The Death Knell

Chapter 5147 God’s Weakness

"Well, I already understand what you mean, but action will take a while."

While the others were still confused, Batman nodded. He looked at Deathstroke's carefree look and said so.

"It's okay, I don't have a big problem here. You see, Bobo and I are still on vacation. Although I don't know what Prolaya's plan is for me, but she has been hiding now. Even if I want to make progress, Disaster."

As he spoke, Su Ming raised the wine glass in his hand, as if toasting Batman:

"I don't care what you do, but it's best to plan carefully and don't sacrifice anyone. Take your time. The death of one person is an unnecessary loss for us."

"I will." Bat nodded, and then he was about to cut off the communication. Deathstroke had said everything he had to say, which meant it was useless.

Quickly cut off the communication before this person tells another Martha joke.

"Don't worry, Bat. I wonder if you know Chinese? In terms of reading and writing." Deathstroke suddenly asked, and he showed a serious face to indicate that he was not joking.

"Why do you ask."

The dark bat immediately switched to Chinese to talk to him. His accent was very standard, and there was no trace of the local dialect.

"The word "神" in Chinese is actually a compound word. It consists of two parts: "shi" and "shen"." Su Ming told Batman about ancient Chinese characters. He even took out a small book from his pocket and took it. Draw on it with a pen.

"Well, showing means showing, I understand that." Batman wanted to know what 'Shen' stood for, but he couldn't say a question, he just said what he knew, and then stared at the death knell.

To be honest, Batman is quite fun sometimes, and Su Ming somewhat understands the Joker's mentality.

But now is not the time for joking. The sooner Batman gets it done, the sooner his plan can be implemented, so he nodded:

"If you know something about Chinese, it will be much easier to explain. 'Shen' is actually a pictographic character. It consists of '日', which represents the sun, and an extra vertical line."

At this point, only Bat could keep up with his thoughts. Diana and Barry beside him seemed to have mosquito-repellent vortexes emerging from their eyes. Su Ming simply ignored them and tore off the paper with the word 'god' written on it. I wrote another disassembled 'application':

"Then here comes the brain teaser. Please listen to the question. This vertical line represents something falling in the sun. So what is it?"

It is a somewhat difficult problem, at least for most foreigners. It has always been difficult for them to learn Chinese, let alone the word-making problems that involve history and ancient legends.

But Batman is not an ordinary person. He has traveled around the world, and his extraordinary mind also gives him an extraordinary memory. While he has a photographic memory, he also has very strong logical thinking ability.

He gave the answer immediately, almost without thinking, even faster than the Riddler's riddles.

"It's lightning."

The corners of his mouth turned down without hesitation. The moment he said the answer, he seemed to be smiling a little bit, but that was just an illusion after all. A normal Batman wouldn't smile. unusual.

"Why lightning?"

After hearing this word, Barry immediately got out of the meandering words before, and he asked Batman curiously.

"In the legends of many Eastern countries, lightning is regarded as the most powerful and yang energy. It is also called the 'fire of the sun' and can drive away evil spirits."

However, it is impossible for Batman to explain, but don't forget that Bobo is still there. He has now understood, and translated to The Flash with shining eyes:

"I don't know much Chinese, but in ancient times people regarded the sun as a big fireball. What fell from the big fireball was of course the fire of the sun, which was also lightning. So the word 'Shen' was used in the ancient times of the Celestial Dynasty. , it should represent lightning.”

"That's right, my monkey secretary, I'll give you a reward."

Smiling, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, took out a can of Skywalker beer from his belt, gave it to Bobo for him to taste, and continued:

"Before, I asked Deadpool to hold the communication projection plane and turn it to observe the environment over there. In addition to the charred core of the big tree that allowed me to determine the time point where you were, I also saw the black earth. and the sky, and the ever-increasing flashes of light between the clouds.”

Yes, I didn’t think it was anything when I saw it at the time, but what Bobo said accidentally at the bar made Su Ming connect many clues together.

The black sky is meaningful. It is not simply the current earth environment, nor is it the origin of high temperatures, but...

"Dark clouds are ordinary, you mean the lightning in them is extraordinary." Diana also had a special feeling for lightning. Although Zeus died and was killed by the death knell, he was also her cheap father...

Su Ming nodded approvingly to Xiao Dai, but he didn't intend to sell it off. He quickly expressed his opinion:

"That's right, if you think about it, the body structure of apes and Homo sapiens is not much different. The structure of their eyeballs determines that they also need light to see. Living in a dark world, things that shine are more dazzling. Ape-man The glowing area cannot be touched, making it even more mysterious. At the same time, when a light suddenly lights up in the dark, people cannot stare at it... they can only close their eyes."

"These dark clouds are like a curtain, and the lightning is the bat light." Deadpool, who had always been quiet, understood this. He immediately gave an example to help others understand, although those who haven't understood it yet may only be Jieyin was in a coma.

"Apes in this world also have no language. They live all over the world, but one thing they have in common is that as long as they look up, they can see the dark sky."

Barry breathed a sigh of relief. He hugged the black child and rubbed the latter's shoulders twice:

"The light on the black curtain is the way the forgotten gods show their authority and promote their beliefs. The apes long for the light of lightning and are afraid of the thunder that accompanies it. They cannot understand these natural phenomena, so they become Our enemies have an opportunity to take advantage."

At this point, he was still a little bit sad. As a Flash, he didn't know how he came up with this code name in the first place.

Wouldn’t it be better to call him ‘Quick Man’ or ‘Scud’?

In this way, when his teammates are discussing how to deal with 'Lightning', I won't feel creepy, especially when Batman is squinting his eyes to think.

"Then the solution is simple, either let the dark clouds clear, or let the lightning stop." Diana thoughtfully, the former is not easy to do, but the latter...

It's a pity that she has no say in this team, especially since Deathstroke just emphasized that no one should be sacrificed when Batman makes a plan.

"I already have a plan, just wait for the news."

The Dark Knight said this, then took out a small thing from his belt and pressed it to cut off the communication.

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