The Death Knell

Chapter 5146 Classification of Gods

There were not many glowing things in the dark cave, only Diana's lasso, Deathstroke's projection, and... Deadpool's butt.

This bitch is a little skinny because he was burned by the hot rain just now. Considering the conversation between his cousin, Bobo and Batman, he neither understands nor is interested, so why not take this opportunity to deal with it? What about the dead skin on your butt?

The skinned buttocks revealed the muscles and fascia underneath, which were quite smooth and reflected light like a mirror.

"Put on your pants, or you'll be charged."

Su Ming was a little speechless. Fortunately, everyone had their backs to Deadpool at the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, if they saw this scene, they would probably vomit until they lose their fighting ability.

The trick of deducting money is still useful, and in many cases it is more useful than "hand sliding". When everyone turned to look at him, Deadpool quickly lifted up his pants, and pretended to turn his head to look out of the cave and cursed:

"Who is he? He actually took off his pants and ran around? It's really outrageous!"


Everyone was speechless, because looking out from the entrance of the cave, the rain was filled with heat. It could be seen that the temperature was not low, and it might even be boiling water. I guess no one would run to the open air at this time, right?

"Forget it, Slade, leave him alone and continue talking about your topic." Bobo covered his mouth and managed to make a sound. Because he was sitting on Deathstroke's shoulder, he just saw some things that normal people should not see. thing.

However, he is also a person who has become accustomed to vomiting, and his willpower is pretty good, so he can still endure it now.

"Okay, let me continue the previous topic and say that I have been to many worlds and met many guys called gods, but generally speaking they can be divided into five categories."

Deathstroke, who was leisurely in the hotel room, walked to the window, looked at the yellow Gobi Desert in the distance, drank wine and talked about what he had summarized:

"Powerful beasts or elements, people or things that are considered to have superpowers, people who help mankind develop or leave great achievements, abstract concepts that do not exist in reality, and extremely terrifying evil spirits, these are the five categories."

"Well, it makes sense." Diana had the most say in this regard. She nodded her head: "It's like Zeus. He was originally a human, but he just deceived witchcraft energy from Hecate."

With divine power transformed by witchcraft, even if you have superpowers, this falls into the second category.

"Should God be considered the fourth category?" Barry was also thinking, and took the initiative to apply the standards given by Deathstroke: "Everyone talks about God, but no one has ever seen God. This is the standard existence form of concepts. "

Like death and fate, people can describe them, but no one has seen them.

It's one thing to see the concept of the Endless Family embodied, but the concept itself is another.

Just like now, the eldest brother 'destiny' died in the hands of Darkseid, but the destiny of the world and people still exists, it is not dead.

"I don't know if I'm sick, but now when I think of scary demons, I can only think of the Laughing Bat." Black Wally said this, and he shuddered, obviously having some psychology towards that crazy Batman. shadow.

He just heard Wally Bai say that the Laughing Bat later evolved into the Dark Knight, which seemed to have become a god.

While everyone was talking and having different opinions, Batman remained silent. He seemed to have understood the meaning of Deathstroke and the plan hidden behind these clues.

The five major categories Deathstroke mentioned should be correct. It is not ruled out that he may have hidden one or two types. But with Diana here, it is impossible for him to hide mission-related information, which would also lead to her death.

In other words, even if Deathstroke did hide something, it was an option that he believed was not important to the current time and would not affect the plan.

For example, Batman can cite the example of the sixth type of god, which is the 'mechanical god'. When technology develops to an extremely high level, the robots created often have powerful powers like gods.

Take Brainiac for example. He has always wanted to gain emotions. To put it bluntly, he is pursuing perfection and allowing himself to ascend on a higher level. He may not understand the concept of God, but green-skinned alien robots also Want to be a perfect creature.

A perfect creature and a kind of god.

After a slight lapse in thinking, Batman took it back and analyzed the five gods proposed by Deathstroke.

Proraya is undoubtedly an abstract concept that does not exist in reality. There is nothing to say about this. They are all gods of nothingness, so they must be related to the concept of nothingness.

But the forgotten gods under her are obviously not some kind of concept. They may be able to use the power brought by some concepts, but they themselves are not at a high level, otherwise they will not be forgotten.

First of all, we can see from the example of Amo that they are not beasts, nor should they be elemental creatures. They are not human, at least they have not made any contributions to mankind that can leave their names in history.

Then they are either 'people or things with superpowers' or 'terrible demons'.

The devil can be ruled out. Amo can communicate with people and looks like a human being. This is not the kind of opponent who takes advantage of fear.

No one understands fear better than Batman. He can feel that Amo is not the same. Even this strange god has no intention of scaring anyone.

Therefore, in the eyes of Deathstroke, the Forgotten Gods are people or things with super powers...

In this way, there is a difference between Prolaya and her men, and this difference is the breakthrough point. The key lies in their superpowers, so that they can be worshiped as gods by the ancient apes in this era.

And as long as one's own team targets this point and does something that even these gods can't do, they can replace them and be regarded as gods by the apes, thus allowing those gods who seem weaker to be forgotten.

Just like the period of pandemic of belief in God, many small religions have also been cut off due to this.

In this way, by solving the Forgotten Gods by himself, it is equivalent to cutting off the manpower to help Proraya. If Deathstroke wants to stop anything else, she will have to do it herself.

It's a good plan.

Thinking of this, Batman spoke. He looked at the projected death knell: "There is another question. In addition to the God of Forgotten, Prolaya also has strange hands and red-haired monkeys. How do you deal with them?"

"She used concepts to shape those things, so what do you think I will use my own concepts to create?"

Deathstroke answered him with a smile, obviously knowing that Batman had understood the plan, so there was no need to talk nonsense:

"The Forgotten Gods are too human-like. They have the ability to think independently and act independently. It's best to get rid of them first. The ones you mentioned running around with severed arms and legs don't have these functions. Haha, you and me We all know that a brainless enemy is just a frightening beast..."

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