The Death Knell

Chapter 5151 Tempted to join the gang

"You need to take a stand."

Damian looked at the round-headed dwarf walking around in the acid rain in front of him, as if he were looking at a rolling melon. He knew the character of Mr. Troublemaker. While he liked to play pranks, he also liked to talk very much.

To put it simply, he is very similar to a stand-up comedian. He needs someone to support him, which will speed up his thinking and action.

"Superman is mine and no one can take it away from him. He should be here!"

The troublemaker waved his fists angrily, clenched his hands in front of his chest, and shook his head wildly, as if he was possessed by an Austrian corporal. His spittle flew everywhere as he spoke:

"What's 'blank'? I've never heard of it. Where did this new character come from? And Proraya appears now. Why is she joining in the fun? What should I do? What can I do?"

Apparently he fell into a certain degree of madness after learning about Superman's recent encounters. He could not understand how Earth 0 had become like this, and he had no clue for a while.

Apart from walking back and forth on the pier, cursing, and scratching the few hairs he had left, he didn't want to do anything for a short period of time.

"Hey, stop spinning around, it makes people dizzy." Harley squatted down, reached out to grab the villain's clothes, and stopped his unnecessary movements: "Since you have no ideas, why not listen to our plan and use your How about using your superpower to cooperate with us?"

"Huh? So you are waiting for me here?"

The troublemaker opened his eyes wide and looked at Harley's face, but the little lunatic just smiled back and couldn't tell anything from his expression, so he said again:

"So you came to me because you took a fancy to my ability? This is not okay. The energy of the fifth dimension is too dangerous for you. Except for the psychotic clown, if others use it, it will turn into a puddle of ink. "

When Harley heard the name, she didn't react. After all, she had already given up and didn't want to continue the topic. She just said:

"You haven't heard our plan yet, how do you know it won't work?"

"Because what you have to deal with is Proraya. She is more terrifying than the ten-dimensional people. You may not understand what she represents!"

Mentioning the ten-dimensional people who feed on the five-dimensional people, the troublemaker shivered a little. He took out a small handkerchief from his suit pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead vigorously, and made a "gudong" sound when he swallowed.

"I know about the ten-dimensional people." The chief sitting on the wooden car spoke. He held up his fan to block the rain: "But that guy still lost to Superman and Batman in the end. How about you tell us about Prola?" What is Ya?”

That's all a super old man's story. Ten-dimensional people have an overwhelming advantage over fifth-dimensional people. One bite of a fifth-dimensional person is like eating jelly beans.

But the guy got the upper hand, and after chasing the troublemaker into the third dimension of reality, she still couldn't defeat the Justice League.

"Prolaya...she is nothing, or she can be everything."

The troublemaker sighed, found a wooden stake on the trestle, and sat down:

"The abilities she possesses are very abstract for your cognitive level. I can't explain it in a language you can understand. But the most obvious problem is that maybe every word we say and everything we do now Everything happened under her nose..."

This is equivalent to two people playing cards. One party has a hidden card and the other party has an exposed card. Which party has the advantage? Needless to say, right?

"You don't have to worry about this. It's up to Little Bee to confront her head-on. You just need to act with us and help find Superman." Harley spoke again, her dyed hair sticking wetly to her snow-white back. , she looks whiter in the Dark Star uniform.

"Yes, Harley is right, I think so too."

The rich white boy nodded, and Damian followed closely and persuaded:

"While looking for Superman, we also want to save the Earth. So far, Proraya has only used some small tricks against Earth 0. Although I don't know what she is taboo about, there is no bigger move at the moment. This is our opportunity. You don’t want Superman to face a lot of mess after you rescue him, which will delay your game time and mood, right?”

These words were said to the troublemaker's heart. He could live without anything, but he couldn't live without Superman.

For ninety days, you must play with Superman once every ninety days, otherwise the meaning of life will be lost.

Superman is very fast, so it won't be a problem to renovate the city or do other things, but if Proraya causes too many casualties on Earth 0, Superman may not be interested in playing anymore.

What this ardent fan pursues is not only to play, but also to play well and have fun, and if Superman is not in shape, he will also be disappointed.

It's like a middle-aged couple who agreed to have sex within ninety days. However, due to various chores, when the agreed time comes, one party reacts like a dead fish. Will the other party be happy?

This metaphor is a bit inappropriate when applied to Superman and troublemakers, but Harley feels that this is actually the truth. She knows how to have fun best.

"Well, let me think about it..."

The dwarf with a tangled expression grabbed his little hat hard, flattened it and rounded it in his hands, then took out a straw from his pocket and blew a soap bubble.

Videos of Superman's past are being played in the bubble, such as scenes of him saving people, such as his appearance during interviews. It may be a bit unlucky to say that his voice and smile are still there, but the man in the bubble is indeed high-spirited. Extraordinarily charming.

The more he looked at it, the more serious the dwarf's expression became, and his mouth undulated like a wriggling caterpillar, until he patted his knee hard:

"Fuck it, Prolaya stole my Superman, and she and I are at odds with each other. Can you tell me your plan?"

Damian and Harley looked at each other, and then the psychiatrist dug into his pocket, took out a prop, and handed it to the troublemaker:

"First of all, let's see if we can restore Gotham's power and bring back the lost technology to everyone's minds."

This prop is an oval wooden board with some dried paint on it, no different from a common oil painting board.

But it seems unremarkable, but it is a five-dimensional prop, and it is also a weapon that was collected by the Justice League by the Troublemaker earlier. With it, the dwarf's ability to modify reality will be enhanced hundreds of times.

Although there is no drawing board, it is just an idea for Troublemaker to change reality, but with it, the scope of modification will be greatly increased, such as expanding from the earth to the entire universe, and the speed will also be greatly increased. What originally took one second may now only take A few tenths of a millisecond.

Don't underestimate this small amount of time. Sometimes the success or failure of things can only take a few milliseconds.

"My drawing board! Why is it in your hand?" The troublemaker snatched his toy, touched it lovingly, and kissed it several times before asking Harley with a curious look on his face.

The crazy doctor laughed so hard that her entire tongue popped out of her mouth:

"Hehe, when I was changing clothes in the Hall of Justice, I took advantage of the power outage to drop in. Don't you know that Catwoman and I are also best friends?"

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