The Death Knell

Chapter 5126 Return to the past

“Can men get breast cancer too?”

Black Wally, who had been listening with his ears straight up not far away, looked confused. He quickly touched his chest because he had been feeling pain in his chest recently.

"There will be. Although the incidence of male breast cancer is very low, it does happen."

Although the fat boy Wu Billy beside him has lost his high-tech suit and is just an ordinary fat nerd, he is a tech nerd and his various knowledge reserves far exceed those of his peers:

"About 0.2% of all male cancers are breast cancer, and these are basically adolescents."

"Hey, when this operation is over, I'm going to see a doctor for a physical examination." Hei Wally became even more nervous after hearing this. He thought about it and said seriously to Xiaopang: "If I really get cancer, I won't Will he become like Deadpool?"

"Well, normally not." Billy spread his hands. He was so fat that even his neck could not be seen, and his shrugging movements could not be seen at all: "But for a cancer patient, he is in good spirits."

Deadpool is more than just a good guy? He was overly excited. The more he was scolded by his cousin, the more excited he became.

Batman and Wonder Woman went to investigate the surrounding situation. He, Barry and the two children stayed in the area where everyone landed, guarding the unconscious Qiao Yin. These people would retching when they talked to him. He was so lonely. said.

It’s better to be my cousin, there is always something to talk about.

He grabbed the projected head floating in front of him as if grabbing a physical object, and turned it around.

After allowing his cousin to see the surrounding situation clearly, he continued:

"How's it going? Slade, have you found anything? For example, there's a black woman hiding in the dark without clothes? Or a creature that looks like a black woman?"

"No, according to what I have seen so far, you seem to be left in a barren land. Be vigilant, my brother, this is probably Prolaya's intention."

The current ability to communicate 'double-blind' relies on Deadpool's spider totem and his plot continuity gem.

Su Ming put down the wine glass in his hand. He couldn't get much information from the brief glance, but since Batman was on Deadpool's team, it wasn't a big problem.

"Yeah, I got it, but let me tell you, she might as well just put me on her bed so that she can have some fun before she dies." Deadpool smiled crookedly. He didn't take the goddess seriously at all. He is an atheist.

For example, Thanos' goddess Death is just an ordinary woman to Deadpool.

"I noticed that Bat and Xiao Dai are not here. Are they going to investigate the surrounding environment?" Su Ming laughed. He had long been used to his cousin's mouth being closed. "You are now in a wilderness." , and there seems to be no trace of human presence, so finding shelter and water sources is a top priority."

"It's just like what you said, brother, at least that's what my sister-in-law thinks. As for Batman, he didn't say anything, and I can't tell. He's really too dark."

Wade dug into his trouser pocket and took out a bottle of wine. He took a big sip to moisten his throat.

In fact, he also has a space bag, which is sewn into his trouser pocket. It contains many useful things for picking up girls, such as wine, flowers, chocolates, adult toys and the like.

Apart from the fact that he always forgets to bring his arms bag, Deadpool is not very afraid of living in the wilderness. He can at least support his teammates for a few days.

With those few days of effort, even if he stayed put, it would be enough time for Deathstroke to solve the problem and come to support.

"Have they ever looked at that tree?" Su Ming nodded and motioned for Deadpool to turn his attention behind him: "Go over and have a look. I told you to do it."

"Oh, is it this kind of game?" Wade turned his head and glanced over there, muttering to himself as he walked towards the only big tree in his field of vision: "I've played with you drawing, I guess, on the Internet and Peter was playing, but this tree looks very ordinary, it’s just a big tree that was struck by lightning, caught fire, and then burned to charcoal.”

The distance was not far in the first place, but in the time it took to speak, I walked to the big tree in a dozen steps.

Just like what Deadpool said, this bare tree is completely black, and its surface has been completely carbonized. The cracked black hard shell shows that it has been burned through, which shows that it must have been burned very vigorously at the beginning.

"Let's not talk about that first. Just reach out and touch it to see if the charcoal ash will stick to your hands." Su Ming instructed him to conduct on-site investigation. Anyway, he was still eating here, so he had nothing to do.

If the fire happened a long time ago, wind and rain would have washed away the charcoal from the tree trunks,

Knowing that he was doing something serious, Deadpool, who was relatively obedient, reached out and touched the trunk of the tree, then raised his hand to let his cousin see for himself.

"Well, that's good news. Your gloves are relatively clean. There should be wind and rain in this black wasteland. Batman and the others will find good results if they go to find water." Su Ming gave his own judgment and commanded Cousin: "Did you bring a knife next? Cut open the bark and show me a piece of wood core."

"Although I still don't know what's so interesting about this..." Deadpool pulled out the dagger from his boot, struck the black tree with his backhand, and then started working like a woodpecker, chiseling away at the tree while saying: " Also, I have to remind you that the perverted ancient god named 'Amo' is probably with us."

Everyone was thrown out from the speed force plane, so as debris on the 'runway', the so-called god might also have been thrown out together.

This was all what Barry said. Deadpool didn't know why, so he simply repeated it.

"It's okay, just be more careful. As long as he can't fight against 'Nausea', he won't dare to trouble you for a short time. But now that he can't enter the Speed ​​Force plane, Barry's abilities will definitely be greatly affected. You still have to protect him." them."

"I know, it's not the first day I've been out here. You don't need to tell me about such a small thing. I'll engrave it on the memo on the sole of my shoe soon." The bitch looked like he knew everything, and he even sped up. He increased the speed of his hands: "Okay, the wood core of this dead tree has not been burned, but it looks like orange petals."

He took out a wooden disk from the tree and showed it to his cousin. Unlike ordinary trees, which only have one annual ring inside, this tree has densely packed annual rings inside, like the sunflower fields in Van Gogh's paintings.

"You may have been thrown into the ancient earth. This is a plant from ancient times. The oxygen content on the earth at that time was very high, and the animals and plants were very large. The same is true for trees. In modern trees, the xylem only has A bunch visually shows that there is only one growth ring in the cross section, but it was different 250 million years ago. At that time, after the trees peeled off their bark, the xylem inside looked like orange cloves or garlic packed together."

"Do you know everything about paleontology? It seems that the Supreme Mage is not in vain. Your extensive knowledge makes my groin sweat. When others say that they are inferior to someone else, they always say shame, but I sweat even more. If you have more, does it give you more face? Hehe!"

Wade reached out and touched that part of himself, took out his hand and smelled it, and nodded with satisfaction:

"So we were thrown into the era when those forgotten gods existed? In other words, I may have to face a lot of naked female savages, right? Oh, I'm already prepared, let them come here! "

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