The Death Knell

Chapter 5142 Reinforcements arrive

Mr. Trouble is still the same, with a chubby body, a chubby head, and a funny little round hat.

I don’t know if all fifth-dimensional people look like this, but they seem to have a preference for circles.

Originally he was cursing when he appeared, but after he found a bunch of people watching him, and it was Damian who made the noise just now, his expression changed from anger to suspicion, and then from suspicion to surprise.

"I was fooled by you, right? Batboy? The Superman actor didn't change."

"I'm Robin, not the Batboy you're talking about." Damian approached expressionlessly and looked at the dwarf in front of him: "As for the actor you're talking about, I don't know, but I heard Deadpool say , we all live in a movie, and everyone is an actor, so I think the perspective from which you five-dimensional people look at the problem may be the so-called audience."

After hearing Damian's words, the troublemaker took a deep breath and blinked:

"It's amazing that you can actually analyze these things from the words of that psychotic Deadpool. But no matter how good you are, I have no interest in you. You have found the wrong person. The Bat Family should find the Bat Spirit. , that silly guy loves you the most, okay, I’m going back to sleep, see you guys, my game time with Superman isn’t up yet.”

The so-called play time is a tacit understanding between him and Superman. The troublemaker will come to Superman once every three months to play pranks, play games and so on.

One day is not too much, one day is not too little, that is, the interval is ninety days.

After so many years, both parties have a tacit understanding of this. Troublemaker considers himself to be Superman's most important person, so he enjoys this kind of secret between the two of them very much.

As for habitually insulting the bat spirit, this is also his habit. One of them likes Superman and the other likes Batman. They both believe that DC Comics will be finished if they lose their favorite characters, so they often have disputes and battles over this.

The Troublemaker says that Superman is the pillar of DC, and the Bat-Elf will say that Batman is DC's real father. Neither of them can convince the other, so even though they are both paranoid fans with sick brains, the relationship between the two Not really.

"Superman is missing and we are looking for him." Seeing the dwarf leaving, Damian immediately told the situation. This was the key word.

Sure enough, when Mr. Trouble heard these words, his half-disappeared body reappeared with a 'wave', and he frowned:

"What do you mean? What do you mean by missing? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Superman is omnipotent and is the god on earth... Could it be that Perpetua is back?"

Two months ago, Troublemaker was involved in that incident. He wanted to prevent Superman from falling into the hands of Perpetua, and even tried to overwrite the world for this purpose, but was stopped by Bat-Elf.

"Literally, dwarf." Harley came over, chewing gum in her mouth, and said like a social lady: "And Superman was kidnapped once not long ago, and it was my little bee who rescued him. of."

She was very proud when talking about Deathstroke. Every time she met someone, she would tell them about the big things they had done recently. To put it bluntly, they were showing off.

As an independent woman in the new era, she does not rely on men for survival, but this does not prevent her from showing off her man and enjoying the surprised or shocked expressions of the audience to satisfy her vanity.

She is a psychiatrist and knows that being too vain is not good for mental health, but it feels good.

"Is there such a thing? It's not mentioned in the comics..." The troublemaker was not angry at being called a dwarf. He was now preoccupied with the disappearance of Superman and didn't care about the title issue at all: "Last time Who kidnapped him?"


Harley looked at the fifth-dimensional man and thought he looked funny, so she laughed:

"Haha, you, Snow White's follower, do you know this guy? I guess you don't know that you are already behind the times. If our world is really a movie, then I guess you fell asleep in the cinema."

"But this is impossible. I have read all the Superman comics, movies, and TV series, and there is no villain codenamed 'Blank' at all?"

The troublemaker didn't understand, but he was shocked because he discovered that the story of Earth 0 was different from the comic book he bought.

It was promised that "Dark Metal" would be followed by the "Future State" series. Although those stories were extremely crappy and would probably turn into a parallel world in the end, the game I designed for the next meeting was set in that world. It's down.

Looking at the present, he realized that, let alone the future, he seemed to be in a primitive society. The Gotham City in the distance was dark, as if it was haunted.

There are no cars on the road, and Batwoman's luxury yacht has turned into a leaky wooden sampan. The most outrageous thing is that the Doom Patrol actually appeared in Gotham? Is Batman dead? How dare you let a terrifying creature like Crazy Jane enter your own city? !

Looking at Crazy Jane a little warily, the troublemaker finally understood why Damian dared to contact him. It was really scary to have this plug-in with multiple personality splits at the scene.

"It seems that there are some deviations between what you know and what we have experienced." Damian touched his chin, and the rain fell on his cloak and made a crackling sound: "But those are not important, what is important is The question is, do you believe us now? Do you believe that Superman is missing?"

The boy's voice became dark and hoarse. He didn't know when he activated the voice changer, but the voice didn't sound like Batman's usual frequency, but like Deathstroke's voice change profile.

"Believe you? Hehe, I don't." The troublemaker rolled his eyes, with a crooked mouth and a smile that didn't deserve a beating: "This is Gotham, and you don't have a single good person in Gotham. I'll go to Superman's house and check it out myself. , he must be waiting for me well in the metropolis."

After saying that, he disappeared in front of everyone with a "buji". This was the way to travel through dimensions and went to the metropolis.

Damian was very calm. He took out a few cans of drinks from his pocket and distributed them to everyone. As for how to drink water in the rain, it can only be said that it is an advantage that Gotham people have evolved to adapt to the environment.

He sipped the orange juice and counted silently in his mind. When he counted to ten, he saw the troublemaker appear out of the air with a ghostly expression on his face.

"Superman is really missing. It shouldn't be. His importance to DC Comics is self-evident. What kind of idiot editor would exclude him from the story?"

While muttering to himself, he took off his hat and rubbed it in his hands. The rain passed directly through his body, making the dwarf floating in the air look like a ghost.

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