The Death Knell

Chapter 4995 Smiling Nine Springs

The first reaction of a room full of superheroes when they hear the siren is of course to run towards the command room, where there is a system to monitor the world and they can learn the specific situation of what happened immediately.

But there is a problem, that is, the door of the conference room is not that big. Normally, it is enough for two people to enter and exit side by side. However, if a group of people plus an electric wheelchair all want to squeeze out at the same time, no one can get out.

Except for the fastest ones.

Jieyin was still the first to arrive at the monitoring room, but he was too old and a little confused about high-tech gadgets. Facing the sirens of Didi and his body wrapped in electric light, he didn't dare to fumble around. .

He is not a gorilla detective. He can use any technological props with just a little tinkering. That depends on his talent.

Fortunately, Free Bella arrived second. Although she is not too young in her forties, she is still somewhat good at computers. She quickly became familiar with the Justice League system and passed the identity authentication. .

Apart from anything else, the family of three are all superheroes. Even Batman would look up to her. This is an absolutely reliable representative. Anyone else would probably not be able to pass the verification as a third-tier hero.

After all, this is also the command terminal of the Hall of Justice. Not everyone is eligible to use it. Except for the personnel on duty who will have permission to use it that day, only Batman himself and Martian Manhunter have permission.

Yes, even Superman doesn't have the right to use this machine alone, because Batman still doubts him, even though Superman doesn't need it.

The satellite locked the location of the incident, which was in the town of Belfast, West Virginia. The satellite surveillance screen zoomed in step by step, and soon the two of them saw that the place was littered with corpses.

Fires ignited in the houses and trees on the roadside, and the silent night was broken by the sound of explosions, but people all died on the street outside, and their blood pooled together and flowed endlessly into the sewers.

"I'll go to the scene, and you stay here to provide intelligence support."

Jieyin left these words, and the next second, he appeared on the satellite surveillance screen. West Virginia is only more than 300 kilometers away from Washington, DC. For speedsters, it can be reached with just a lift of a foot. scope.

But when he arrived here in person, even though the old man had experienced a lot in the past, he was still shocked by the conditions at the scene.

Because the causes of death of the deceased here were very strange, their faces originally had expressions of horror, as if they had seen something terrifying before they died.

However, when Jie Yin looked at them, the eyes of the deceased slowly closed, their expressions gradually turned into smiles, and they changed from dying of fear to smiling faces...

The old man has never seen such a bizarre death. Although many things are bizarre enough in the Speed ​​Force plane, sometimes things that happen in reality are simply illogical.

He walked towards a corpse, which looked like an ordinary black gangster. There were dozens of gold chains around his neck, and his shirtless upper body was covered with various "jail-related" tattoos.

The conditions inside the prison are limited and there is a special cultural circle, so there is a clear difference between prison tattoos and tattoos in the outside world, whether in terms of fineness or theme selection, this can be seen by police officers with some experience.

But it no longer mattered what the African-American had done in his life. Jie Yin squatted beside him and carefully observed the smiling face of the black man.

The cause of death of this gentleman was obvious. His skull was missing and his entire brain was missing. When he fell, he stretched out a finger and pointed forward. At this time, the blood flowed along his finger to the low ground.

Jieyin is not Barry, he is not an expert in crime scene trace examination, but he is a normal person, and it is impossible for him to not be suspicious of obviously strange phenomena.

After spending a second checking the bodies of everyone in the town and helping to put out the fire, the old man supported his waist and returned to a community park, found a bench here, and sat down slowly.

He needs to rest and think.

"Have you found anything? Old man." Wonder Girl and Star Chaser slowly landed on the ground. Their speed was also not slow, but now the young Connie was frightened by the sight in front of her and could not speak. Only Kara was still calm. .

Wonder Girl and Super Girl, the former is an alien from Earth 2, and the reason for staying on Earth 0 is similar to Jay Yin, so the two Superman cousins ​​have the same name, Kara Zo-El.

If two people appear at the same time, they will either be called by their code name or by their name in human society. The little girl with a meager figure is called Linda Danvers, and the one with an explosive figure is called Karen Starr. Otherwise, There may be an embarrassing situation where you call one person and both of them agree.

But that's not even the most embarrassing thing. The relationships between Superman's cousins ​​are particularly good. They have a cross-universe 'cousin team', officially called the Supergirl Team.

The members are Kara Zor-El, Pirl, Kara Zor-L, and Cir-El from the Silver Age and modern times. , Linda Danvers.

When you meet them, whether you call Kara, Linda, or Karen, several people will agree at the same time. Even Batman will be involved in this situation.

Watching the superwoman in white tights landing, Jie Yin took off her small pot-like hat and smoothed her snow-white hair with her palms.

"It sucks, and I can't understand it."

"Can't you understand? What does this mean?" Karen activated her super vision and scanned the entire town. Her brows gradually furrowed because she discovered that this place had become an empty city.

Small towns in the United States generally have a small population, especially poor places like West Virginia. You must know that this state has a famous slogan called "Mountain People Never Surrender."

Among the 50 states in the United States, West Virginia's per capita GDP ranks 49th all year round, which is slightly better than Mississippi, where all the ancestors were black slaves, because most of the people's ancestors here were called "white slaves" coal miner.

But even so, there should be at least about two thousand people in a town, but now they all seem to be dead. So the first question that bothers Power Girl is why these people died on the road?

It is currently three o'clock in the middle of the night on the East Coast. Logically speaking, there is no decent nightlife in such a quiet and peaceful small village on weekdays. Everyone almost goes home to sleep after eleven o'clock in the evening.

So why did these people, wearing the clothes they wear only for work and school during the day, leave the room one by one, and die suddenly on the street with a smile on their faces?

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