurry up.

If we wait until daybreak and the villains go home to sleep, they won't be able to kill many.

Maybe her willpower really worked, or maybe Big Daddy's soul was blessing from heaven. She soon felt her whole body. Although her whole body ached, she still opened her eyes and sat up.

Then she found herself floating in mid-air, and next to the barber's chair, Batman, who was carrying an ape, was staring at him expressionlessly.

"Did you awaken the ability to fly? You flew very fast. Zeng Di was out in no time. Your potion is pretty good." Bobo stretched out his paws to rub his face, took off the pipe from his mouth and bumped it on his knee. A few words: "Not only humans, but also us orangutans have always longed to fly."

The ability to escape gravity and fly freely in the sky seems to be the most enviable type of superpower.

Many people are very capable, such as Barry or Arthur, but they can't fly, which is a pity.

From another perspective, if you can fly, and if you can fly fast enough, or consume a small amount of energy, then even if you have no other specialties, it is almost half a foot into the ranks of the frontline combat force.

Firestorm is a typical example. His abilities in all aspects are average, and his transformation requires the fusion of two people. But because he flies super fast and can fly out of the earth to perform tasks, many tasks require high-level combat power. Justice The league would be happy to take him.

However, he is now traveling with the Legends of Tomorrow team, taking over the class of another Firestorm in the parallel world. Who knows where their captain Sarah went on her honeymoon after leaving TVA headquarters, so this person can't count on it.

"This is not an ordinary flight, Bobo." Batman explained expressionlessly. He pointed at the ground: "Look at her feet, there is no airflow, no fire, and no cosmic energy. This is not even a physical phenomenon. , She is floating."

"Well, then this is either magic or telekinesis."

The orangutan detective is also very knowledgeable. There are not many sorcerers who can fly, but he knows them all and has observed them all. The representative figure of mental flight is Martian Manhunter. I am more familiar with it, but I still need to look at it again:

"Girl, I am Detective Orangutan. You may know me. Now, if you cooperate with a few experiments, can you fly as you like?"

Mindy was surprised when she saw the orangutan. It was one thing to know the orangutan detective in the comics, but it was another thing to see it with her own eyes.

What girl doesn’t like animals wearing cute little outfits? Especially this orangutan wears a detective-like deerstalker hat, and the green hat makes it even more lively and cute.

Now it’s even more fun to hear the orangutan announce its home, and at the same time show that animals can talk.

I have seen animals that can talk, but others don’t have this opportunity, so being a superhero is great and a lot of fun.

"Yes, Mr. Orangutan, look at it."

Saying this, the girl obediently moved sideways in the air repeatedly, as if she was being suspended by an invisible rope, a little stiff.

But this is normal. After all, it is good to be able to master the new ability like this in the first time.

"Very good, then try again. Can you use your thoughts to move other objects through the air? For example...the maggots in the medicine box?"

In order to determine what the girl's superpower was, the orangutan proposed a second test. When he was about to find the target of the experiment, a maggot crawled out of the medicine box on the medical cart nearby, and he pointed his finger at it. .

Then, the maggot exploded, and the yellow slime exploded everywhere.

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