The Death Knell

Chapter 5117 Weird World

"Then do you have anyone you can trust?"

After thinking for a while, Bobo asked his other self, if Zhenglian is unreliable, there must be someone who can be reliable, right?

But his question made the white orangutan look a little decadent. The slightly whiter monkey sighed, poured himself a full glass of wine, and rubbed his face with a grin:

"The only person I can trust is Tracy, but if it's really a world crisis, she won't be of much use. As for the people you want to ask, they are basically all dead, some died in battle, and some died of old age. , some died of illness, and I am the only one left..."

At that time, the superheroes basically died collectively, and their sacrifices brought peace to the world. Otherwise, how could the second generation of superheroes be so pampered and live a life of luxury every day?

That's why people still remember the goodness of superheroes, and their noble sacrifices are worthy of worship.

Why the White Orangutan was able to build such a large family business is because he is the only surviving veteran hero, even though he is still an orangutan with no power to restrain a chicken.

This answer made Bobo silent for a moment. He felt the same way. When Jim and the Blue Devil died, he was equally sad. He wished he could drink himself to death in the wine cellar and follow his friends.

But in the end, he still didn't have the courage to commit suicide. He really wanted to live. Even if he felt that he was not worthy of the title of Dark Night Master, he always tried his best to do his best.

But now in this dark multiverse, all the friends he knew are dead. What kind of sadness is that? How did he hold up?

So Bobo was silent, he didn't know what to say, and the two chimpanzees sat side by side in front of the bar, each holding their own wine glasses.

As if reading his thoughts, the white gorilla said:

"People admire my old friends, so they are extra tolerant and courting of their children, and even change the law for this. But in my opinion, this kind of goodwill is not lasting, lasts at most one or two generations? They do A lot of things are tarnishing the reputation of parents, so I can't die, I have to do something for people and make up for it all."

"So what did you do..." Bobo rubbed his hair.

"The Bionic Man Full Reality Experience Memorial Hall."

The white orangutan took up the conversation and poured himself another drink:

“I know many people only think of it as an amusement ride, but in fact I want to use it to commemorate something. The androids there can follow established procedures to replay some of the stories that have happened, so that tourists can also participate in it, and it is educational. Yu Le, you may also know that in this world, entertainment comes first, and if you want to influence people, you must put on the cloak of entertainment."

"I understand, let me think about how to tell you about the current situation."

Bobo thought about it for a while. Although the other party said a lot and felt very sincere, he didn't completely believe it.

Because this is one of the dark multiverses, and darkness is synonymous with it. Strictly speaking, in such a world, stories tend to become more crazy and twisted.

"I can understand that others are dead, but what about Deathstroke? Where is Deathstroke in your world?"

At this time, Su Ming, who was far away on the sofa, spoke up. He raised his own question. Logically speaking, his counterpart from another world would not die so easily.

Whether as people with self-healing ability or as masters of tactics, Deathstroke's lives are pretty tough, even if they don't have many abilities of their own.

"Dead. If I remember correctly, he was infected with a terrifying dark energy, and then died together with his enemies in madness."

The white gorilla answered his question, turning around on the high stool and looking carefully at the death knell:

"You are much younger than him, and you may not understand how dangerous it is for an old man to go to the battlefield."

"Thank you for your compliment. In fact, I just look young, but I am actually the biggest death knell in all parallel universes. I am over a hundred years old this year."

Su Ming smiled and touched his face, and walked to the bar. He skillfully took out the wine glass from the cabinet, and quickly found the good wine hidden by the white orangutan, and poured himself a full glass:

"But I believe you. My peers may have a hard life, but that doesn't mean they won't die. If we lose our minds and reason, we will be no different from wild beasts."

"Haha, and I am the beast." The white orangutan looked at him curiously, as if he didn't understand why the man was so familiar with this place, but he still raised his wine glass and clinked it with the death knell: "But I'm very familiar with your situation. Curiosity, just like me, had nothing to do with the death knell of our world."

There is really no connection at all. One is the owner of a magic bar, and the other is a mercenary in the gray area of ​​human society. There is no intersection at all.

Now that he saw his other self being so close to Deathstroke, he was also very curious.

"It's a long story." Bobo also drank with him and wiped his mouth after drinking: "This death knell comes from the origin earth, not the death knell of our earth 0, and me and that old man? It's also true. No friendship.”

"That's right."

The white orangutan nodded. He grabbed a towel and wiped the massage oil on his black fur. He jumped off the high stool with a cup in hand:

"In this case, I think you are not going to believe me right away, so I will take a shower first, and you will discuss whether to share the information, but don't worry, no matter what your choice is, if you come to me, it will be My friends and guests, just consider this place your home, trust me, you will never want to stay in the Hall of Justice."

After making a joke about the super second generation, the white gorilla nodded to the guests, picked up his own towel and walked away, apparently going back to the bedroom to take a shower.

After he disappeared behind the door, Bobo tilted his mouth towards Deathstroke.

Su Ming nodded, then stretched out two fingers to make a twist-like gesture.

The orangutan detective nodded and pinched his nose again, his eyes rolling in their sockets.

"Wait, can't you two communicate by strangulation?" Hermione suddenly got into the space between a man and a monkey, with a speechless expression on her face: "Or you can communicate secretly, don't let me see, now this makes me If you see it but don’t understand why, isn’t it torturing people?”

"Haha, little girl, don't be anxious." Bobo took the better bottle of wine from Deathstroke, looked at the year on it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly gave himself a drink: "This other one I be believable, otherwise Deathstroke would have knocked my glass away before I had my first drink with him, lest I be poisoned.”

"What about this gesture later?" Hermione asked her professor as she also stretched out two fingers.

"It means that this is not simply Earth minus 16, but a mixed world. Even the white orangutans here don't feel this mixing process." Su Ming turned the wine bottle in the orangutan's hand and let the girl see for herself Look at the label.

I saw the yellow and black W logo painted on the yellowed sign, and underneath it said Skywalker Whiskey Aged, produced in 1937...

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