The Death Knell

Chapter 5143 Western Sands

"This town looks exactly like what I saw in Western movies."

Hermione stepped out of the carriage, put the cowboy hat on her head, and slowly turned around to look around.

After all, the horse bandits encountered on the road were just the opening act. After some of them were killed, the others ran away on horseback, so the rest of the journey was very dull.

However, other tourists were very excited. The androids were essentially like the tin ducks in the amusement park, but they looked exactly like real people. Defeating them would naturally give people a sense of accomplishment.

So after everyone got off the bus at the crossroads in the center of the town, other families were noisily carrying their luggage, and the children were jumping up and down asking their parents if they had just seen themselves defeating the bad guys.

The parents obviously know the situation of this park better and told their children that after the tour, everyone's experience here will be recorded and can be taken home, which is also included in the package.

The center of the town is very lively, and the locals are friendly. However, Jinsha Town looks like a place with a relatively worrying living environment. In addition to not even a blade of grass on the roadside, there is also a gallows standing in the middle of the intersection. , it looked like it had been maintained regularly, and the noose was coiled and patinated.

After Su Ming got out of the car, he was looking at the gallows. He was very interested in this retro torture instrument. He even wondered if he could recreate the famous "fish out of water" scene by putting Deadpool's head in it.

After listening to the student's words, he withdrew his gaze from the gallows and turned to look at several buildings in the center of the town.

Of course, the intersection is formed by four landmark buildings. One is the hotel where everyone is going to stay, one is a bank, another small building is the Sheriff's Office, and the third is a gun shop.

"Of course it's the same as in the movie. Bai Bobo's design must have referenced a lot of film and television dramas and historical materials. After all, he is not a time user."

He answered Hermione in a calm tone, put his arm around her shoulders and patted her:

"Our room should be upstairs in this hotel, but it's still early. If you want to play, just take the sisters there. The orangutan and I will go to the pub for a drink."

In fact, the tourists also saw the orangutan and regarded him as a white orangutan. Fortunately, they could only nod at most, rather than being fanatical fans who wanted to take the orangutan to participate in various competitions in the town. It's a little inappropriate.

This is just like the GM himself participating in the game, which will make players uncomfortable because it loses fairness. No one likes unfair competitive games.

"Okay, then give me some money. I only have gold galleons and silver coxes with me." Hermione stretched out her little hand and asked the professor for money very skillfully: "I'm going to take Jaina and Yin Ruil to buy some spears. Then go and participate in the horse roping competition.”

After all, it is an amusement park. As soon as everyone lands, they can observe many activities that they can participate in.

They exist very discreetly in the surroundings, without any obtrusiveness. They are either paper notices posted on the exterior walls of buildings, or people wearing salesman's clothes handing out flyers.

For example, a farmer organizes a horse roping competition, the hotel where everyone is staying has a poker competition tonight, the gun shop will organize a shooting competition tomorrow, and there are some other activities that you can participate in.

Of course, these all require registration fees and are not included in the package. Moreover, after tourists participate, they will also face competition from bionic contestants. It is probably a bit difficult for ordinary people to win prizes.

However, there should also be free projects. For example, some people say they want to experience the life of cowboys back then?

Then you can look for work on the wooden board in front of the hotel. There are notices recruiting people to shovel cow dung, and there are also people hiring people to cut grass.

"Why buy a gun? I brought a lot of them here." Su Ming didn't have this world's money, but he had hard currency in his hand. He said this, but he still took out a pile of animal skins from his pocket. , both wolf and bear, were thrown to the witch: "Are you planning to participate in tomorrow's shooting competition?"

"That's boring." Hermione hugged the fur that was taller than herself, and made a sound from between the fur with her small mouth: "We are going to get some lever-action rifles to play with, and then do the reward mission."

She was talking about the notice board at the door of the Sheriff's Office. There were many reward notices posted there. It was a typical Western style, with a long list of numbers, and then below it was a mugshot of the suspect, the area of ​​activity, what crimes had been committed, etc. text description.

As I said before, Hermione received a full set of mercenary training, and bounty hunters were also considered a type of mercenary to a certain extent. She couldn't help it when she saw the bounty order.

"Okay, then you can go ahead and play. The possibility of Proraya attacking you is very slim. I will protect you."

Su Ming waved his hand and sent the three girls to go play by themselves. He promised Hermione to go to the amusement park and finish some of it first today.

Watching the three of them holding the furs and going to the store to change money, Deathstroke carried Bobo and walked into the hotel. Hotels in this era often had bars on the first floor and accommodation upstairs, so they were very lively.

The yellow door swayed behind the two of them, and the hall was filled with smoke. The shabby piano only had an inaccurate tone, but under the hands of a musician, it produced cheerful music.

Vulgar noises, arguments, and drunken nonsense all reached the ears of one person and one monkey in an instant. This is the style of the Old West.

If you hadn't known in advance that this was an android amusement park, you might have thought you had traveled through time.

"Two glasses of whiskey." Walking to the bar, Su Ming sat down on the bar stool and pointed at the orangutan: "Charge it to his account."

Yes, Su Ming didn't need money. After all, he was surrounded by Bobo. The difference between his own orangutans and the orangutans in this world was not something that an android could distinguish clearly.

In addition, there must be a program backdoor here that allows Bobo to have the highest authority in the park.

If the boss goes to his own amusement park, why should he pay for it? Isn't this just as funny as if Su Ming went to eat Wilson's fast food and had to pay the bill?

He guessed correctly. The bartender behind the bar raised his head and glanced at Bobo. His eyes suddenly became distracted. He obviously entered the backstage mode. After the orangutan nodded to indicate that he would charge his own account, he immediately brought the drinks that the two of them wanted.

Leaning on the bar, with the fan spinning lazily above your head, touching the revolver on your belt, drinking wine mixed with water, this was probably the life of cowboys back then.

The drunkard gorilla drank half of the glass in one gulp, smiled and shook his head. He listened to the music and said to the death knell:

"The wine is not good, it is too watered down. The other me has really forgotten my roots. I obviously started by opening a bar, but now I can't even order good wine."

"This is the Yellow Flag style of the Old West. All the wine in those days had to be watered down. What good wine could the bitter cowboys drink? Their money was either used for gambling..."

As he spoke, Su Ming pointed to a table in the distance where cowboys were playing poker, and then pointed to the waitresses who were carrying plates in the store but not properly dressed at all:

"Either you spend it on bathing. There are many cheap small single rooms upstairs. They only have a bed, a bathtub, and only a door."

The word cowboy sounds cool, and people can easily associate all kinds of handsome scenes with this profession.

But to put it bluntly, they are just ranch workers.

"It seems you understand very well." Bobo blinked and showed a bad smile.

"How dare you doubt my good character of being clean and self-sufficient? What a bad monkey." Su Ming, who was drinking, reached out and patted his head, and scolded with a smile: "When this matter is settled, I will send you to my Contland." Sia, ask the adjutant to make ten gorilla prostitutes for you and serve you well."

Bobo immediately waved his hands and refused wildly. He really couldn't stand the gorilla's trick. Deathstroke always made fun of it. It was so dark!

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