The Death Knell

Chapter 5116 Where it shouldn’t be

Prolaya has fought with her in the air not once or twice, but one thing worth noting is that she really hasn't come up with anything hard or dead.

With the concepts and power she had at her disposal, it was okay to want to be tougher, but she didn't do that.

Even though she did do something in a rage because her identity was exposed before, it was not considered a real attack at all. It felt like a parent was pretending to slap his child, but the slap did not fall, but hit the child. After struggling for a while, she let go.

This is also what Su Ming was thinking about along the way. He now suspects that he also played a role in the other party's plan, so that the goddess needs to keep him, but what is it specifically?

This is the most disgusting thing about fighting high-level beings. You can't always figure out the enemy's motives.

While thinking, the elevator reached the top floor, and what appeared in front of him was the familiar large living area.

If the person standing behind the bar was Tony Stark, Su Ming wouldn't think it was weird, but in fact the owner here was an orangutan, and he was being treated by a beautiful doctor.

"Huh? You are..."

The beast's senses are very sharp, not to mention that when the elevator door opens, there will be a ding as a reminder. The other orangutan lying on the massage table raised his head and glanced lazily in the direction of the elevator.

His whitening treatment may have helped a little, because although he still looked like a chimpanzee overall, he was a little whiter than the Bobo brought by Deathstroke.

If one is like coal in the snow, then the other is like charcoal in the snow. There is a slight difference, but not a big one. However, for the convenience of distinction, Su Ming decided to call Bobo in this universe 'White Orangutan'. .

Black is inherently a kind of contrast. There is no blackest, only darker.

"Oh, hi, another me." The orangutan on the man's shoulder was not very interested, but under the current situation, he still felt that it was more appropriate for him to speak first.

So he lazily raised a paw and waved it in the air as a greeting.

"Ah, it turns out it's you, I understand."

The white orangutan sat up wearing a towel, casually signed a check, and slapped the beautiful doctor on the butt, indicating that that was the end of the day.

The latter winked at him, picked up the toolbox and walked away. When he passed by Deathstroke and his group, he did not forget to wink at Bobo. It seemed that he was holding a wide net. idea.

She didn't know these people, but those who could deal with rich orangutans must be rich, and it was enough to know this.

Little did he know that these actions of hers made Bobo deeply disgusted, and even felt a little disgusting. After discovering that he actually had sex with a female human on this earth, his outlook on life was a bit shattered.

But thinking that this was a joke caused by Proraya, he still endured it.

Little did he know that what the white orangutan wrapped in a bath towel said next made his heart tremble, because the playboy orangutan called everyone over after the woman left, and at the same time said loudly:

"Welcome, my colleagues from another world, Mr. Deathstroke, and a few ladies I don't know. Welcome to Earth-16, my world."


"Impossible, this is Earth 16?" The orangutan had followed Batman there before, only to find that all living people around the world had disappeared, leaving only empty streets and the newspaper with funny content.

The newspaper is still in my pocket.

Now this white orangutan says this is Earth 16? Bobo's first reaction was that the other party was lying and there must be a trick.

The white orangutan who left the massage bed shook his head, moved his shoulders and face, walked to the bar, and skillfully poured himself a drink:

"Yes, but also not right."

He looked at a few people with a smile and invited everyone to sit down and have a drink:

"According to you, my place should be called Dark Multiverse Earth 16, but don't worry, I can barely be considered a member of the Incarnation of Justice and one of my own. No matter what situation you encounter, coming to me is definitely the right choice. "

After the disc between Dark Diversity and Diversity 1 was pierced, there was a connection between the two parties. Some superheroes also joined the Incarnation of Justice, but they often seemed a little out of place because they were too dark, and they were not too Much presence.

For example, this is the case with Bliss on Earth Minus 11. There are people like her in several other dark universes.

It's just that the damage caused by the Laughing Bat to Dark Diversity is still too serious, especially since the world where those crazy Batmans appeared has been almost completely destroyed, leaving only empty balls.

The chimpanzee also jumped off the death knell's shoulder. He quickly walked to the bar on all fours and climbed onto the high stool, waiting for the other party to pour the drink:

"What do you have to prove this?"

"I can give you any proof you want, because I am another you, but will you believe it then?"

The white orangutan pushed him a glass of whiskey and gently touched the glass in his hand:

"We are all gorilla detectives and we all know the importance of doubting everything, so can we skip this time-wasting verification process?"

"Fake, you are really another me." Bobo exhaled, took off his hat and put it on the bar, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp: "But it shouldn't be, why is Earth Minus 16 here? No. ....."

Since Bobo planned to negotiate with the other party, Su Ming was not in a hurry. He nodded and motioned for the girls to follow him, and then went to find a place to sit on the coffee table.

"Where?" The other party was a little confused and picked up the wine bottle again. The wine looked golden under the light: "I noticed that when you heard me announcing my home, your expression was very strange. Does that mean? What happened that I don’t understand?”

Hearing the question from the indigenous orangutan, Bobo turned to look at Deathstroke, but Deathstroke, who was eating snacks with the students, just nodded, indicating that he could say something.

"Where is the Justice League in your world?" After getting Deathstroke's approval, Bobo felt confident. He said: "Gather them together, and then I will explain it to you all at once, saving time and money."

His choice sounded reasonable, but the white orangutan showed a strange expression and coughed:

"Remind you, this is Earth 16 in the Dark Multiverse. If I remember correctly, my world is the mirror world of Earth 16 in the multiverse. Have you been to Earth 16? Do you want me to remind you that our Justice League is What virtue?”


Bobo's black claws slapped his forehead, and he forgot about this. If this place is very similar to Earth 16, then its Justice League is just a silver party salon, and those super second-generation ones are simply unreliable... .

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