The Death Knell

Chapter 4990 Unknown purpose

"The last man from the future who fell from the sky and was picked up by us, his name was Star Man. He later died."

The shadowless lamp served as an interrogation device to a certain extent, especially when Martian Manhunter swung it and let it shine on the prisoner's face:

"I can't tell whether what you said is true, so I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to isolate you in a safe room and ask you to stay for a while until Batman and Superman come back."

The man named Amo didn't seem surprised. The pain made his face twitch a few times, and he finally showed a smile that was uglier than crying:

"I understand, so can I ask what enemies you are facing recently? It's nothing else. You know that I am a person from the future. I can tell you some things I know and let you verify them."

After thinking about it for a while, Ron felt that this was a good idea. Although it was difficult to tell whether this person was an enemy or not at the moment, it would be a good step to first determine whether he was a person from the future.

The last time he saw a guy from the future, it was Reverse Flash. You need to be extra careful when coming into contact with such a person. If conditions didn't allow it, Ron En would have temporarily put this person in the Phantom Zone for storage.

But the other party's attitude seems to be quite mild, so let's do this for now?

"We just experienced an invasion before. The enemy is said to be a mysterious entity called Blank. I didn't see her. Deathstroke took care of it."

"It turns out that this is the time... Oops, I got off track."

Amo looked down at his belt and found that the belt buckle was still emitting smoke. He lay down weakly on the operating table and closed his eyes:

"I may have to tell you some bad news. They probably won't be able to come back. The force that invaded after the blank is XXXX. If you can't contact Batman and Superman now, then they should have been sacrificed."

"...I don't believe what you say. Batman won't die so easily, but I will verify it. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Martian Manhunter didn't get angry. He just turned around and prepared to leave. At the same time, he activated the temporary isolation device in the infirmary and temporarily transformed a small area of ​​the operating table into a cell surrounded by energy walls:

"For example, what is your purpose for time travel? Why do you come to the Hall of Justice?"

"You will believe me, damn, I forgot that you can't understand what XXXX is. Alas, I didn't actually want to come here, it was an accident. Do you understand? I really don't know how to explain it to people from a thousand years ago. My principle of travel is just like how it is difficult for you to explain what an airplane is to people thousands of years ago."

He looked a little distressed, feeling like he had been constipated for weeks but couldn't find relief no matter how hard he tried. He grinned and held it in, but couldn't find the right words.

"It's very simple. I am a Martian, and a thousand years ago was the era when the Martian Empire was at its most powerful. White Martians' spaceships traveled across the star sea and were the most famous pest race in the universe, so you can try to explain, or Just put the plane in front of me and let me, an old antique from a thousand years ago, understand it myself."

In terms of abilities, Martian Manhunter is very similar to Superman, but in terms of personality, Ron is more similar to Green Lantern.

In the past, Ron was an unsmiling American cool official, but after joining Zhenglian and adopting some children, he slowly began to learn to tell jokes.

"Okay, then why don't you turn off the shadowless lights in the main office first? My eyes are very sensitive."

Da Guangfeng, who felt a little uncomfortable, shook his head a few times and motioned the Martian with his chin to look at his lower body:

"My belt is a time machine. It seems to be broken because it is smoking, but you can take it to anyone to check it, Blue Beetle or Mr. Excellence, and you will soon believe it. Mine. I know the Justice League are all good people, and so am I, so I am willing to cooperate with your investigation."

If the other party was willing to cooperate, Martian Manhunter would naturally not refuse. He stretched out his arms and took off the other party's belt, and also helped lift the man's yellow pants.

Speaking of which, if this person really comes from the 31st century, then there may be some problems with the clothing taste of the people of that era. What kind of person would wear a tights with a bright green upper body and a dull yellow lower body?

Moreover, there is a small lightning symbol on the opponent's chest, but isn't he codenamed Guangfeng? Why pirate the Flash's logo?

"In that case, Mr. Nice Guy, tell me about your original plan for time travel? What is the purpose of making you embark on this difficult road?"

There is always no harm in asking for more information. If the other party really has any evil intentions, then speaking too much and making mistakes will definitely expose his flaws.

After activating the isolation measures, Ron loosened the handcuffs on the operating table. After phased himself out of the small prison, he signaled to Amo that he could sit up and move around within a limited range.

The man nodded, climbed up with some difficulty, reached for painkillers on the cabinet beside him, and explained at the same time:

"This is more complicated to say. Let me put it this way, our Trident Alliance is like the Justice League of the future. We have six giants..."

"Wait a minute, you're called the Trident Alliance, but there are six of you?"

The green-skinned Martian tilted his head. He could understand some of the other party's time machine, but he didn't understand this sentence.

The prisoner found the medicine and began pouring it into his mouth, then started looking for water, holding the pills in his mouth making his voice sound watery.

"No, not six people. Just like your Justice League has the Big Seven. While we have the Big Six, there are also hundreds of other second- and third-tier superheroes."

"But you call it the Trident Alliance." Ron touched his chin and muttered. Generally speaking, no matter what alliance it is, it should logically be three people, right? There are only four people at most, which is the limit.

Just like himself, although he is not the Big Three of the Justice League, he is the nominal chairman of the Justice League and is responsible for all daily operations. It is not wrong to regard him as the fourth person of the Big Three.

For example, dealing with the government and the United Nations, asking for money from Batman, wiping the damage caused by superheroes after fighting, etc...

No one thinks that Batman is responsible for the aftermath, right? In fact, he only provided money. As for how to contact the construction team, how to coordinate the transportation department, and how to distribute casualty benefits, the specific details were actually handled by Ron.

It also keeps him very busy, especially now that he has children.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Amo didn't seem to realize what was wrong. He seemed to think it was normal for the Trident Alliance to have six giants:

"Is it so difficult for people a thousand years ago to communicate? Let me continue. A friend of ours got separated while traveling on the timeline. We all came out to look for her, so I entered here by mistake. Complete answer ,It's that simple."

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