The Death Knell

Chapter 5152 Lifting off from the same place

As a fifth-dimensional person, Troublemaker is almost a god in the three-dimensional world, but he is also not omniscient and omnipotent. At least psychopaths like Harley are the type he cannot be sure about.

But those have nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter whether Harley stole this thing or Deathstroke gave it to her.

Holding the drawing board in his hand, the rain in the sky would only pass through the body and props of the fifth-dimensional man. He looked at the drawing board, took out a pen from his pocket, and dipped it in the paint on the drawing board. Then he drew a circle in the air in front of him.

With this simple stroke, the floating circle came to life. It began to gain color and turned into a three-dimensional earth shape. Then it began to rotate, lighting up tiny points of light like thousands of lights.

Next, it suddenly expanded and spread, and in just a blink of an eye, the bustling Gotham of the past was back, as can be seen from the fact that Batwoman's wooden boat turned back into a yacht.

The chief's wheelchair has returned to its original state, Ironclad Cliff's body has returned to normal, and Red Arrow's compound bow has also returned.

Watching the Bat-Lights light up again over Gotham City, Harley smiled even more happily. She still preferred this familiar Gotham to the dark metal forest.

The city you can see in front of you has come back, so the other places you can’t see should also come back, right?

"Well done, shorty." Harley wanted to slap the fifth-dimensional man on the back, but her palm passed directly through the other person's body and only slapped a ball of air and rain.

"Don't be too happy, crazy woman." The troublemaker didn't relax at all. He held the pen and stared at the sky, as if he could see the flowers from the dark clouds: "Things go too smoothly, sometimes it's not a good thing. , you should understand, right? Many stories have moments of extreme joy and sorrow.”

"Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen to me, because people say that girls who love to laugh will not have bad luck, hahaha..."

Different from the serious attitude of fifth-dimensional people, Tangdou is very relaxed. She seems to have never known what it means to be nervous.

"Everyone, stay alert!"

The expressionless Damian also issued an order to prepare everyone to fight at any time. He simply passed the chief and gave the order to the Doom Patrol.

But he obviously overestimated himself a little. The Doom Patrol not only didn't listen to the chief's command, but also didn't listen to whoever they were.

Those people didn't mean to be alert at all, and went to Batwoman's yacht to visit and play.

There was nothing Daimi could do about this, he could only purse his lips helplessly.

"Haha, have you seen it? Do you understand my usual pain?" The chief was spinning in place in his wheelchair. He opened his arms to welcome the rain, as if he was complaining about God's injustice: "My team members are particularly opinionated. With a completely independent personality, they never respect me, let alone respect others."

"Ha, that's because they don't know what respect means at all, old man." Harley chewed bubble gum and happily waited for the next development: "They suffered too much discrimination in the past, and no one respected them. They How can you respect others?"

"Well said." Emiko liked it from a distance. As a former assassin and an Asian, she has also suffered a lot of discrimination.

The rain fell on the pier, cement and steel came back, and the sound of the raindrops changed. The light beams from the distant lighthouse rotated in the dark night, like fun cartoon helicopter propellers.

Everyone waited quietly for nearly a minute, and no side effects appeared. It seemed that Proraya was very busy now, or simply did not notice the changes on Earth 0.

To put it simply, this overwriting is complete, and the Troublemaker successfully brought mankind back to modern civilization from the Stone Age.

What is civilization?

Civilization is the sum of the humanistic spirit, inventions and creations accumulated in human history that are conducive to understanding and adapting to the objective world, are in line with human spiritual pursuits, and can be recognized and accepted by the vast majority of people.

It is an accumulation of memories.

"Huh, it should be successful. I didn't feel Prolaya stopping me." The dwarf took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his head: "It seems that Deathstroke or Batman really attracted her attention, or did it Something threatening made her too lazy to pay attention to me."

Having said that, he was still a little embarrassed. He was ignored by the enemy because he was no threat. Is this a good thing? Or is it a kind of sadness?

Moreover, he is also worried that his actions may fall into the trap of the other party. If the Goddess of Nothingness really lets him do this, then the development of the next story may take a turn for the worse.

In short, before it was time to relax, he knew more deeply how terrifying Proraya was than anyone else present.

"Don't think so much, you who make trouble for others, just relax and smile." Harley blew out a bubble, and her eyes turned cross-eyed as she stared at the tip of the pink bubble: "The result is good, you are all here now." You have become a superhero, I like you so much, hee hee!"

"Huh? You suddenly say nice things about me, this doesn't suit your character..." The troublemaker became alert, and he subconsciously kept a distance from Harley, as if he was afraid of being infected with madness: " What else do you want from me? Don’t interrupt, we agreed to go find Superman, what’s your plan?”

He is not that easy to play. Although his body is like that of a primary school student, his mind is better than that of ordinary people!

Seeing that the troublemaker has shown his sincerity, Damian will naturally not hide it. His current style has strayed away from Batman's mysticism and is more like Deathstroke's fair trade.

The boy wiped the rain off his face and replied calmly: "I won't default on my debt. The plan is simple. That is to use Superman's phototaxis to provide him with a yellow color that can be seen no matter where he is. sun."

After hearing this method, the troublemaker was stunned for a moment, and then patted his head.

Yes, why did you forget that Superman has phototaxis like a moth or a mosquito? If we can't find Superman, let Superman come to us!

"I understand, let me think about how to implement it..." He held the drawing board and thought about it, but in a short time, it seemed that he couldn't think of any way to implement the plan. After all, how to draw a sun? , can see all universes and all spaces, and how can it span time?

In this regard, other people can't help much. This is no longer a category that three-dimensional creatures should consider. It is understandable that people with mental disorders think about whether parallel worlds exist every day. Study this? That means the condition has worsened.

But fortunately, among their team, they may lack other professionals, but they do not lack mental illness.

"We have a solution. We have the djinn as the djinn. Troublemaker, you draw a super oil lamp for her and give it a lot of functions. Then we rub the oil lamp and make a wish to the djinn. The wish will make you stronger. Then Now that you have gained stronger strength, you can draw a stronger oil lamp, and we can repeat this process over and over again just like building a building, and lift you two to a level beyond the multiverse, isn't that enough?"

Batwoman, who had been watching the excitement, came up with a method. She was familiar with mysterious things and was just right crazy.

As soon as this method came out, even the troublemaker was shocked. He stared blankly at the innocent-looking Batwoman, opened his mouth and stuttered for a long time before he managed to say this:

"You can really think of a way to step on the left foot and the right foot to reach the sky. You are really a talent..."

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