The Death Knell

Chapter 5138 The mouth is out of control

The world is dark and the sky is dim, but it is not completely devoid of other colors.

The group of people walked on this land that seemed to have been burned by fire, like scorched earth. From time to time, various colors of lightning flashed through the thick dark clouds above their heads.

Sometimes red lightning will pop out of the clouds, like a lurking snake spitting out and then retracting its forked tongue; sometimes there is just a faint electric light, illuminating a range of dark clouds, as if separated by a layer of cotton dots It's like lighting up a lighter.

"In this alternation of light and dark, everyone followed Batman as he climbed over the mountains and ridges... Okay, fellow veterans, the road here is actually quite smooth. It's me. I want to exaggerate the atmosphere, but I can’t find the right words.”

Deadpool was not idle during the rush. He kept talking to his non-existent friends around him, describing their march in an exaggerated tone.

But the process was too dull. He didn't know what the earth was like in this era. He only knew that the ground was extremely flat. Not even a small slope could be seen, let alone mountains or canyons.

"Is it possible that this is the legendary Pangea? Legend has it that there were not many continents at that time, and the land mass was a whole, so it was very flat."

He picked his nostrils, flicked the long snot aside, rubbed his fingers on his pants, and then picked out the other nostril:

"I'm sure there are mountains, otherwise there wouldn't be wind direction and rain clouds accumulating, but where are the mountains? Oh, if it was a black mountain, then I might not be able to see it, the principle is like black people would be at night It’s like being invisible, hahaha!”

After telling jokes about skin color, his mood quickly improved. Wade now understood why his cousin always liked to ask Nick Fury in riddles.

"Go further and you can see the mountains." Diana took up what he said and at the same time transferred the wounded on Barry's shoulders to her shoulders: "There is a hill there, and there is a river next to it, but I don’t know why the river is black.”

"I understand, the African River." Deadpool's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he expressed his reasoning: "That river must be tanned, just like Africans!"

"You'd better talk less about skin color."

Barry, who wanted to talk, was a little embarrassed and poked Deadpool with his finger, asking him to look at Black Wally behind the team. At this time, the little black man looked dejected:

"I heard from Deathstroke that you went to Africa as a boy soldier when you were a child. Maybe jokes about skin color are common there, but in the United States, such jokes are quite sensitive and not conducive to unity."

"Oh, you superheroes are just too sensitive. It's obviously just a joke."

Deadpool, who was lectured, shook his head with a disappointed expression on his face:

"Actually, I also have many black friends. They don't take skin color seriously at all, so naturally they don't feel racial discrimination. What is in your heart can only be seen with your eyes. Come here, black boy, let Uncle Wade tell you You learn a lesson.”

With that said, he hugged the boy into his sour arms no matter how much Black Wally resisted.

Because he didn't dare to use the Speed ​​Force, the boy's legs were definitely not as long as an adult's, so the speedster was caught by him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Hei Wally screamed in agony as he struggled.

"Listen to me, young man, although I often make fun of black people, I actually respect my African-American friends. Do you know what qualities a person needs in modern capitalist society in order for others to take you seriously? I I see you don’t understand, then let me tell you, that is, you must have money! As long as you have money, don’t say that your skin color is not really dark, but more like a Latino. Even if you are so dark that you are completely invisible at night, others will not see you. I still have to politely call you sir."

As a mercenary, Deadpool is very enthusiastic about sharing his values ​​​​with young people. At least in his opinion, having money can solve many problems.

It was a bit of nonsense, but Wally did listen to it. The little black man stopped struggling and just covered his mouth and nose with both hands and made a muffled sound:

"You mean, I need to be able to show social value?"

"That's pretty much what it means, right? Probably, I don't quite understand those terms of high emotional intelligence. You know, we mercenaries are all rough people."

Deadpool rubbed the boy's head as if he were playing a basketball:

"People say they want career and love. To put it bluntly, they just want money and beautiful women. You are actually quite valuable now. After all, you are a superhero. Aren't others happy to see you?"

"You really don't mean to look down on me because I'm black?"

Wally was a little moved. Although Deadpool is disgusting, he really doesn't seem to be a racist, because a real racist, let alone hugging a black man, even if he says a few words to a black man, his arms People all over the world get rashes due to psychological effects.

"No, don't worry, you don't understand me. My wife is a succubus, with purple skin all over her body. I also have a sex partner, she is half black and half white, like a giant panda; she is close to me. A beautiful black woman can line up from New York to the Congo, how can I be a racist?”

As he spoke, Deadpool scratched his arm around the boy, which seemed to be very itchy, and tore off a piece of dead skin from under his uniform.

"What does gun buddy mean?" The black boy blinked curiously. He had completely believed what Deadpool said, but he just didn't understand the phrase.

"Ahem!" Barry coughed and suddenly got in between the two of them. He used his own spirit of sacrifice to take the place of the black kid and let Deadpool hug him. Then he smiled hard and said to the boy: "You're here. Go ahead and see if Batman needs any help."


Black Wally listened to Barry's words very much. After all, the latter was the boss of the Flash family. Although he was still curious, he scratched his head and trotted to catch up with Batman in front of him.

At this point in time, the earth is pitch black everywhere, and Batman is wearing black again. We really need to follow him closely to avoid letting him disappear again.

After sending the boy away, Barry breathed a sigh of relief. He hung his head helplessly and complained:

"How can you talk to a child about that? It will teach him bad things."

However, the innocent-looking bitch shrugged and replied in an aggrieved tone: "Who knew he was so innocent? Those black brothers I know know how to play. When I was a young soldier in Africa, I was only twelve years old. I discovered At the same age, they actually treat orangutans..."

"That's enough, Wade, don't go on. We're not interested in those things." Diana really couldn't listen anymore. She stopped her boyfriend's cousin, frowned and warned: "I'll be there at any time. Maybe the hand slipped a little bit, just like Slade often did."

In fact, at first, when she saw Slade stabbing his cousin with a dagger coated with tears of death, she felt a little bit unbearable, because even if he was a self-healing person, relatives could not do this to each other. ah.

But now she understands that it's not that Deathstroke is inhumane, but that Deadpool really needs to be punished. If he is not dealt with for a period of time, he will completely lose control and let himself go, which will cause greater damage to the team.

"Well, then I won't say it. It's my fault. Let's talk about business." Wade put away the green wig on his head, took off the big red ball prosthetic nose from the mask, and then put Barry in his arms Let go and say seriously: "Is that the black river ahead? I seem to hear the sound of water?"

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