The Death Knell

Chapter 5150 Death Arrangement

No matter how many more corpses Proraya throws down, or how many stories are integrated into the current world, even if the current 'vase' is filled with unused flower branches, Su Ming will not move if he can't move. He has to wait for Batman. while getting the job done.

Or, it would be okay if Harley achieves her goal.

Since she and Batman have attracted the most attention from the enemy, her side will be safe. Without interference, maybe the progress will be smoothest?

With this in mind, Su Ming took Bobo back to the town and found a good place to watch others playing cards.

There was a performance today. Two cowboys were dueling for some unknown reason. In front of a small town church at noon, with everyone watching, they shot each other as the bell rang.

One was beaten to death, and the living one was captured by the sheriff. This made the tourists who saw the classic scene applaud, except for the house where the dead man lived.

The body he saw in the river before was a family of four who came here to play. At this time, his wife and two children were under the eaves of a store not far away.

The two boys were still a little excited, but the wife seemed to be aware of her husband's disappearance and was now looking around anxiously. However, the emergency communicator issued when entering the park also failed. She could not do anything now and could not contact the outside venue. Staff too.

This is for sure. The space that everyone is currently in has been separated from the original universe by Proraya and has become an independent new world. If you want to communicate with Earth Minus 16, you may need to be more advanced. , and more powerful equipment.

"The family of the deceased found that they could not contact the outside world." Bobo whispered in the ear of the death knell. He touched the black hair on the back of his hand: "Soon she will tell the news to other tourists, and then they will fall into panic and panic. Go crazy, and then start praying to God and worshiping Buddha..."

"Just these dozens of people? It's not enough to hang someone's teeth, so don't worry about it." Su Ming sat on a barrel, crossed his legs, looked at the door of the church and said, "Prolaya will continue to give me When it comes to finding things to do, we just have to stay the course and adapt to the ever-changing situation.”

"Yeah, but she has already started. If you look outside the town, it couldn't be script design, right?"

Bobo pointed to the other end of the town and looked along the loess street. He could see an army appearing there at some point.

They wore the tattered uniforms of the Confederate Army, but each member was a skeleton or mummy, and their horses were all undead creatures. They were trying to enter the village with murderous intent.

There are no unnatural enemies in superhero stories about vigilantes.

"She started to make up stories for us." Su Ming raised his hand, showed off the white light ring, and fired a beam in that direction, instantly destroying the undead army: "This is just the beginning, she will make up more and more stories. The more outrageous it becomes, until it’s beyond human comprehension.”

"Fortunately, I'm an orangutan." Bobo joked.

"I'm okay. Prolaya doesn't know what level I can understand." Putting down his fist, Su Ming shook his head. At that moment, all the nearby tourists noticed him, and they all looked surprised. He didn't Going to sign autographs for these people.

The movement of the luminous cannon naturally woke up Hermione who was choosing weapons in the gun shop. She ran out with her two sisters and saw the professor hiding in the alley, so she immediately took out her gun. He picked up his magic wand and waved it towards other tourists:

"Everything is forgotten!"

The Confusion Curse is a good spell that has miraculous effects on Muggles. People who have not practiced Occlumency will find it difficult to resist this spell.

Waving the wand continuously, she cast dozens of spells without taking a breath. In a moment, she helped the professor solve the problem of being asked for an autograph. Then with a proud look on her face, she walked into the alley and waited to be signed. Praise.

"Good job." Su Ming touched the student's head and looked out from the alley. He could see the woman whose husband was missing. She had forgotten about it and was smiling with her child: "And It’s also a bit of an unexpected surprise.”

Of course this was a happy event. She didn't know that her husband's death was already a cause for celebration, but now that she might have even forgotten that she had a husband, it was even more joyous.

"Professor, you can definitely use the memory eraser on them." Hermione raised her hand to her face and made a sign of wearing sunglasses: "Haven't you been to the world of "Men in Black"? Didn't you take that?"

"I took it, and I still have it with me, but I'm just too lazy to use it."

Su Ming, who was smoking, replied like this. He walked out of the alley, and after making sure that no one remembered what happened just now, he sat back on the wine barrel on the street:

"Prolaya will continue to make a fuss about them. The final result of these people will only be death. If you clear their memories, the best they can do is make them easy fools."

The tool for modifying memory is easy to use, but Su Ming has strangled it.

It can not only read memories, modify memories, but can even create memories. Its function is much more powerful than that flash stick.

Su Ming was carrying that thing, it was more for collection. Everyone should have a few toys in their backpack.

"Ah? Is this hopeless?" Gianna was a little sad, and the skin on the little princess's nose wrinkled: "Just because they happened to enter the same venue as us?"

"Maybe fate arranged it this way, or in other words, Prolaya arranged it this way. This may not be a coincidence."

Bobo also smoked a pipe. He had no intention of letting Deathstroke save anyone, and his words were even colder and more direct.

"The professor is right, their death has nothing to do with us." Although the other tourists are still alive and kicking, but the professor said they will die, then they are dead. Hermione calmly put away her wand: "Then Professor, we What’s next?”

"Don't do anything, just keep playing. I want to see what new ideas Prolaya has. I heard from Death before that the "Book of Destiny" was lost inexplicably. Now I probably know who the thief is."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke. He waved his hand and motioned for the girls to play. He just watched and waited here.

"Let's play together?" Hermione took the professor's arm and shook it, and said in a coquettish tone: "Although I know that as long as we are in the same world, you should be able to ensure our safety, but if I can't see you , I still feel it’s not safe.”

"Hermione is right, Master." Yin Ruil was still holding the newly purchased rifle in his hand, and he was a little clumsy at the loading lever: "You still have to teach us how to use this."

"I also think it's better to stay together." The orangutan touched his nose. Of course, he was just giving advice. If Deathstroke had other unspeakable plans, such as taking a few girls to fish, just pretend that he didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's go check out the wanted posters. If we leave the town and go play outside, maybe these tourists will die slower."

Su Ming blew a whistle, and the cloaks carrying the Druid and the female spy fell from the sky:

"The current space has been separated from Earth Minus 16, and it seems to have incorporated some settings from "Friday the 13th" and "American Horror Story." It's really getting more and more interesting."

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