The Death Knell

Chapter 5141 Those who wish take the bait


On the pier where it was also raining, a disabled old man sitting in a wooden wheelchair proudly showed everyone the new invention he had just completed:

"I call it the enhanced version of the ultra-dimensional high-power communicator. As long as we use it, we can contact the troublemaker."

"Hehe, it looks like an ordinary wooden horn." Harley circled around the big speaker on the platform, and started to make comments as she tilted her mouth: "And you also copied the pattern design of the Nordic horn horn. , everyone, look here, there are runes of unknown meaning."

Hearing what she said, everyone gathered around to take a look. Even the armored man who was constantly scooping water in the cabin to prevent the ship from sinking poked his head out of the window.

The chief's face turned red, and he banged the wheelchair with his fist, as if his hand was the judge's gavel, but his words were not as organized as a legal practitioner:

"Can what scientists do be called plagiarism? No, have they been plagiarized? No plagiarism. According to you, I have lost my memory of a lot of science and technology, so who else should I copy?"

"But this is a magic item."

After the raven's identification, this thing is powered by X metal and uses the air of the fifth dimension as the resonance medium. Next, it needs to be controlled by air magic to start...

Except for the horn-shaped shell carved from wood, which can barely be associated with some engineering, the others have nothing to do with technology at all.

"Young people don't follow martial ethics. I finally made something according to your request, but you are still picky. Do you want to use it? Or do you want to listen to me tell you how many ways to write fennel in Latin?"

The chief began to fool around in his wheelchair again. It was noisy and full of joy, but his members of the Doom Patrol were all watching the fun happily under a wooden shed next to the dock to shelter from the rain.

"It turns out that our bad old man can also make magic props... I didn't even know it." The film man, who was covered in bandages, whispered to Elastigirl beside him.

"He had a close relationship with some mages in the past, and they were very talkative." Rita replied, but she was not surprised: "It seems that his brain is not broken, and his craftsmanship has not been lost."

"Then do you think he still remembers us secretly drinking the wine he hid?" Elemental Girl asked in a low voice.

"No, he didn't even notice, because after we drank the bottle of wine, we changed the iodine solution from the infirmary and mixed it with water and put it back into the bottle. From the outside, the color looks exactly the same."

Crazy Jane was very sure, because the room she lived in was closest to the wine cellar, and she had not heard the chief's screams in these days.

There’s no one who doesn’t scream after drinking iodine, right? No way?

"That's good. Tell him, he obviously saved so much good wine, but he didn't drink it. He just kept it in the basement. Is he preparing to entertain guests at his funeral? We should also be guests. We drank a lot in advance. Reasonable."

The actress took out a cigarette and passed it around to everyone. Seeing the old man making trouble, they only needed to be responsible for complaining.

Everyone nodded in agreement with her statement, and decided to drink secretly next time. But unlike these people, the Teen Titans were all soaking in the rain at this time, studying the horn in front of them, or its official name, Cross Dimensional communicator.

"The design is exquisite and reasonable." The giant spirit told Damian his judgment. This thing is really useful: "But the wooden shell may shorten its lifespan."

"So horns are better?" Emiko tugged on her hood and covered her eyes with shadows: "We are really going to become primitive people now. Look at my bow."

The bow and arrows she originally used were the same model as her brother Oliver's. It was a composite bow made of the latest alloy material. The arrows it shot were accurate and stable. It was effortless to draw the bow. At critical moments, the bow could be used as a melee weapon.

But now, she only had a branch in her hand with a thread tied to it, which was very crude.

"Whatever, can you just blow this trumpet? Then I'll do it." Crushed volunteered to use this thing because she is the person with the strongest self-healing ability in the team, even if this piece of junk explodes during use , she also believed that she could not be killed by blowing up.

This was for the safety of her teammates. She always felt that the chief was not very reliable.

"That's not what it's for." Damian looked at the big speaker in front of him. This thing was about one meter high and one meter long: "This is a matter for the sorcerers. Get out of the way, Djinn, come on."

"Oh? Are you so impatient to start? Hee hee." Harley pulled the raven back and did not forget to push the chief's wooden wheel cart: "Seriously, my dear Raven, do you have any regrets now? , you don’t know wind magic?”

"Wind spells come from the Parliament of Elements." Raven lowered her head. She was held by the madwoman by the hand, with a well-behaved look: "The four magics of fire, water, earth, and wind are now almost the special skills of shamans. I am like this It is impossible for humans to be recognized by elements.”

"But didn't I remember that you can use fire spells?" Harley stretched out her hand and danced it in front of her face a few times to imitate the spell-casting movements: "Black flames."

"That's not fire, it's just the dark energy in the Three Palaces domain, presented in the main dimension in the form of flames." Raven was not impatient. Although she didn't like to talk, she always had a good attitude towards the sisters: "This matter Let’s let the djinn do it, atmospheric magic is their family’s specialty.”

Everyone else temporarily evacuated the dock, and even Batwoman lost interest in watching. She had been observing everyone's reactions to make sure it was not a prank.

So now she is still digesting the information about the Forgotten God and Prolaya, and she seems to be very worried.

Soon only the giant spirit was left on the pier. This lolita with twin tails began to form seals and cast spells. White lightning flashed in her eyes, and she soared into the sky with a big horn.

"Uh! Wait, I haven't taken refuge yet!" The armored man's cry came from the dilapidated wooden boat below. He was just watching the fun, forgetting that the chief's works were often not very stable.

However, it was too late. The Djinn gathered his magic power and pressed his palm on the wooden horn. At the same moment, the thing seemed to have changed its material, turning into white and making a strange chirping sound. .

It's like the sound that an old-fashioned radio makes when you turn the knob to adjust the station.

"It has been activated. This djinn... is very strong." Raven whispered to Harley. She looked at the girl in the sky: "I suspect she is at least five thousand years old, and she was definitely not supposed to be originally. The look of a little girl.”

"Oh, you mean Djinni? I thought you guys had known each other before." Harley took out a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and put them on her nose in the style of a female star: "Deathstroke told me She, the djinn, has a split personality. The little girl is not her main personality. Her main personality is very strong and has no humanity at all."

"Is that so?" Raven looked at the giant spirit but her eyes became much gentler. She was a little suspicious of her because of her identity as a god before, but after listening to Harley's explanation, she found that the giant spirit was actually in the same situation as herself. .

I also have another personality, Dark Raven. Although I successfully suppressed her with the help of many friends, has she really disappeared?

"Activation is complete, what should we do next to find the troublemaker?" The djinn dragged the glowing horn down from the sky, placed it in front of Damian, and asked by the way.

The dark boy thought for a moment, then he put his mouth close to the end of the horn, and after thinking for a moment, he whispered like a devil:

"The actor for Superman is about to be replaced."

"Farke! Who do you want to change? Who do you want to change?! Go to Warner and fuck your mother!"

In the rain curtain not far away, the troublemaker jumped out of the space while swearing loudly...

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