The Death Knell

Chapter 5144 Accidental Puzzle Solving

The two joked and made noise for a while, then quietly leaned on the bar, drinking low-quality wine and observing the surroundings.

"Slade, do you think the world of Prolaya's captives is also an amusement park like this?"

The orangutan suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He grabbed the edge of the bar with a serious look on his face.

"It's a bit similar, but the usage is definitely different." Deathstroke took out his cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. He raised his head and looked at the rotating fan and the blackened wooden ceiling: "Don't forget, Prola Ya is the goddess of nothingness, what she pursues is the return of all things to nothingness, and this is the only thing she pursues.”

Strictly speaking, that goddess is not an evil god, but what she pursues is undoubtedly a disaster for human beings. Everyone's stance is different.

She is part of the great cycle of the universe. Everything returns to nothingness, and after a long time, a new world is born from nothingness, giving birth to life and sanity, and then returns to nothingness in a long time.

It's a bit like the Sky in Marvel, except that the Sky will change from generation to generation, renewing generations through the explosion of the 'cosmic egg', but she won't, she is a matrix that will not die, and the cycle will happen to her again and again. in the body.

"It's really troublesome. Why do you think we always have to encounter such mentally ill opponents?" The orangutan also lit up his pipe and smoked smoke with Deathstroke. The way he sighed was completely in line with the characteristics of an unlucky man.

"It's just the right time, or maybe we know too much."

Su Ming gave this answer.

It was a perfect coincidence, which to put it bluntly was unlucky. Everyone just happened to catch up with the beginning of this cycle.

Knowing too much is a more idealistic statement, because if you don't know anything, then you probably won't feel anything at the moment of death, so there is no need to worry.

The so-called "ignorance is also a kind of happiness" is probably like this.

"So we have to wait for Batman to make progress first?" The orangutan sighed. Now he and Deathstroke are trapped in a cube nesting doll, and they may be peeped by Proraya all the time. This feeling is not very good. .

"Well, we always talk about the word 'time and space'. Time must come before space. Only after his side has made some progress that I expected, can I easily take advantage of that."

Su Ming nodded and didn't bother to talk to the orangutan about this in detail on the way, but that was enough.

The black-haired animal took another puff of cigarette. He squinted his eyes to avoid the harsh smoke and asked, "Would it be more effective if we swapped the environments between you and Batman at the beginning?" a little better?"

"Do you really think it depends on Batman?" Su Ming laughed and took another sip of wine: "The key is actually my bitch cousin."

At this time, the music in the bar changed, turning into more fast-paced dance music, and the android prostitutes I saw before had also begun to get the tourists to dance.

Naturally, Su Ming was also involved. The western aesthetics of this era were very traditional, and girls only needed to have big breasts, so these androids were made to be very vulgar.

"No, I don't dance." Su Ming dismissed the sexy bitch who came over to rub her against her, and then said to Bobo: "Before I came in, I thought this amusement facility was for all ages, but I didn't expect it to be there. There are graded projects, so the other you is actually infected by the darkness of Earth minus 16."

As mentioned before, each dark multiverse has its own darkness, just like the extreme feminist society of Earth Minus 11, here there are all kinds of enjoyment and chaos.

"It seems like this. Although he complained about the life attitude of the super second generation, he himself also played games with the beautiful doctor, remember?"

The orangutan lying on the bar and blinking sighed, obviously having complicated feelings about his other self:

"I'm not surprised that there is such a game in his amusement park. After all, even I am not a hero in the true sense."

"Don't belittle yourself, man." Su Ming picked up the orangutan, put him on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Don't compare with others, compare with other chimpanzees, and you will find that you are simply a saint in the animal world. Already..."

That's right. Why would a chimpanzee hold itself to human standards? What is the difference between this and the standards required by humans to get dinosaurs?

"Fake, what you said really makes sense!" Bobo smiled. He bared his yellow teeth and scratched his cheek: "I estimate that if it were placed in ancient times, I would be able to speak just because I can speak. I can become a gorilla god."

"...Huh?" Su Ming paused while drinking. He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes became playful.

"What's wrong with you?" Bobo noticed this. He sat on the man's shoulder and reached out to touch his forehead.

"What you just said reminded me that that is the standard for becoming a god." Deathstroke put down his wine glass and looked at the dancing tourists and bionic people on the dance floor: "Why are the forgotten gods called gods? Who defined them? This point? You must know that at that time, apes did not have the ability to speak, so the word 'god' may be the key..."

"I didn't find the key. They are actually more closely related to the power of faith, right?" The orangutan was a little unsure. He felt that language was not the key to faith.

"It's not the key here." Su Ming smiled and toasted with the orangutan, and tapped his ear with his finger: "Adjutant, help me contact Batman. Bobo just found the answer from him."


At this time, the Batman team was huddled in the dark cave. This was just a small hole on the slope. It was a bit difficult to accommodate a few people, let alone the wounded Lao Jie Yin and the small proportion. Fat.

Diana originally wanted to guard the entrance of the cave, but Deadpool said that since he has the ability to heal himself, it would be safest for him to let loose at the entrance of the cave, because even if a god suddenly appeared and chopped off his head, he would still be alive. .

Heroine and Barry were moved for a short time by this, but only for a short time, because they discovered that Deadpool's request to be at the entrance of the cave was not actually for fun, but to play with water.

He didn't like showering, but with the cave to protect him from the rain, he didn't worry about it anymore, and then he continued to get sick.

At this time, the accumulated water formed a small round puddle outside the entrance of the cave. The bitch took off his mask and spoke to the pool on the black earth:

"Mirror, Mirror, tell me, who is the most handsome man in the world?"

"It's you, it's you!"

The bitch held her throat and played two roles again, asking and answering questions to herself.

"Hahaha! Hehehe! Sure enough, I am indeed the most handsome man. I knew that in this dark era, I am like a firefly in the night, so dazzling and bright. Magic mirror, you are really I love telling the truth."

He laughed and seemed very happy, but because he took off his mask, his teammates except Batman were not very happy.


The sound of retching could be heard in the cave.

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