The Death Knell

Chapter 5118 The problem

"Is this wine made at home?"

Hermione blinked. She had studied at Karma Taj for a period of time, and naturally knew that the Skywalker brand belonged to the professor, as well as some of her teacher's past.

Starting from brewing moonshine in 1930, and later cleaning up and developing into the industry-leading Wilson Enterprises, all relied on the huge profits from selling alcohol during Prohibition to lay the economic foundation.

If you really think about it, the arms trade and daily necessities are things that came later.

"Yes, in this world it can be considered a hundred years old."

Su Ming picked up the wine glass and took a sip, savored it carefully, then asked Zhuo Sha to stick out his tongue and lick it, and came to the conclusion:

"It's true. Even the proportions in the recipe are the same. In order to add a little Irish flavor to the whiskey, I added a little clover to the recipe. This is an ingredient that does not appear in other drinks."

In those days, moonshine was actually drinkable. Drunkards didn't care about the taste. All they wanted was the alcohol concentration.

But who said Su Ming is a person who strives for excellence? He regarded the prohibition period as an important stage in building reputation. While other wineries used methanol to harm people, only his wine could be considered a good wine brewed with care.

Even though the brewing took place in a sewer, it sounds a bit unsanitary nowadays.

But just for these drinks, his men did not stop shooting at speeding cars that everyone encountered today. After all, competitors and some officials could not be bribed, so they could only get rid of them like this.

"So the 40K things you have on Earth also appear on Earth minus 16?" The orangutan also noticed that there was a problem, but he still quickly gave himself a drink. Death Knell had never brought out this kind of good wine. He Didn't even know there was such a good thing.

Today is the time to catch up, let’s have a few drinks first before talking about anything else.

"So far, it seems like this." Su Ming put down his wine glass and leaned on the bar, stroking the smooth countertop with his fingers: "This building, the decorations here, even I suspect that the white orangutan's personality has been modified. , and his current greasy energy is also very familiar."

As I said before, except for the different sign hanging on the top of the building, this is simply a replica of the Stark Industries Building.

"Tsk, but now we still don't know why Proraya did this."

After drinking a glass of wine, the chimpanzee bared his teeth. The strong alcohol made the tip of his tongue sting a little:

"According to you, her ultimate goal is to turn everything into nothingness, but now, the world she kidnapped has been transformed and shown to us?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and could only hear the sound of gurgling water coming from the bedroom, and the sound of the white orangutan humming, which was full of the breath of life.

At this point, after thinking of the word life, a light bulb seemed to suddenly light up in Yin Ruir's little head.

She patted her thigh, raised her tail, stood up from the sofa and said:

"I understand, this is 'enlightenment'! Just like those luminous jigsaw puzzles once did to us Eredar people, she wants to spend a long time with us by showing the stories she created, so that We gradually accepted her ideas and unknowingly got used to her existence!”

It didn’t take long, but now, are everyone no longer so wary of living in a universe dominated by her?

Because she didn't act crazy, she didn't chase, she didn't exterminate, she just kept a distance and told her story...

But is it really safe here?

Thinking of the prophet Velen being deceived by the jigsaw puzzle, and changing the name of his people to Draini during the long escape in the spaceship, Yin Ruil felt filled with grief and anger. Those Naaru were really abominable.

If Deathstroke hadn't appeared, exposed their scam, and eliminated those hateful elemental creatures, how could he have embraced the true Holy Light, and how could the people have walked on the right path?

After listening to Hoof Girl's speech, the orangutan's eyes suddenly became sharp. He touched his forehead, and then began to fill the pipe with tobacco leaves:

"Slade, what your girl said makes sense. Gods like to educate humans, and they generally have endless lifespan and time. If we keep jumping around in the box, then everything we do is meaningless. , this achieves the 'nothingness' she needs. We are still alive, but it is equivalent to being dead."

"Hmm... So this is her trick?" Su Ming shook the wine bottle. There was still half a bottle of wine in it. He threw the bottle to Gianna and let them have a taste: "After I exposed my identity, After that, she used her location to fish, seducing us to keep tracking her, and thus sink into a matryoshka matrix composed of boxes?"

We don’t want to become nothing, but if this continues without any meaningful progress, it is equivalent to essentially falling into the definition of nihilism.

No wonder, no matter what I investigate, I feel that the information and clues are not enough.

It is Prolaya who relies on this little thing to lure everyone in the direction she designed. If you want to know more, you will waste more time and get further into her indoctrination course.

If this continues, and when everyone really finds her, it's hard to say whether they will treat her as an enemy, or accept her overall thoughts and treat her as their own mother.

So was the God of Forgotten also adopted by her for her own use? I used to think that they were the goddess's dogs, domesticated hunting dogs.

But now it seems that they have fully accepted nihilism and fully support the believers of Prolaya. Even though they know that when the goddess succeeds, everyone, including the forgotten gods like them, will turn into nothingness, but they regard it as nothing. kind of happiness?

When you think about it this way, a lot of things make sense.

"So what should we do now?" Hermione rubbed her face with her hands, and her hair became a little messy: "We need to get out of these boxes as soon as possible, but we can't find a way now."

"That's why the adjutant couldn't lock our position, and Prolaya didn't want us to go out."

The orangutan first lit up his pipe and took a puff, and then had a glass of good wine. The simultaneous intake of tobacco and wine made him energetic:

"She will arrange stories for us one by one. These stories may or may not be meaningful, but think about it, those bedtime stories that parents tell their children when they are putting them to sleep, are they telling the world-famous Andersen fairy tales, or are they reading The boring jokes on the phone, whether they are meaningful or meaningless, are all the same, their purpose is just to make the children fall asleep."

"It still has some meaning. The meaning is that she wants us to see that many things are meaningless."

While saying tongue-twisting words, Su Ming was also thinking about a way to escape. He had been studying this idea for a long time:

"In the world of Super Killer, she shows us that a world of crazy killing is meaningless; in the world of plague, she shows us that time and death are meaningless; now, she wants to show us that entertainment and life attitude are meaningless. ..."

"I hate nihilists..."

Hermione's eyes turned into dead fish eyes, and she complained helplessly:

"In order to save people, we took the initiative to get into the trap. This is like a fish trap made of vines and branches when the professor taught me how to survive in the wilderness. It is easy to get in, but it is impossible to get out."

"Don't say that, my lovely student, we are not fish." Deathstroke lay on the bar and reached out to grab a lemon to eat: "As long as it is a net, there must be loopholes, as long as it is a trap, there must be mechanisms. Finding these is our chance..."

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