The Death Knell

Chapter 5159 Not an actor

"It turns out to be you."

A group of people were watching the troublemaker painting when an arrogant voice came from behind. Everyone turned around and saw the shining bald head first, and then the red and blue uniforms on the side.

Although Luther was lifted by Superboy by the collar of his clothes and lifted from the sky like a handbag, he didn't seem to find it difficult at all. He folded his arms and raised his chin while speaking.

Everyone was indeed happy when they saw the red and blue uniforms, but after taking a closer look, they found the long shawl hair and the young and immature face, and their mood turned into disappointment.

Although Superboy-Prime is very strong, this team does not lack combat effectiveness, and after all, he is not the Superman who represents real 'hope'.

"Hi, Lex, the tabby cat, and the other Clark." Harley welcomed the three of them warmly. She waved to them with a smile: "I thought you wouldn't come to the searching party. .”

"Superman is missing, how could Lex be indifferent?" Leopard Girl gently hugged the female doctor, and their faces touched each other: "It's just that we were unlucky. The Fortress of Destruction crashed in the Central American rainforest. Luckily Superboy heard us.”

The relationship between Leopard Girl and Diana is that of enemies and friends, and Harley is also one of Xiao Dai's best friends, so the relationship between the two is not bad. Well, in fact, Harley is acquainted with everyone, and she has no relationship with anyone. Can.

"Yes, I saved them." Superboy showed a sunny smile, stretched out his hand to show his thumb, and then made several heroic poses for taking pictures: "I just noticed the drastic changes in the world, so I came to look for changes. The source is indeed in Gotham."

While speaking, Superboy also greeted everyone present. He actually wanted to gain people's recognition.

Everyone's attitude was pretty good. At least Damian shook hands with him and replied:

"It has to be Gotham, because this is where all the darkness gathers, and we can take advantage of the environment here."

"Oh, cool."

Superboy nodded and looked at Mr. Troublemaker, who just glanced at him and turned away with his mouth flat.

Because to troublemakers, Superboy-Prime is not Superman, he is not even half as good as Superman.

"Okay, that's enough for the greetings. Since I'm here, let's talk about the situation quickly." Luther interrupted everyone's greetings. For a scientist, meaningless chatting is a waste of life: "You guys Who says that? Harley?"

At this time, Luther felt another gaze, glanced slightly, and found that the chief was staring at him, his eyes seemed to be on fire, something was burning.

The bald old man just felt baffled. He hadn't offended the Doom Patrol, had he? Even when I was hanging out with Perpetua, I deliberately avoided Crazy Jane, a super bomb.

"Well, since you want to hear it, I'll tell you." Harley cleared her throat, pulled her bald head and told Leopard about what happened before.

It starts with the incident that happened in the Hall of Justice, and then talks about his return from a vacation in another world, followed by information about Amo and the forgotten god, Proraya, etc., and then everyone finds troublemakers to save the earth and It's a human thing.

Luther prides himself on being the smartest man in the multiverse, and his mental speed is not at the same level as Leopard Girl.

When the leopard was still confused and could only scratch the tip of his tail and pluck the hair, he already had a plan for the next step.

"You plan to let the djinn and the fifth-dimensional people continuously strengthen each other in order to surpass Prolaya. The plan sounds feasible, but you have overlooked one thing, so it is best to stop."

Having said this, the bald man paused. He looked around at everyone present in the rain, smiling slightly and waiting for others to ask questions.

"So what did we overlook?" Harley asked immediately. Anyway, her role is to adjust the atmosphere of the team. She should do this kind of job like being a host.

Because of Luther's previous actions, others did not trust the bald man very much, and they would not cooperate with him in speaking, even though he is now a member of the Zhenglian.

"Then you are just blindly strengthening yourselves and making the same mistakes as I did before. I only ask one question. If any of you can answer it, I will bow down and admit that I was blind this time."

Luther tilted his mouth and showed a proud smile, waiting for others to bet with him.

But no one present had any interest in betting. The few people with brains were wondering what they had overlooked, while the people without brains simply let themselves be laughed at. How could they bet with Luther?

There was nothing interesting about a one-man show. Baldhead waited for a few seconds, with only the sound of raindrops in his ears, but no one asked him questions.

In order to improve efficiency, he said the answer himself: "The question is, who of you knows where Prolaya is?"

After being reminded of this problem, everyone looked at each other and thought, yes, this is the problem.

Even if the Troublemaker and the Djinn can really strengthen each other to the limit like the left foot stepping on the right foot, it is like a person who has worked hard to train his muscles, but in the end he does not know the opponent in a boxing match. It's just as ridiculous anywhere.

No matter how strong you are, it's useless if you can't defeat the enemy.

"So what's your opinion?"

Da Mi reacted, and the look on Luther's face showed that he had other plans and felt good about himself.

"I have seen the name Prolaya in the database of the Divinity."

The bald man smiled crookedly, put his arm around Damian's shoulders, bent down and said:

"The Mother of Nothingness, and the Forgotten God who does not exist in any human record, their news is an untouchable past for humans, but not for another god."

The Divinity was Perpetua's flagship in the past. When she invaded Earth, she was aboard this spaceship that could grow in size and size.

It can be smaller than a molecule at its smallest, and can be larger than the multiverse itself at its largest. It also has the ability to travel through different universes. It is an excellent battleship.

In the final battle, Perpetua was besieged and killed by Deathstroke and Thinking Superman. Luther saw that the situation was not good and ran away with the ship. Later, after everyone's relationship eased, no one asked him to hand over the ship. come out.

Superheroes don't steal other people's things, but Deathstroke doesn't like it.

"Where is your Divinity now?" The troublemaker obviously thinks that Luther's plan is more reliable, because he knows that the plan of 'building a human ladder' is not practical, and that improvement in strength without a foundation is like a castle in the air.

Prolaya's power is reflected in the many concepts she has mastered. If you simply increase your energy level but fail to acquire new concepts, you will not be able to fight her.

As a fifth-dimensional person, the concept that we master is space, and we use the energy of the fifth dimension to modify some low-dimensional realities, but this has reached its peak.

Five-dimensional people do not have the infinite possibilities of human beings, and they cannot master other concepts, just like a person reading a paper comic book cannot obtain superpowers from it, unless the superpower is called delusion.

The person who can finally solve the problem must be the person in the story. Although the troublemaker didn't say it, he knew that he was just a passerby.

They are the audience of the story, but not the protagonist.

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