The Death Knell

Chapter 5140 Theory of Natural Selection

With a Kacha sound, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, making several people's faces look white for a moment.

But what followed was a heavy downpour, making the sight even more blurry in this already dark world.

"Yeah, since they existed, why don't we remember them?" Diana quickened her steps to avoid losing Batman who was leading the way: "In other words, why do people forget them? This process of forgetting, maybe That’s the key to us defeating them this time.”

The temperature here is very high, and the atmosphere of the ancient earth is different from that of the modern earth. After arriving here, it is like entering a greenhouse.

Even the rain falling now is still warm water, which does not make people feel cool at all. There is even a strange odor in the falling raindrops.

But even so, rain is a good thing, at least the probability of dehydration and shock is much lower.

"You mean, if you forget them, they will cease to exist?" The Flash frowned. He looked at the Jay Yin hanging on Diana's shoulder. The old man was still in a coma: "This statement is too idealistic. It’s like people closing their eyes when faced with danger.”

"Yeah, it's really idealistic. I don't know how to describe my feelings to you."

Wonder Woman sighed and shrugged her shoulders again to ensure that the old man would not fall:

"But why do you think people have the habit of closing their eyes when facing danger? And it's common all over the world. It's the same for people in every parallel universe. This action seems to be engraved on human DNA. What is it? Let everyone have this habit?"

How to keep your eyes open when facing danger is an introductory course for warriors. What matters is that even if an arrow misses or a bullet hits in front of you, you still have to make sure you don't even blink.

This is against the behavioral habits of human beings themselves, because the subconscious reaction when facing danger is to close their eyes, which will affect combat.

What Xiao Dai is thinking now is, why do humans have such a unified reaction?

Did human ancestors really escape death and allow their genetic material to survive because they closed their eyes? Are all those people who can't close their eyes and shrink their necks dead, and their genetic material has not been preserved?

This is the theory of evolution, also known as survival of the fittest.

"Wow, I finally understand why my cousin likes you. Isn't it such a contrast to hear remarks about natural science from an Olympian goddess?"

Deadpool, who was the first to raise doubts, was a little confused at this point. He only had an education level of outgoing elementary school, but he probably understood what it meant.

"I am also a professor at the University of London." The heroine replied, seemingly a little guilty, and added: "Although I teach ancient art appreciation..."

That was her disguised identity, a teacher, and the profession that was most suitable for her. All the artistic expertise she learned on Paradise Island could be put to use.

Whether it is paintings or poems, sculptures or plays, she has a very high aesthetic level, at least a classical aesthetic level.

"Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense." Barry blocked the rain on Jieyin's head with his hand, and wiped the water on his face with his other hand: "Maybe this was the impact of the environment on the ancestors at that time. The premise is that the theory of evolution If established.”

Adaptation to the environment and natural selection are basic concepts in Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin believed that in the struggle for survival, the mutations caused by adaptation to the environment accumulate and develop into significant stable characteristics, leading to the formation of new species.

The genetic material gene pool refers to all the genes contained in a population, which is often referred to as a large collection of DNA. The genes contained in each individual are only a component of the population gene pool.

Each population has its unique gene pool. Individuals in the population die from generation to generation, but the gene pool is passed on from generation to generation and is maintained and developed during the transmission process.

The mutations produced in the population gene pool are not directional. After long-term natural selection, the unfavorable mutations are continuously eliminated, and the favorable mutations are gradually accumulated, resulting in directional changes in the gene frequency of the population, causing organisms to move in a certain direction. evolution.

For example, the ancestors of horses originally had paws like cats and dogs. However, due to factors in the living environment, the shape of the hooves was more suitable for long-term running. Therefore, individuals with such mutations can survive natural disasters and predators. Survive the attack, thereby preserving their genes and passing them on to future generations.

Those ancient horses with no hooves and only claws were naturally eliminated because they could not adapt to the environment.

Putting it into the current situation, maybe in the era when the apes lived, there were a lot of gods. As long as people didn't look at them, they wouldn't be hurt. Then people who closed their eyes when they encountered danger could survive. down and preserve their genes?

Of course, Barry also said that this premise is that the theory of evolution is established.

Because the matter itself involves ancient gods, when thinking about this issue, we must put the theory of divine creation into consideration, which is the saying that "human beings are created by gods."

But the good news is that this theory seems to make sense, because assuming that human beings are the creations of Proraya, wouldn't it be reasonable for them to have a humble status and not be allowed to look directly at the creator and her men?

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the rain is getting hotter and hotter." Deadpool reminded them at this time, raised his hand, and took off the complete hand skin like taking off a glove: "We'd better hurry up and find Let’s talk somewhere sheltered from the rain, my delicate skin is very sensitive to hot water, and to be honest, I hate showers and saunas.”

Because of skin cancer, his skin is not very strong and easily falls off when exposed to water, especially hot water.

"Well, speed up. Batman has arrived. That's where it is." Diana raised her hand and pointed forward, revealing a bat head on the ground in the distance: "There is a small slope there, and there is a A cave, we can go there to take shelter from the rain.”

"Not only Deadpool, I don't feel very good either." Barry took off the hand that was covering Jieyin's head and turned it over to catch some rainwater for everyone to see: "This rainwater is also bland and black, like... ....Water used to wash the boiler?”

"I don't know what's going on. Let's listen to what Batman has to say later." Diana lifted her cloak to slightly cover the old man on her shoulders. Then she looked at the little fat man walking silently aside and said, "Barry, Go help Billy, he's too slow."

Yes, spiral bombs have always been around them, but as a child he can't get in the middle of the conversation when the adults are talking, so he might as well be a good boy and listen.

However, Deadpool suddenly stopped him. He nodded towards the empty place aside, his expression became serious, and he turned to Xiao Flash:

"Don't help him, Flash. This little chubby guy should exercise more. Your doting on him will only kill him. The old guys said that my cousin is now on Earth Minus 16. There is a group of degenerate super second generations there. Let him They all have a headache, so you need to prevent Earth 0 from becoming like that, now listen to me, use your belt to spank the boy's fat ass and make him rock, it will be good for everyone."

The fat boy's face suddenly became tense, he dropped his crutches and quickened his pace. He was still a flexible fat man.

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