The Death Knell

Chapter 5154 Detective Art

"The Sheriff can't be reached at the moment. What can you do?"

After a while, the expected death knell communication did not come, but the adjutant's projection appeared above the mysterious magic circle.

She looked impatient and was busy fiddling with some data streams, pulling the floating numbers around like noodles. Anyway, it was not an action that Constantine could understand.

"Isn't it? Has Deathstroke also lost contact?" Constantine smiled. He took a puff of cigarette and scratched his hair: "Then this is a bit troublesome. As you can see, we are driving now. The mysterious house was floating in the void, but there was an unknown thing outside the door that kept trying to come in. I suspected it was the Ancient One."

There is a void outside the door, filled with all kinds of monsters, but the ones that laugh are definitely the most dangerous ones. Although Zha Kang can't see what's outside the door, he can guess at the scariest things. .

A long time ago, there were ancient beings in DC, but they disappeared later. It is said that they only exist in the dimension of 'Dream Demon'. According to the agreement between God and the giant beast, they exist in the darkest place. They shouldn't come out.

But we still can't rule out sporadic monsters running out, what if?

"We were able to communicate before, but something happened not long ago. It's not a big deal." The adjutant glanced at the detective from the corner of his eye. Of course, she would not leave him alone. After all, although Constantine was annoying, he couldn't die in vain. Drop: "What on earth do you want? Let me tell you first, the authority given to me by the Sheriff does not include helping you."

It's cheap, it's annoying, but it's useful. After all, Zha Kang is also a master of the dark arts, and his magical attainments are as superb as his deception.

"Oh? You are so kind, beautiful and kind-hearted adjutant. So, you have locked our coordinates, and the teleportation function can still be used, right?" Constantine smiled slightly, and his smoking movements seemed more energetic, flattering. He even came as soon as he opened his mouth.

I don't know how many demons he photographed in the past so that they could not tell the difference between east, west and north, but he was allowed to achieve his goal without paying any price.

But this trick doesn't work very well for the adjutant. Although her thinking is now very human, she is still a Cybertronian Autobot in essence, and she pays attention to seeking truth from facts.

So she didn't say anything and just watched what the bitch said.

"Hiss~~~cough cough." Constantine took another puff of cigarette, then coughed and spat out blood. He smiled slightly: "Has your ghost universe cut off the connection with the multidimensional one? I heard Deathstroke has his own multiverse, right?”

"So are you going to apply for asylum?" The adjutant understood that Constantine was trying to run away. She smiled slightly and switched to a business voice and said, "Okay, I'll help you register. Will you pass the meeting?" I’ll give you a reply within 72 hours.”

Others are busy trying to save their own worlds, but Constantine wants to escape. Although the adjutant has not suffered from the poison of superhero thinking, she wants to play with those who escape.

So she used "bureaucracy" to deal with the bitch. Anyway, she just registered and asked you to go home and wait for the news. If you delay, nothing will happen.

After saying this, she made a show of cutting off the communication. She had discovered that someone was sending information to the Upside Down through witchcraft, and she thought someone was going to cause trouble. But it turned out that Constantine, a scumbag, was still talking nonsense here.

"Slow down! Adjutant, don't be anxious. Let's negotiate a deal."

Although he is a scumbag, he is very shrewd. Constantine has seen a lot of the dark side of society. How could he not recognize that this was a bureaucratic rhetoric, so he chose to use another way of saying something that could attract his lieutenants.

That is to negotiate conditions.

It is well known that Deathstroke likes to negotiate terms with others. There is a saying that those who are close to the ink are evil. People who follow Deathstroke must be interested in such things as "conditions".

No matter what, you should at least hear what the conditions are, right? Could this be a 'conditioned' reflex?

On the other end of the communication, the adjutant smiled slightly. She was really curious about the conditions, so she nodded:

"Okay, I'll listen to what you're going to say. If it's valuable, the asylum approval process can be expedited."

"I know how to deal with Prolaya Mother of Nothingness. If you agree to my conditions, I will tell you the corresponding method so that you can tell Deathstroke or Batman."

Sitting back on the sofa, Constantine smiled crookedly. He spit out blood on the floor and sniffed hard, as if he was trying to suck mucus into his lungs.

"How do you know about Prolaya? Who told you the news?"

As expected, the adjutant became serious. Data was flowing in her eyes, and she began to review the monitoring of Constantine to make sure that he had not exchanged intelligence with anyone.

"Who am I? I am John Constantine, the master of the dark arts. Not long ago, I saw death himself coming out to ask me questions, plus the concept of nothingness I felt from those red-haired monkeys. If I haven't guessed who it is yet If you are making trouble, then the magic that I have learned from Xiao Zha’s father for so many years has been absorbed into the dog’s belly? Haha.”

Feeling nothingness is a mysterious term, but the bitch can really feel it. He is extremely talented and is also an exception among sorcerers.

Just because he doesn't like to cast spells doesn't mean that his spell abilities are not strong. On the contrary, he doesn't have a dark soul among the billions of people. No one would think that something that demons and angels eagerly want is a meaningless waste, right? ?

For a spellcaster, the higher the strength of the soul, or the darker it is, the higher the upper limit of energy that can be used.

This is the new era, and no one plays the ancient Atlantis classification system. Otherwise, Zha Kang would be able to select a title such as Chief Archmage no matter what.

Closer to home, after feeling the special energy fluctuations of nothingness, Constantine immediately realized where his previous sense of crisis came from. So this time, the person who wanted to attack the earth was either Mother Night or Proraya. He knew that the two The goddess exists and understands their story.

The sorcerer is a profession that relies on experience, and he just happened to inherit the House of Mystery. It is not only a magic fortress, but also a magic temple. The basement is filled with various collections of books on the mysterious side.

The book records a lot of terrifying magic, evil rituals, and many ancient secrets. You can doubt Zha Kang’s humanity, but don’t doubt his business ability. He knows as much about the magic world as an orangutan. Half a bottle of water is a lot more.

So after seeing Death and discovering that his second sister was also investigating the red monkey, he ruled out Mother Ye's suspicion. After all, Death was Mother Ye's daughter. If she really did it, the Wuwu family would not show up so easily.

So the remaining Prolaya had the correct answer. He didn't need anyone to tell him, he reasoned it out by himself.

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