The Death Knell

Chapter 5125 A two-pronged approach

The food everyone ordered came quickly. The secretary in this world, Tracey, looked like a professional strong woman. I don’t know what she had gone through to turn a goth girl who used to be a flashy dress into a suit and skirt. The appearance, maybe this is the power of time.

The marble floor was shiny and her high heels clicked as she stepped on it.

She originally wanted to chat with the guests for a while, but she was handling all the company's affairs, so she could only say a few polite words after delivering the food and ask about Earth 0. The phone hurried away again.

"Come on, come all over for dinner. Hermione, you can have a leg of lamb, and Jaina, you can have one too."

Obviously they couldn't eat together. Su Ming used his lightsaber to cut the roasted lamb in front of him easily. The roasting speed was so fast. It must not have been roasted using traditional methods, but using high technology. But it smelled pretty good, at least. Various condiments are provided:

"Yin Ruier, you eat a sheep's head. There is a saying in my hometown that you will make up for it with what you eat."

The horns on the head are actually quite cute. Although not as good as the animal ears, they are not bad either.

"Actually, I'm quite satisfied with my horns." Looking at the sheep head assigned in front of her and the long sharp horns on the sheep's head, the hoof girl pursed her lips and touched the small horns on her head: " Otherwise, I'd better eat a sheep's hoof, right?"

It doesn't really matter if she has a horn, after all, she doesn't rely on it to support anyone, but as a warrior, good legs and feet seem to be more useful.

"Then do it yourself, you're welcome, there are so many dishes." Su Ming unloaded another piece of ribs, walked to the side of the revealed cloak, and used the piece of barbecue to fan the sleeping Xiaode.

Dru Yin was in the form of a leopard in her sleep. Her nose and mouth moved, and her limbs twitched, as if she had a dream after smelling the smell of barbecue.

Su Ming smiled slightly, took the ribs back, and stuffed them into the big mouth of the bean sprouts. He saw that Dru Yin, who had been twisting constantly, suddenly became quiet, and only showed a "cat-cat frowning" expression.

He returned to the coffee table, sat down to eat with the three women, and said:

"Looks like our two alliance heroines aren't planning on getting up, so we'll just eat on our own."

"It's better to leave some for them." Jaina was tasting the food of this world. To put it bluntly, it was just an ordinary burger. Obviously she had no interest in the lettuce inside: "It would be nice if this thing was made of fish."

"Next time we can order KFC home delivery and give you a try of the deep-sea cod burger." Su Ming himself only tasted a small bite of each dish. From a long time ago, he ate just to remind himself that he was a human being: "I I thought you had enough fish growing up in Kul Tiras."

"No, Master, there are too many kinds of fish in the ocean. I still dare not say that I have eaten all the fish in Azeroth. How can I get tired of it?"

The little princess shook her head. She was a little picky and pinched out the vegetable leaves in the burger, then lowered her head and took another bite of the patty:

"But beef is always delicious, at least it's better than spider meat."

Because she was studying in Karazhan, she occasionally went out for sightseeing, such as going to Night Town not far away, where various spider leg dishes were popular.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to Kul Tiras yet." Yin Ruil was holding a leg of lamb in her hand. She was not very polite when eating: "It was just during the landing of Storm Fortress in Azeroth. I got a glimpse of that archipelago from space.”

"You are welcome at any time, good sister. When we rescue everyone, you will follow me to Boralus. It is best to drive there on one of your eredar spaceships and show it to my father. No matter how old you are, The ship can really fly."

Jaina always looks helpless when she mentions her father, because the admiral is a very old-fashioned person, and to him, the honor and tradition of the navy are the most important.

But times have changed now.

"Okay, but we still have to rescue people first." Yin Ruil nodded in agreement. Then she lowered her head and took a mouthful of food before asking, "Master, can the people who were kidnapped from Azeroth return safely?" Bar?"

"As long as I can kill Proraya, I am confident that everyone who was kidnapped will be sent back safely." Su Ming had already finished eating, and he sat next to him drinking and waiting: "It's good that you still remember them. You must remember to always remind yourself to be careful of the enemy’s educational methods.”

"We understand." The girls nodded in unison. In fact, as long as they know each other's plans and strengthen their beliefs, it is not difficult to fight against some brainwashing.

The so-called enlightenment often happens unconsciously. Once exposed, there is no threat.

"That's okay, just wait a moment. The adjutant and Deadpool have just restored contact. Let me see how they are doing." Deathstroke motioned to the girls to continue eating while he wanted to communicate with the other team for a while.


"You ask where we are now? Well, the devil knows where. Anyway, it's a shabby place where birds don't poop. Everything around here is dark, like the poop that black people pooped after eating chocolate, from the inside to the outside. It’s all dark.”

After hearing his cousin's question, Deadpool looked around at his surroundings while making racist jokes:

"If you ask me if I can handle the current situation, I can tell you with confidence that I probably can't. I don't have that ability, you know? You still have to look at Batman, but we were trapped in the speed force plane before, and now It looks like he escaped, which should be considered a good thing?"

"Not sure if it's a good thing yet." Barry came over and looked at the projected image of Deathstroke: "Hey, Slade, we were thrown out of the Speed ​​Force plane, just like a bag of garbage, but specifically I still don’t know what time and space it falls on... What are you eating? It looks delicious?"

As he spoke, Xiao Shen swallowed because he had been running and was now a little hungry.

"Here comes the roasted whole lamb. Next time you come to my house, just ask Gin to cook it for you." Su Ming smiled and shook the lamb chops in his hand, and then fed the meat to Strangler in front of Barry. Xiao Hei Douya narrowed her eyes in enjoyment, raised two thin tentacles, and danced a Hawaiian hula dance.

"Gu." His stomach growled, and Barry quickly held his belly and walked aside. He couldn't look at it anymore, otherwise he wouldn't be able to control the saliva in his mouth.

"Wade, turn the camera direction and let me take a look for you." Su Ming did not continue to tease Xiao Shan. It was a good thing that the communication was restored, but it might be cut off by Prolaya at some point, so he still had to hurry up. Time speaks for itself.

Deadpool knew that his cousin was omnipotent, and just because he and his group couldn't see it didn't mean he couldn't do it, so he spun on the spot and let his cousin see more things here through the lens.

For example, a dark wasteland, a sky so dark that it is indistinguishable from the horizon, and a pure black dead tree not far away all need to be displayed.

But who knew that his cousin didn't appreciate it, and even rolled his eyes and scolded him:

"Silly X, just turn the projection plane. Who asked you to turn it by yourself? I want to see the situation around you, not to see you dancing ballet! Is the sticky soup you just threw out the pus caused by breast cancer? You know I'm eating and you still show me such disgusting things, be careful I'll deduct your money!"

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