The Death Knell

Chapter 4994 Different opinions

Like this, like this, Martian Manhunter told everyone present the information he knew.

The first part was about XXXX, which the Doom Patrol had heard once. They were so uninterested that they almost fell asleep collectively.

But later on, when talking about a person suddenly falling from the sky, everyone began to have various ideas.

"He claims to be a person from the future, right?" The wheelchair-bound chief never worried about the lack of chairs. The old man just smiled crookedly: "Leave him to me. I have very mature technology and can dig out his brain." Come out, and then we form a team and put our consciousness into his spiritual world, we will definitely find something."

The last experiment with Cyborg's brain did fail, and Deathstroke fished him out, but that doesn't mean it will fail next time.

What if it succeeds? Isn't this better than mind reading?

"I object." Jieyin stood up from Barry's seat, holding the huge round table with the transcendence logo with both hands: "Listen to what you are talking about? Niles, put away your crazy ideas, here is justice Hall, we will act in the name of justice, no matter whether the weirdo who fell from the sky is an enemy or a friend, this is not a reason to dig out his brain."

"But removing his brain doesn't mean killing him. We can soak his body in ice water and feed him chocolate milkshakes to keep him alive..."

The chief looked at his team members. Unfortunately, none of his team members supported him. Some picked their noses and picked their nails. So he could only say helplessly:

"If Batman were here, he would definitely support me. You know, the equipment and technology he used when he dissected Starman's brain last time were obtained from me."

"You also said that's Batman, but he's not here now." Wonder Girl crossed her arms over her chest. Her bust was too big, and she usually likes to hold it with her arms like this: "Batman is very dark, and all of us are I know, but he promises not to kill anyone, can you guarantee that?"

"If you die, just die. Scientific practice always allows for errors..." The chief shrugged. He didn't think that a person who appeared out of nowhere was worthy of being put on the line. Wouldn't he just die after trying to find his brain and fail? , no one present has ever seen a dead person.

The other members of the Doom Patrol continued paddling, and they did not express their opinions at all. As an isolated team of freaks, they also did not like situations with too many people.

So these people's attention was basically focused on Kai. At this time, the girl changed her personality again, looking like an elite lawyer. She listened to the meeting with great interest and even took notes.

"Okay, that's enough talk about brain dissection. We won't dig out that person's brain."

There was no need to vote by show of hands. No one present supported the chief, so his suggestion was not considered:

"Does any of you have any other way to verify whether what this person said is true or false? Now we are facing some unknown potential threat. The time of his appearance is too coincidental."

"I, I have an idea." Free Bella raised her hand. She had no place to sit and could only stand against the wall with other heroines: "Since this future hero codenamed 'Gust' claims to be looking for himself My teammate entered our time when the time machine malfunctioned, so how about I send him back to his original era? Use the Speed ​​Force."

This is also a method. When encountering a person who is difficult to identify, "sending gifts out of the country" is also a method. Return where they came from, then this will not be the trouble everyone has now.

"But if he is really from the future, and the murders of Batman and Superman he mentioned are true, then by sending him away, wouldn't we have wasted a lot of intelligence? We also lost the opportunity to save our friends?"

The Fourth Sandman asked this question. He was obviously more inclined to verify whether the stranger's words were true. If it was true, he could obtain information from him and make corresponding arrangements.

"I have no hope for future visitors."

Star Chaser Girl held her star staff in her arms, but at such a young age, she looked cold and indifferent as if she had seen through the world of mortals:

"The last time we all got together for a meeting was when Star Man called everyone together, but what was the result? He said he came from the future, and he also said he knew a lot of things that happened on the timeline, but not only did he die in an unknown way, Bai, he almost killed everyone because of his damn plan.”

"Watch your language, Connie, girls don't use bad language." Donna rubbed her forehead. She was looking for her sister just now. After discovering that Diana and Deathstroke were not at the same time, she was not in a good mood. : "Starman is dead, there's no point in talking about his mistakes."

"So we still can't send this person back, right?" Hai Shaoxia was playing with a ball of water in his hand. He was a little confused.

"No, he may be the source of intelligence, or he may be a spy sent by the enemy. We cannot let him go." Ron gave his own opinion, and more heroes nodded. Most people supported this judge.

Because time is too sensitive today, what if this future person has changed some things on the timeline? What if the butterfly effect has already happened?

If you let him go, if you find a problem in the future, where can you find him and come back to fix it?

"How about you let me give it a try." Raven stood up. She raised her hand and summoned a cluster of dark energy tentacles, like countless maggots rolling around in her hands: "Although I'm not good at thinking. Related spells, but I know how to torture someone, thanks to my father..."

She has been tortured by the Third House a lot, so she is naturally very experienced in this. She was a victim in the past, but it is not difficult to become a perpetrator.

Using magic to burn the blood of strangers and using pain to torture them will probably make them spit, which is the most direct and effective way.

"This is back to the topic at the beginning, sisters." Xuanfeng smiled and shook her head. She was playing a mobile game without looking away from the screen: "We are good people, we can't use torture, unless you do it secretly, hehe !”

"Okay, then listen to my method." The fourth generation Sandman touched his gas mask and turned down the corners of his mouth: "Let's find a psychiatrist to come over, whether it's through psychological hypnosis or heart-to-heart communication. , you can always ask something, right?"

"Yes, this is a good idea." Donna, who was sitting in Diana's seat, was the first to raise her hands in agreement and took out her mobile phone from her pocket: "I can call Harley Quinn, she will definitely be happy to help me of."

When it comes to Harley, except for a few people who agree, most people are silent.

They wanted to object, but now everyone knew that she was with Deathstroke from another world. If they objected to her participation in this matter because of her mental illness, it would probably be discrimination. They were afraid that the man would come to settle the score afterwards.

But if you really Harley really reliable?

"Psychologist, are there any other candidates?" Ron had actually considered this option himself, but he didn't have a good impression of Dr. Quinzel because she was a lunatic who came out of Gotham.

Although the Hall of Justice is large, it is enough to have one mental patient from Gotham, and that is Batman.

Any more and things get chaotic and out of control because they are all fun-loving people, which doesn't sit well with the serious Martian Manhunter style.

"Yes, yes, tut, but psychiatrists generally have mental illnesses. Whoever you choose is an outstanding graduate of Gotham University. Even so, Harley is the best among them. Let's vote by a show of hands."

Wonder Girl Donna firmly reiterated her opinion. At the same time, she also gained the support of the Titans Team and the Doom Patrol, and now it is basically settled.

The minority obeys the majority. This is the simplest form of democracy.

But at this moment, the alarm in the Hall of Justice suddenly sounded, and the lights in the conference room turned red, as if something unexpected had happened...

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