The Death Knell

Chapter 5149 World Cutting

"They are tourists who came with us."

While the death knell was hanging the body up with a fishing rod, the orangutan made his own judgment. He looked at the wet body and tilted his head to see:

"I have an impression of his face."

The reason why the head was tilted was because the corpse's head was about to fall off. His neck was cut off with a sharp weapon, and only a small amount of flesh on one side was still connected, which caused the corpse's head to tilt to one side.

"Not only that, there was a penetrating wound on his chest, caused by a machete; there was a circle of wounds on his left leg, which was caused by a bear trap."

The woods beside him rustled, and Su Ming added some findings. He was a little interested in the death method of this body.

He obviously came to the amusement park, but not even an hour after entering the amusement park, the first deceased person appeared. This meant that Proraya might be here and she wanted to play a game with Deathstroke.

In other words, a new round of enlightenment is about to begin again.

"So, don't tell me that this river is connected to a lake, and that lake is called Crystal Lake." Bobo took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it. He had also watched "Friday the 13th", and the killing techniques became more and more familiar to him. The more it looks like it was written by 'Sunshine Boy' Jason.

"Prolaya is here, and she is mixing elements from other worlds into our current world." Su Ming laughed, and he looked up at the sky: "If I guess correctly, this town, along with us These people should have been completely isolated from Earth Minus 16."

There is no change in the sky, the sun is warm, the sky is blue, and the clouds are still moving lazily and slowly.

"Isolated? You mean, Prolaya used this Western Pavilion as the background to create a world for us?" The orangutan raised his eyebrows. He dropped the fishing rod and climbed onto the man's shoulder. This seemed to be more Feel more secure.

"Yes, this venue is originally a script. It has a set time background, a fixed spatial environment, and an interesting script outline. It is a ready-made story. Let alone Prolaya, just change it to me and give it to this If enough energy is injected into a place, it can become a new single universe."

Deathstroke calmly tugged at the corpse a few times, and then let Strangler taste the man's brain, only to find that there was nothing but river water in the corpse's skull. He immediately laughed.

If it was just a guess that Prolaya had arrived before, then now it was clear that she was responsible for erasing the corpse's brain and preventing Deathstroke from using strangulation to obtain information.

"So she wanted everything to be nothing, but ended up creating something again?" The orangutan scratched his head. This seemed a bit contradictory.

"It's not a contradiction, my old man. Just like death maintains the cycle of the soul, Proraya also maintains the cycle between matter and energy." Su Ming smiled and touched the orangutan's head, and he strangled it. Pulled out the tentacles from the skull of the corpse and shook off the water: "You can't just see the side of her that wants to annihilate everything, but also the side of her that nurtures all things."

Having said this, Bobo's expression gradually turned into surprise, because he understood.

To put it simply, in the past, he thought Prolaya's plan was a staged process.

In the first stage, she collects all the universes, then turns them into nothingness and returns them to her body; in the second stage, she begins to use nothingness to breed new universes, form a new environment, and let the cycle begin again.

But now according to Deathstroke, the two things seem to be happening at the same time. While Proraya is destroying some worlds, she is also re-fabricating some worlds.

"It's like a cow eating grass and ruminating at the same time..." said the orangutan with a disgusted expression.

"Haha, it's a very appropriate metaphor, and I can see through her new plan directly." Su Ming threw the body back into the river again and let the water take it away: "This is a delaying tactic."

When he first discovered that Proraya had put the two of them into a newly born world, Su Ming also wondered if the goddess didn't want to continue to confront him head-on, so he simply created a new world and put everyone in it. No need to go through the cycle, just 'pass' directly.

This is actually not bad. Anyway, Su Ming just wants to protect herself and her friends, and she does not necessarily have to fight Prolaya. If she is willing to exclude people and things related to the death knell from the material cycle, then of course good.

The road faces the sky, everyone goes to one side, there is nothing wrong with it.

But soon, Su Ming realized that this was just a delaying tactic. The newly created world was just an intermediate product of rumination. Prolaya wanted to use this step to confuse himself and make him loose his fighting spirit.

It can even be said that even if she really lets everyone go, wouldn't accepting her arrangement mean that she is still accepting her teachings?

I almost fell for it, she is such a cunning goddess.

Fortunately, I am not fighting alone. With the existence of the orangutan as my secondary brain, sometimes I can really think more carefully and be calmer.

"She also threw a corpse to us so that we could play with it during the break?" Bobo sneered and pinched the brim of his hat: "So this is also taking advantage of human curiosity?"

"Probably, I am really curious about who killed this poor guy, but the appearance of this body proves that she didn't want to talk to me at all, but was trying to paralyze and mislead me."

Su Ming put down his fishing rod, stood up again, and threw the remaining handful of insect bait into the water:

"To be honest, it's a bit superfluous. If she didn't send a monster to kill this person and dumped the body in front of us, I really wouldn't necessarily doubt her sincerity."

"If I want to be sincere, I should talk to you face to face, right?" The orangutan watched the fish in the river swim over and grab the bugs: "But it seems like she doesn't plan to do that."

"Prolaya is different from Mother Night. She doesn't like to meet people, and she doesn't like to take risks." Deathstroke shook his head. He carried Bobo and left the river. The sparse woods near the river were soon left behind. On the way back to the town, he also tried the communication: "Adjutant, can you hear me?"


As expected, communication was interrupted again. This time Prolaya patched the vulnerability of communication through resonance in the cube. So until the adjutant finds a new method, I am afraid that the spider totem bridge tuning fork communication method will not work.

"You just finished a meeting with Batman, and she came here like this. Now I doubt that Xiao Dai and the others will fall into a trap." The orangutan started to worry about others again, he is so warm-hearted.

"Don't panic, you are talking about Batman. He will consider the situation where I am being monitored by the enemy and the enemy will set up a trap. He will have a backup plan."

Su Ming seemed to trust his teammates, even though Bobo knew that he actually had few people he could trust, especially since Bat was not on the trustworthy list.

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