The Death Knell

Chapter 5139 Black Earth

Under the intimidation of his sister-in-law, Deadpool finally became quieter, just a little.

Trying to silence some people is like killing them. Take Spider-Man, for example. After putting on his spider uniform and activating his mouth-talking personality, he also talks too much and can't stop talking.

But compared to him, Deadpool's nonsense is too dark and full of content that minors are not allowed to listen to.

Diana wouldn't allow him to talk nonsense, so he would whisper to the veterans in the live broadcast room. Since there was no decent scenery around, he could only grab some black soil or black stones from the ground and show them to everyone.

"Generally speaking, black land represents fertile soil, but it's a bit strange. I saw such a dead tree along the way. It's like a man who is richer than Batman and more handsome than me. I can still fight, and I can perform better than Zelensky, but it’s unreasonable that he only has one girlfriend.”

As he walked forward, he pinched his chin with a detective expression on his face.

He didn't talk to his teammates, but others could still hear what he said. For example, the fat man with a homemade crutch swallowed secretly.

As an otaku who surfs the Internet intensively, he knows a lot more than Black Wally, but he doesn't have a girlfriend. After hearing the conditions mentioned by Deadpool, Xiaopang couldn't help but fantasize about how good he would be if he was that good. Isn’t it possible to play with beautiful cartoon girls and paper figurine wives every day?

As he thought about it, the corners of his mouth rose up uncontrollably, and a trace of crystal saliva flowed out.

Compared with young people, the members of the Justice League are much more professional. After listening to Deadpool's words, Barry also grabbed a handful of black soil in his hand, not only looking at it, but also smelling it.

"It has a normal earthy smell, nothing special, and the graininess is natural."

As a forensic trace detector, Barry is professional in this area, and his job as The Flash is more like a part-time job.

Tasks such as soil analysis are usually done dozens of times a day, not to mention that there are more abundant samples now.

Generally, there is very little soil that appears at crime scenes. It may just be a few grains of dust on the soles of shoes. To study that stuff, you need professional equipment, but if you grab a handful of black soil on the ground, you don't have to worry about that.

Apparently after the inspection, he also began to wonder why he only saw one tree after walking here for a long time, because logically, with such good soil conditions, this place should be a grassland or a forest.

"Maybe it's because of the lack of sunlight?" Diana pressed the noose on her belt, which she used as lighting: "We don't know what's going on with the dark clouds above our heads, but if it lasts for too long, most plants will None of them will survive.”

Most plants need to carry out photosynthetic reactions, either sunlight or artificial light sources will do, but the prerequisite is that there is light.

If there was only a little light like lightning, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

"But I didn't see the mushrooms either." Barry shook his head. He still felt that it didn't make sense: "The soil is not dry, and the ambient temperature is quite high. This is exactly the environment that fungi like."

"Then I don't know. On Paradise Island, mushrooms can be used as food or medicine, but no one really studies how they grow. When needed, they just go to the forest to pick them. No one will raise them. thing."

Diana, who prefers flowers and fruits, shakes her head. She doesn't like mushrooms very much, because poisonous mushrooms are always easily linked to witchcraft. Many spellcasters need their hallucinogenic properties to touch some high-level paths. '.

It sounds a bit mysterious, but to put it bluntly, it is similar to some people who play rock and roll. They cannot write songs and need inspiration, and then they take drugs. In hallucinations, their imagination often opens up, but this is also a negative impact on their own lives. irresponsible.

However, for many spellcasters, the pursuit of the roots of magic and the truth of elements is much more important than their own lives. What matters is 'you can die if you hear the truth in the morning,' then it will be fine.

"I have a guess, Flash, and sister-in-law, do you want to hear it?" Deadpool dropped the soil in his hand, turned around and looked at them both with 'bringing' eyes.

Although he is still wearing a mask and can't see his eyes at all, only two white eyepieces can be seen, Deadpool has this ability. He can show his emotions through the mask.

"You're not going to say what African continent this is again, are you?" Barry rolled his eyes, he was already a little numb to Deadpool's verbal torture.

It was okay when Deathstroke was around before, but now that person is not there, Deadpool is really cheap after letting himself go.

"What? Of course not, am I the kind of person who delays business? I repeat, I have no discrimination against black Africans."

Saying this, Deadpool scratched his arm again and shuddered:

"What I want to say is that maybe there was a large ape tribe living here in the past. The black soil was actually stepped out by people, and the dead tree over there was the sacred tree they worshiped, so Other trees have been cut down or eaten.”

He didn't know whether apes would eat trees, but orangutans sometimes ate tree bark, so he guessed that apes would have similar diets?

For example, when you need to supplement crude fiber to promote intestinal peristalsis, eat some plastic bags or something.

Some people may say that orangutans and monkeys will die after eating plastic bags. This is all nonsense. My cousin has already said that the monkeys in Emei Mountain snatch plastic bags from tourists every day, but they have not died yet.

As for why Mount Emei was mentioned?

Mainly because Slade wanted to open a space zoo, so he proposed this attraction as a negative example, with special emphasis on training Godzilla and Mothra to prevent them from grabbing tourists' food or mobile phones in the future.

"If it was stepped on, I guess it might not be possible for a human being, at least it must be an elephant." Diana thought for a moment, and she really believed in Wade. After all, this is considered family. She said: "And the number of elephants It also needs to be huge.”

"What you said makes sense, sister-in-law. The ape-man may really not be able to do it..." Deadpool nodded. He turned his head and looked at the big tree in the distance behind him. There was only a small dot left in the darkness: " But what if it’s God?”

"God..." Xiao Dai touched his forehead, the skin covered by the starlight crown: "Actually, I have been thinking about God. I have been thinking about it since I defeated Hecate. So Before Zeus and the others defrauded their power and became gods, were there other gods on earth?"

"It has now been proven that the God of Oblivion exists." Barry nodded and motioned for her to continue. After all, the person who is most familiar with gods may be the god Diana.

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