The Death Knell

Chapter 5153 Someone knocks on the door



The monotonous rhythm and laughter kept coming from the door. The two people in the room were unable to sleep at all because of the noise, and they could only stay alert in the hall on the first floor.

This is the mysterious house that has left the multiverse 1 and arrived in the void. It is like a shoe box floating in the rolling river. From the outside, it is constantly rotating and tumbling, being carried by the invisible river. Floating into the distance.

But having said that it is in the void, the knocking on the door and laughter are obviously not good things.

"Oops, we seem to have been targeted by something, tsk tsk." Constantine took a puff of cigarette, then fell on the sofa like a dead pig, covered his eyes with the back of his hand, and cursed loudly: "Get out! There’s no one at home, stop knocking! Knock your mother’s ass!”

For him, he can still remain calm most of the time. Even if there is a gas leak at home, he has to light a cigarette to calm down.


The sounds outside the door didn't change at all. They knocked for a while and laughed for a while. It was obvious that no matter what was knocking on the door, it either didn't understand English or was an Oedipal psychopath.

"What could be out there?"

The more serious Zatanna asked her ex-boyfriend this. Wearing fishnet stockings, she would not usually wander around in the void. Naturally, she had to ask Constantine, who was more experienced and more capable of causing trouble.

Although the reverse magic can also allow her to achieve effects such as out-of-body experience and roaming in the star world, for her, performing magic for the audience and maintaining her own theater are the most important.

"Who knows, I didn't send invitations to anyone, and there's no good food here."

Constantine, who was scratching his head, sat up, leaving a white patch of dandruff on the sofa. He squinted his eyes as if he couldn't open them, pressed his thumb against his eyelids, and replied:

"There is everything in the void, it may be living meteorites, it may be undead creatures, it may be twisted Indian bicycles, it may even be ancient ones that have disappeared long ago. I don't know how long this door can be blocked... so , do we want to do it now? If you die, you can be a happy ghost, and you don’t need to use safety measures this time."

After saying that, he smiled crookedly and showed a greasy expression, as if he felt very attractive like this.


Zatanna had no such intention, she turned around and slapped him loudly and fast, and then sprayed Zha Kang with spit on his face:

"What the hell do you think I am? A prostitute on the street?! Cheer up, we all have to survive, and we have to save all our friends. I know you deliberately said this to make me hate you, and then you If you want to sacrifice yourself, I might not stop you when I'm angry? But I've seen through your tricks, I understand you, John, and I won't allow you to use that plan."

Perhaps he was too skilled. This slap made Zha Kang vomit blood again. He seemed to be choked and kept coughing:

"Ahem, ahem! Why did you go upstairs to take a nap and then decide to save everyone? It's easy to say, who will save us? It's not bad if you can survive. Miss, are you out of your mind? Is there water?"

Although he said annoying words, Constantine didn't mention the intimate incident before, because he knew that he was seen through by Xiao Zha, and he was worthy of her.

Zha Kang does have a final plan, a final plan to sacrifice himself to save Zatanna, which is to commit suicide.

Because my soul is something that both the forces of hell and heaven want, and my soul has been sold many times to about seven hundred demon buyers...

Therefore, even in the void, as long as you commit suicide, the sin of suicide will make the soul more fragrant, making the demons unable to bear it and come to snatch the soul.

As for how many demons have the ability to enter the void, he can't say, but if there are more than 20 named demons, then no matter what is outside the door, it only takes a few seconds for Xiao Zha to activate it. Using reverse magic, he escaped safely with the House of Mystery.

But now that Zatanna has seen through this plan, it would be difficult to commit suicide under her surveillance.

"Stop talking nonsense, so I asked you to think of other ways?" Zatanna took a deep breath, and she began to try to mobilize her magic ability, but as soon as she raised her hand, she felt a splitting headache: "I can't tell you. Come out, give me some energy and use your brain!"

"To put it lightly, you also have an organ like a brain, why don't you move it?" Constantine rubbed his face and stood up from the sofa speechlessly: "Oh, women are troublesome, they only make me trouble. ...Okay, I seem to have another solution."

It was like this every time. After being slapped by Xiao Zha, it was as if his eight extraordinary meridians had been opened, and his brain's flexibility had reached a new level.

Without urging Xiao Zha, he took out a piece of black chalk made of human bone powder from his windbreaker pocket, and drew a magic circle on the floor. While drawing, he explained:

"Many people think that my House of Mystery is like a magic tower. So since it is a magic tower, it must be located on a magic node. However, Limbo Prison does not seem to have such properties..."

"Well, it seems that what you are drawing is a communication circle?" Zatanna, who interrupted his nonsense, looked down at the floor. Because her chest blocked her view, she could only bow her waist.

"That's right, dear, I won't go into the details anyway. Let's talk about the conclusion. Many sorcerers don't know. In fact, the magic nodes are invisibly connected to the Rock of Eternity, because all magic energy flows there. This This connection will not be easily blocked, and most magic is witchcraft. The source of witchcraft is the Upside Down Man. The white-skinned monster is now in the hands of Deathstroke, so I only need to throw one into the river. Drifting bottle, then this news will soon go upstream and be known to Deathstroke."

Having said this, Constantine sighed and shook his head before continuing:

"To be honest, if I have a choice, I really don't want to ask Deathstroke for help. He's so damn powerful. There's no way to counter him. I'm worried that you will leave me and fall into his arms, cough cough."

"Stop thinking about those messy things. He's not interested in me. If you think about it with your alcohol-filled brain, you should have discovered that he only likes muscular female warriors or anti-social mental patients."

Zatanna kicked her ex-boyfriend, walked to the sofa and sat down speechlessly:

"Also, I don't like his kind of violent men. Have you seen it? He slapped Xiao Dai on the head with a pan and knocked her down like a tree. This happened not once or twice. .”

"Oh, it's true."

Zha Kang completed the magic circle and coughed for a while because he wanted to laugh. He quickly took the wine bottle handed over by Xiao Zha and took a few sips before swallowing the bloody black phlegm and then lying on the ground:

"Okay, if you say that, I won't have any psychological burden when I ask him for help... Well, I'm still a little confused. Give me some motivation, like a deep dive..."


The impatient Zatanna slapped him again. This time, Constantine strengthened his confidence. He happily activated the magic circle and shouted to the floor:

"Dear Slade, I am Constantine. I am floating in the void right now. The door is blocked by monsters. Help!"

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