The Death Knell

Chapter 4989 The Man from Heaven

There are no second chances, people always say, which means that once the past has happened, it is irreversible. This is not unreasonable.

Because the vast majority of people do not have the ability to time, and those who have the ability to time will face many dangers even if they reverse the past. The most typical one is the flash point phenomenon.

Barry just wanted to save his mother, what was wrong with him? But just that one thought directly created a deformed timeline like the Flashpoint Universe. Superheroes were no longer heroes, and they encountered another fate.

Sometimes subtle changes in different timelines can cause great uncertainty in the future, but if careful consideration is given, flashpoints can be avoided.

This is why Batman only dares to do short-term time travel, such as going back to yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, etc.

Because the longer the interval, the more issues need to be considered, and he cannot guarantee that everything is within the range of controllable variables.

What is variable scope? It can be very abstract, but it can also be very simple. In terms that are easy to understand, it is what happens on the timeline, and some minor changes and errors are allowed.

For example, if a person wants to drink water, if you go back in time and secretly move his cup to the left or right by a few centimeters, the result will not change in most cases. The person will still drink water and quench his thirst. the goal of.

And if you secretly replace his water with Coke, the variables will be larger. He may not like this drink, or it may not quench his thirst after drinking it, causing him to look for water again, which will cause a series of changes. .

But it may not necessarily change. If this person drinks Coke and achieves the same effect as drinking water, then there will not be any big changes in the follow-up.

For example, whether excessive sugar intake led to premature death from diabetes, or high blood sugar caused shock, these issues basically do not need to be considered, because they are just special circumstances, and most of the time these factors can be excluded from the calculation.

But once a huge unfavorable change occurs, for example, someone who shouldn't die dies, but someone who deserves to die does not, then it will take too much effort to repair the timeline.

Batman, who can't laugh, knows a cruel joke that Deathstroke never told Barry. The question is - how many Flashes were in Barry's house on the night his mother died?

Barry was close to Deathstroke, so there was no way he would have heard this bad joke meant to attack his sanity, but the answer was seven.

Barry when he was young; Barry in the future who stopped the Reverse Flash from killing his mother and fought him; Barry who returned to this point in time after the lightning incident to witness his mother's death but did nothing; traveled back in time to save his mother and triggered the Flashpoint incident Barry; who had to bring the reverse flash back and kill his mother to restore the timeline.

The other two Flashes were Wally, who heard about this incident and came to witness it; and the other one was the trigger that caused all this - Reverse Flash.

So if you count them all, there are seven Flashes in total. It sounds like a cruel dark joke, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand how much happened in order to fix a point in time.

Batman understood that this was what Diana was worried about now. She originally planned to return to Earth 16 the day before, but ended up going back to more than a hundred years ago. She was worried about whether there was an invisible move by the enemy.

But this is part of the plan.


At another point in time in another world, something happened in the Hall of Justice on Earth 0. A person, or a humanoid creature, fell from an altitude of 22,500 feet above the kitchen. In the radar scan, he looked like It's a large bird.

But this fall did not kill him. After breaking through the granite roof of Andromeda, he fell into the sweet soup cauldron prepared by the Minotaur chef. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his nosebleeds spurted everywhere.

But for a person who fell from a height of 6,000 meters, his result is not bad. After all, living is a good thing, right?

Of course, during this relatively sensitive period, anyone who falls into the Hall of Justice like a raider will inevitably be captured by the Justice League and interrogated.

How to obtain information from a comatose person was not a problem in the past. Batman had hundreds of ways, such as dissecting the opponent's brain or breaking off the captive's nails.

But now that he is gone, this matter falls on Ron's head. Martian Manhunter has extremely strong mental abilities, he can read other people's thoughts, and has a more 'flexible' moral bottom line than Superman.

Clark will not use his clairvoyance eyes to peek into other people's bodies without their permission. His moral code does not allow him to do so.

But Martian Manhunter, because of his past experience working for the US government, is more inclined to secretly read some of people's shallow memories to determine whether the other party is an enemy and whether he has an ulterior motive.

Not much thought is read, just a little bit, such as what the person is thinking, or his favorite food or music.

But this is undoubtedly a violation of human rights, so Ron has been very careful to control himself and not to obviously cross that line.

The intruder caught today was in a very strange situation. The Martian Manhunter could not obtain any information from the other party's mind. There was only a blank, and even the other party's name could not be read.

He was hesitating. It was one thing to secretly activate his mental power to read the man's mind while he was in a coma. It was another thing to give him truth serum after he woke up.

The other party looks like a human being. Apart from wearing a tight suit, there is nothing special about him. The physical examination indicators are basically only a little better than ordinary people.

But this can't explain how the other party fell from a high altitude but survived, let alone crashed through the roof during the fall. You must know that it is Andromeda stone, which is hard enough to withstand missiles.

After thinking for a long time, Ron still stood beside the operating table and did not move until the restrained captive woke up and moaned in pain.

He seemed to have a headache, but his hands were fixed to the bed by promethium metal shackles, preventing him from rubbing his head, which made the prisoner look a little irritable.

"Calm down, young man, this is the Hall of Justice, and your movements are restricted now."

Saying such words in a businesslike tone, Martian Manhunter actually felt more relieved, because the other party's subconscious struggle failed to break free of the shackles, and he was firmly fixed.

But after the other party heard what he said, his first reaction was realization, and then joy, and he immediately revealed his identity:

"It turns out that this is the era of the Justice League, so you must be the Martian Manhunter. My name is Amo, codenamed Tornado, and I come from the Trident Alliance in the 31st century."

When these words came out, the room in the medical department was so quiet that one could hear the drop of a pin. Ron narrowed his eyes. He still couldn't read anything from this man's mind.

So is this so-called future person credible?

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