The Death Knell

Chapter 5115 Nihilism

After leaving the scene of the murder, no one was found following them, so the group quickly returned to the speed of shopping.

The destination building was already within sight, but Su Ming felt a little familiar with this building, because except for the name "Bobo" hanging on the sign hanging on the roof, why did the appearance of this building look so similar? What about Stark Tower?

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but ask the monkey head on his shoulder:

"Bo, I haven't even asked you, do you have a surname? Or is it an Eastern-style surname called Bo?"

The black-haired animal rolled his eyes at him, pursed his lips and said:

"I'm just an orangutan. It's good to have a name, but where does the surname come from? Not to mention that I don't even know who my parents are. Even if I do, they probably don't have surnames, right?"

Speaking of which, he took a puff of cigarette and seemed very depressed.

"My fault, I haven't noticed this problem after working with you for so long." Su Ming touched the orangutan's back and patted it twice: "It doesn't matter, we will find a suitable last name for you today."

"The professor is right. Without a last name, wouldn't he be just like a house elf?"

Hermione also supported this decision. The witch bit her lower lip and thought for a moment before telling the orangutan her thoughts:

"You can find a surname by yourself, such as what you like to eat and the environment in which you live. This is how English surnames first came about. If someone lives in the forest, his family may have the surname Wood; if he drinks spring water every day, he can have the surname Wood. Spring, if you like Japanese style, you can call it Panasonic or Inoue or something."

"No, I live in a bar in a pocket space. My hobby is smoking and drinking. No matter how I look at it, there is nothing suitable that I can use as my surname."

The orangutan shook his head. In fact, he didn't value the surname. Anyway, he was alone and he didn't have to worry about his children's schooling or settlement in the future.

Yes, he is also a gangster. It is really unrealistic for animals to get a US green card, regardless of whether they have a surname or not.

"That's it, it doesn't matter." Jaina no longer needed support, and her dizziness and nausea had been relieved a lot: "You are a person who often interacts with spell casters. You can use this to choose a surname, such as Bobo. ·Mysterious black whirlwind?”

"Pfft!" The orangutan who was drinking suddenly spat out. He quickly wiped his mouth: "What's up with this shamanic name? People will think that I am a smuggler from Africa or an indigenous Indian."

Obviously, he didn't like the name very much, and he had all-round contempt for Jaina's naming standards.

"Otherwise, just like us Paladins, we choose a surname based on our own characteristics." Yin Ruil's idea is more similar to that of Gianna. She walks in a twitchy way, with her tail swaying back and forth behind her: "For example, call her Bo Bobo Magic User or Bobo Blackhand."

Speaking of the second name, Yin Ruil frowned. She found that it seemed to have the same name as an orc tribe in Azeroth.

Bobo didn't know the allusion to Black Hand, but he instinctively disliked this surname. After looking down at his black claws, he shook his head.

"Okay, Bobo, if you plan to have a last name, just follow my advice and go with the last name Wayne."

Su Ming also smiled and gave suggestions. He said in a very dark tone:

"When Batman passes away a hundred years in the future, Nightwing and the others will also be old and dead. But as an immortal, you will still be the same as you are today. When the time comes, you will directly inherit Gotham and have fun every day. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Batman is an ordinary person without superpowers, and Bobo is also an ordinary orangutan without superpowers; bats are very dark, and so are the orangutans; the former patrols at night, and Bobo's bar is only open at night.

Moreover, both of them are detectives. Batman is slightly better at reasoning, and Bobo is slightly better at collecting evidence at the scene. No matter how they look at it, the more they look at each other, the more they look alike.

"Yes! Dark, you are too dark." The orangutan detective did not agree with this. He scratched his nostrils: "I'd better consider Hermione's suggestion."

The group of people were laughing and chatting like this, and unknowingly arrived at the downstairs of the building. There were relatively many people here, and at least some people in suits and ties could be seen coming in and out.

With Bobo's presence, getting in and out is not a problem at all. The security guards at the door even saluted. Apparently they couldn't tell the difference between the two orangutans.

"Good morning, boss."

"Hello to you too."

In this way, under the attention of almost all the staff, the orangutan stiffly nodded and waved to everyone, and was carried into the elevator by the death knell. He breathed a sigh of relief and watched the man skillfully press the button for the top floor. button.

"Going to the top office requires verification of palm prints and apertures. Come and touch here." Su Ming lifted the orangutan off his shoulders and approached the elevator panel. He watched him tinkering with the thing and said, "This place is the same as Stark Industries." The buildings are exactly the same, even the elevators are the same style.”

"Where is that place?" Hermione pulled out her wand in case of emergency.

"A friend's company, but over there in 40K Earth." Feeling the elevator going up, Deathstroke put Bobo back in place and touched his chin: "So what does Prolaya want me to see? Nihilism Hodgepodge?”

The word nihilism is a compound word composed of nihil + ism. The suffix -ism is a certain kind of ism, and nihil comes from the Latin word, originally referring to "nothing, emptiness".

In the beginning, nihilism and "suspiciousness" were equated. A person doubted whether reality really existed, doubted whether he was a subjective individual, and doubted that the nature of the universe might be a fart. This could all be called nihilism.

But as modern psychological theories gradually improved, nihilism was classified more finely, and most of the time it appeared in the descriptions of patients with bipolar disorder.

Su Ming knows something about psychology, but is not an expert like Harley. He only knows that nihilism can be divided into several subcategories today, namely political nihilism, moral nihilism, epistemological nihilism, and cosmological nihilism.

Speaking separately, he himself couldn't explain it. After all, mercenaries were just wild people in this regard. What they were pursuing was to use psychology to formulate tactics and kill people better.

But when all branches of nihilism are combined, they all mean one thing - the belief that human existence is meaningless and absurd.

It has no goals, no direction, and no achievements.

Thinking that human life is meaningless, there is no reason for people to live. Those who claim to find meaning in life are either dishonest or deceived. In either case, they are unable to face the reality of the difficult human condition.

Now Prolaya seems to be putting together different story backgrounds and showing them to herself. She seems to be trying to prove this.

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