The Death Knell

Chapter 5119 Is thinking useless?

"Your problem is here, because of you." The blue birdman stretched out his clawed wings and pointed in the direction of Batman: "You have too many things on your mind, and when facing a god, Thinking is the last thing necessary.”

In the spiral spire, next to the fire with blue flames, the evil god was like a teacher, teaching his experience to the group.

His statement is a bit shocking, but it also seems to make sense.

"Why do you say that?" Deadpool lay on the sofa. He felt as comfortable as returning to his own home. He also tore off a piece of dead skin from his buttocks, which made a burst of pink appear under the mask.

"Look, you are thinking again." Tzeentch grinned, his fangs full of energy: "When you are thinking, I want to laugh, because any human thinking is useless in front of me. Meaningful joke.”

"But Proraya is not you." Batman said the name. He did not rush to object to Deadpool's evil personality, but listened patiently.

"Indeed not, but she is also the God of Creation. She must be able to know your thoughts, just like me." The evil god took two steps back and forth, and the two claws on his lower body turned into dense tentacles. He also began to transform: "So the way I teach you to deal with it is to empty your mind and think about nothing. Instead, she will be unable to do anything to you."

"What kind of anti-intellectual statement is this?" Hei Wally shook his head. Although he is not old, he feels that the advantage of human beings lies in their brains.

"Wisdom? You call that little chemical reaction in the human brain wisdom?"

Tzeentch was even happier. He couldn't help but flap his wings as if applauding:

"The gravel that is blown and rolled by the wind can be called wisdom. Don't be too naive. Human beings, your understanding of the universe is just what the universe shows you. Don't think about it. What you said to me has happened. Thoughts, and those thoughts being felt by me, it’s really not interesting.”

"Is the method he said feasible?" Diana asked Batman, because he seemed to believe what the evil god said and was letting himself go.

"...I don't know." Batman said a rare answer, because in the past, he always had opinions and ideas.

But his answer was very pleasing to the owner here. The blue octopus bird transformed again. He turned into an amorphous blue flame, and the glowing mouth said words of approval:

"He already understands. You can leave. Follow him and don't think about anything."

After saying that, he directly activated the magic. Everyone felt their eyes flashing and they came to the amusement park. Looking again, there were no twisted spiers in front of them? There is just a row of shops selling snacks and drinks.

The illegal Mexican immigrants in these stores still have the same silly faces, as if the minaret never existed here.

"Well, it seems that he did come up with a solution, but I can't understand this solution." Deadpool picked at his nostril and pulled out a long piece of blood-stained snot, which looked like his brain: "If you don't think about anything, wouldn't you become a vegetative state? How can you act?"

"There is a way." Carrying the unconscious Jie Yin, Barry stood up at this moment: "According to my experience, as long as the speed is fast enough so that the mind cannot keep up with the changes in the surrounding environment, it can indeed be done. Don’t think about anything.”

"The speed of nerve reaction does not mean the speed of thinking, Barry." The black man Wally also supported the little fat man Billy Wu. He seemed a little struggling and spoke through his teeth: "Things may have a speed, but the speed of our running does not. The method is faster than the speed of thinking, which is a paradox."

"Why do I feel more and more this discussion is leaning toward philosophy?"

Diana hugged her arms and looked at the teammates in front of her:

"The statement put forward by that strange bird is very similar to the idealism of 'I think, therefore I am'. What he means is that as long as we don't think about anything, Proraya will not be aware of our existence?"

"How can a person not think about anything?" Deadpool shook his head. He shook his hand. After finding that he couldn't get rid of the mucus, he quickly walked to the trash can and rubbed it away: "Just like me, the amusement park you are in now is... The thoughts in my head are very busy every day.”

"No need to discuss, I already have a way." At this time, Batman stood up, his black cape dragging on the ground, like a dark cloud: "No extra thoughts, means more purity, and purity to a certain extent , that’s God, Big Bird’s method is feasible, but it’s not suitable for us.”

"Let me just say, who would give up thinking?" Deadpool smiled and looked at his sister-in-law, then looked at Barry, with a matter-of-fact look: "Then I won't bother thinking about it, Batman, what do you say? Let’s do it?”

"The conversation with these evil gods gave me an idea." Batman looked at Deadpool, his eyes were cold and sinister: "I can use these little Deadpools in your park. At the same time, I A chemical plant is needed.”

"Could it be..." Barry seemed to understand something. He often followed Deathstroke and had seen a lot of darkness.

Seeing the bat showing such a cold and ferocious look, he thought in the darkest direction, and soon came up with an answer.

"That's it. Deadpool can use his thoughts to create unlimited tourists here based on his childhood. They have entities, and this is the advantage of quantity. I just need to inject them all with speed 9... ..”

As mentioned before, Black Lightning is the god of death in the Speed ​​Force plane, a scavenger. The meaning of his existence is to maintain the balance of the Speed ​​Force plane to prevent too many speedsters from accessing it at the same time, causing the Speed ​​Force to be unable to make ends meet. balance.

The old, weak, and those who become slow for various reasons will be caught and killed by him.

Then Batman's plan comes from this, to mass-produce speedsters, throw them out of the amusement park, and use their numbers to bring down the speed force plane in the outside world, thereby achieving the purpose of getting out of here.

Assuming that Black Lightning still exists, the other party will definitely pack up and throw out the newly emerged singularity of time and space in the paradise and the group of people hiding in it after killing these little Deadpools, just like a cleaner discarding garbage.

You said he might rush into this world to kill? The possibility is not high, because there are still four evil gods sitting here, and if you come in, you will just give it away. After all, this is the world of Deadpool.

If Black Lightning unfortunately no longer exists, it means that an enemy in the Speed ​​Force plane has destroyed him. Then he will use these extremely fast little deadpools to overload the Speed ​​Force and drag the Speed ​​Force plane to death with everyone. .

If the other party doesn't want to die, everyone who uses electrical appliances must be thrown out.

Of course, there may be other results, but those results are not very good, so don’t think about it at this time.

"What? You want to give such a cute little boy a collective injection? Dark, perverted, crazy, do you still have humanity? Batman!"

Deadpool covered two points on his chest with his hands. After thinking for a while, he felt something was wrong, so he covered his crotch and anus:

"They are all me when I was a child. They are all my flesh and blood relatives and friends, brothers and sisters..."

"I'll add money." Batman directly threw out his trump card.

"Oh, Taijun, please come here. I will use my super brain to come up with a chemical plant and raw materials for you. Look at you."

The bitch’s back immediately bent.

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